
Eddie Davis commented on QPID-6305:

ctest -VV   results: 

UpdateCTestConfiguration  from 
Parse Config 
UpdateCTestConfiguration  from 
Parse Config 
Test project /home/edavis/Downloads/QPID/Broker/qpid-cpp-0.30/BLD
Constructing a list of tests
Done constructing a list of tests
Checking test dependency graph...
Checking test dependency graph end
test 1
      Start  1: api_check_qpidtypes

1: Test command: /home/edavis/Downloads/QPID/Broker/qpid-cpp-0.30/src/check-abi 
1: Test timeout computed to be: 1500
1: Exported by library but not in spec
1: ===================================
1: typeinfo for qpid::types::Exception
1: typeinfo for qpid::types::InvalidConversion
1: typeinfo name for qpid::types::Exception
1: typeinfo name for qpid::types::InvalidConversion
1: vtable for qpid::types::Exception
1: vtable for qpid::types::InvalidConversion
 1/31 Test  #1: api_check_qpidtypes ..............   Passed    0.32 sec
test 2
      Start  2: api_check_qpidmessaging

2: Test command: /home/edavis/Downloads/QPID/Broker/qpid-cpp-0.30/src/check-abi 
2: Test timeout computed to be: 1500
2: Exported by library but not in spec
2: ===================================
2: qpid::messaging::AddressParser::AddressParser(std::string const&)
2: qpid::messaging::AddressParser::parseList(std::list<qpid::types::Variant, 
std::allocator<qpid::types::Variant> >&)
2: qpid::messaging::AddressParser::parseMap(std::map<std::string, 
qpid::types::Variant, std::less<std::string>, 
std::allocator<std::pair<std::string const, qpid::types::Variant> > >&)
2: qpid::messaging::AuthenticationFailure::AuthenticationFailure(std::string 
2: qpid::messaging::AuthenticationFailure::~AuthenticationFailure()
2: qpid::messaging::Connection::getUrl() const
2: qpid::messaging::Connection::reconnect()
2: qpid::messaging::Connection::reconnect(std::string const&)
2: qpid::messaging::ConnectionOptions::ConnectionOptions(std::map<std::string, 
qpid::types::Variant, std::less<std::string>, 
std::allocator<std::pair<std::string const, qpid::types::Variant> > > const&)
2: qpid::messaging::ConnectionOptions::set(std::string const&, 
qpid::types::Variant const&)
2: qpid::messaging::FailoverUpdates::operator=(qpid::messaging::FailoverUpdates 
2: qpid::messaging::Handle<qpid::messaging::ConnectionImpl>::Handle()
2: qpid::messaging::Handle<qpid::messaging::ConnectionImpl>::isNull() const
2: qpid::messaging::Handle<qpid::messaging::ConnectionImpl>::isValid() const
2: qpid::messaging::Handle<qpid::messaging::ConnectionImpl>::operator bool() 
2: qpid::messaging::Handle<qpid::messaging::ConnectionImpl>::operator!() const
2: qpid::messaging::Handle<qpid::messaging::ReceiverImpl>::Handle()
2: qpid::messaging::Handle<qpid::messaging::ReceiverImpl>::isNull() const
2: qpid::messaging::Handle<qpid::messaging::ReceiverImpl>::isValid() const
2: qpid::messaging::Handle<qpid::messaging::ReceiverImpl>::operator bool() const
2: qpid::messaging::Handle<qpid::messaging::ReceiverImpl>::operator!() const
2: qpid::messaging::Handle<qpid::messaging::SenderImpl>::Handle()
2: qpid::messaging::Handle<qpid::messaging::SenderImpl>::isNull() const
2: qpid::messaging::Handle<qpid::messaging::SenderImpl>::isValid() const
2: qpid::messaging::Handle<qpid::messaging::SenderImpl>::operator bool() const
2: qpid::messaging::Handle<qpid::messaging::SenderImpl>::operator!() const
2: qpid::messaging::Handle<qpid::messaging::SessionImpl>::Handle()
2: qpid::messaging::Handle<qpid::messaging::SessionImpl>::isNull() const
2: qpid::messaging::Handle<qpid::messaging::SessionImpl>::isValid() const
2: qpid::messaging::Handle<qpid::messaging::SessionImpl>::operator bool() const
2: qpid::messaging::Handle<qpid::messaging::SessionImpl>::operator!() const
2: qpid::messaging::Message::setProperties(std::map<std::string, 
qpid::types::Variant, std::less<std::string>, 
std::allocator<std::pair<std::string const, qpid::types::Variant> > > const&)
2: qpid::messaging::MessageImpl::getBytes() const
2: qpid::messaging::MessageImpl::getContent() const
2: qpid::messaging::MessageImpl::getContentType() const
2: qpid::messaging::MessageImpl::getCorrelationId() const
2: qpid::messaging::MessageImpl::getHeaders() const
2: qpid::messaging::MessageImpl::getInternalId()
2: qpid::messaging::MessageImpl::getMessageId() const
