On 09/07/2014 04:21 PM, Rob Godfrey wrote:
Apologies I can't be more help, but - as above - this looks like a C++
broker / environment issue... but I have absolutely no knowledge of that

What version of the broker are you using? Is your store created on e.g. an NFS filesystem?

From: Ashwini Mandhare
Sent: Monday, September 01, 2014 5:28 PM
To: 'dev@qpid.apache.org'
Subject: qpid Java client unable to send messages


I have the C++ QPID broker component to which a Java client sends
messages. I am facing certain issues with this communication and observed
few errors.
I would like to get some information about like in what scenarios we get
the exceptions or what is exactly causing these failures in the
communication. Are following errors inter related and have same root cause?

These messages  are observed in the var/log/messages

critical Journal "#name": returned JERR_JCNTL_AIOCMPLWAIT; wmgr_status:
wmgr: pi=1 pc=37 po=0 aer=1 edac:TFFF ps=[-A------------------------------]
wrfc: state: Active fcntl[17]: pfid=17 ws=9476 wc=9220 rs=0 rc=0 ec=8 ac=1
warning Exchange amq.topic cannot deliver to  queue <name>: Queue <name>:
MessageStoreImpl::store() failed: jexception 0x0202
jcntl::handle_aio_wait() threw JERR_JCNTL_AIOCMPLWAIT: Timeout waiting for
AIOs to complete. (MessageStoreImpl.cpp:1360)

Queue <name>: MessageStoreImpl::store() failed: jexception 0x0803
wmgr::enqueue() threw JERR_WMGR_ENQDISCONT: Enqueued new dtok when previous
enqueue returned partly completed (state ENQ_PART). (This data_tok:
id=56000 state=NONE) (MessageStoreImpl.cpp:1360)

error Unexpected exception: Queue <name>: MessageStoreImpl::store()
failed: jexception 0x0803 wmgr::enqueue() threw JERR_WMGR_ENQDISCONT:
Enqueued new dtok when previous enqueue returned partly completed (state
ENQ_PART). (This data_tok: id=420962 state=NONE) (MessageStoreImpl.cpp:1360)

error Connection closed by error: Queue
<name>: MessageStoreImpl::store() failed: jexception 0x0803 wmgr::enqueue()
threw JERR_WMGR_ENQDISCONT: Enqueued new dtok when previous enqueue
returned partly completed (state ENQ_PART). (This data_tok: id=420962
state=NONE) (MessageStoreImpl.cpp:1360)(501)

Warning Exception on notification of dequeue for queue <name>: Flow limit
count underflow on dequeue. Queue=<name>
error Journal "<name>": Unexpected I/O response (RHM_IORES_BUSY) on queue

error Unexpected exception: Unexpected I/O response (RHM_IORES_BUSY) on
queue <name>". (JournalImpl.cpp:613)

error Could not encode string of 302 bytes as uint8_t string.

error framing-error: Framing version unsupported

At the java client we are getting following exceptions

org.apache.qpid.AMQException: timed out waiting for sync: complete = 91,
point = 101 [error code 541: internal error]
javax.jms.IllegalStateException: Object
org.apache.qpid.client.AMQSession_0_10@25c1c64c> has been closed

Could you please help us identify the cause for this exceptions and share
the information.

Thanks and Regards,
Ashwini Mandhare

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