2: qpid::messaging::MessageImpl::getPriority() const
2: qpid::messaging::MessageImpl::getReplyTo() const
2: qpid::messaging::MessageImpl::getSubject() const
2: qpid::messaging::MessageImpl::getTtl() const
2: qpid::messaging::MessageImpl::getUserId() const
2: qpid::messaging::MessageImpl::isDurable() const
2: qpid::messaging::MessageImpl::isRedelivered() const
2: qpid::messaging::MessageImpl::setInternalId(qpid::framing::SequenceNumber)
2: qpid::messaging::MessageImplAccess::get(qpid::messaging::Message const&)
2: qpid::messaging::MessageImplAccess::get(qpid::messaging::Message&)
2: qpid::messaging::MessageRejected::MessageRejected(std::string const&)
2: qpid::messaging::MessageRejected::~MessageRejected()
2: qpid::messaging::OutOfCapacity::OutOfCapacity(std::string const&)
2: qpid::messaging::OutOfCapacity::~OutOfCapacity()
2: qpid::messaging::ProtocolRegistry::add(std::string const&, 
qpid::messaging::ConnectionImpl* (*)(std::string const&, std::map<std::string, 
qpid::types::Variant, std::less<std::string>, 
std::allocator<std::pair<std::string const, qpid::types::Variant> > > const&))
2: qpid::messaging::SessionClosed::SessionClosed()
2: qpid::messaging::SessionClosed::~SessionClosed()
2: qpid::messaging::amqp::EncodedMessage::EncodedMessage()
2: qpid::messaging::amqp::EncodedMessage::EncodedMessage(unsigned long)
2: qpid::messaging::amqp::EncodedMessage::getBareMessage() const
2: qpid::messaging::amqp::EncodedMessage::getData()
2: qpid::messaging::amqp::EncodedMessage::getData() const
2: qpid::messaging::amqp::EncodedMessage::getSize() const
 const&) const
2: qpid::messaging::amqp::EncodedMessage::init(qpid::messaging::MessageImpl&)
2: qpid::messaging::amqp::EncodedMessage::resize(unsigned long)
2: qpid::messaging::amqp::EncodedMessage::setNestAnnotationsOption(bool)
2: qpid::messaging::amqp::EncodedMessage::trim(unsigned long)
2: qpid::messaging::amqp::EncodedMessage::~EncodedMessage()
2: qpid::messaging::operator<<(std::ostream&, qpid::messaging::Message const&)
2: typeinfo for qpid::messaging::AddressError
2: typeinfo for qpid::messaging::AssertionFailed
2: typeinfo for qpid::messaging::AuthenticationFailure
2: typeinfo for qpid::messaging::ConnectionError
2: typeinfo for qpid::messaging::EncodingException
2: typeinfo for qpid::messaging::FetchError
2: typeinfo for qpid::messaging::InvalidOptionString
2: typeinfo for qpid::messaging::KeyError
2: typeinfo for qpid::messaging::LinkError
2: typeinfo for qpid::messaging::LoggerOutput
2: typeinfo for qpid::messaging::MalformedAddress
2: typeinfo for qpid::messaging::MessageRejected
2: typeinfo for qpid::messaging::MessagingException
2: typeinfo for qpid::messaging::NoMessageAvailable
2: typeinfo for qpid::messaging::NotFound
2: typeinfo for qpid::messaging::OutOfCapacity
2: typeinfo for qpid::messaging::ReceiverError
2: typeinfo for qpid::messaging::ResolutionError
2: typeinfo for qpid::messaging::SendError
2: typeinfo for qpid::messaging::SenderError
2: typeinfo for qpid::messaging::SessionClosed
2: typeinfo for qpid::messaging::SessionError
2: typeinfo for qpid::messaging::TargetCapacityExceeded
2: typeinfo for qpid::messaging::TransactionAborted
2: typeinfo for qpid::messaging::TransactionError
2: typeinfo for qpid::messaging::TransportFailure
2: typeinfo for qpid::messaging::UnauthorizedAccess
2: typeinfo name for qpid::messaging::AddressError
2: typeinfo name for qpid::messaging::AssertionFailed
2: typeinfo name for qpid::messaging::AuthenticationFailure
2: typeinfo name for qpid::messaging::ConnectionError
2: typeinfo name for qpid::messaging::EncodingException
2: typeinfo name for qpid::messaging::FetchError
2: typeinfo name for qpid::messaging::InvalidOptionString
2: typeinfo name for qpid::messaging::KeyError
2: typeinfo name for qpid::messaging::LinkError
2: typeinfo name for qpid::messaging::LoggerOutput
2: typeinfo name for qpid::messaging::MalformedAddress
2: typeinfo name for qpid::messaging::MessageRejected
2: typeinfo name for qpid::messaging::MessagingException
2: typeinfo name for qpid::messaging::NoMessageAvailable
2: typeinfo name for qpid::messaging::NotFound
2: typeinfo name for qpid::messaging::OutOfCapacity
2: typeinfo name for qpid::messaging::ReceiverError
2: typeinfo name for qpid::messaging::ResolutionError
2: typeinfo name for qpid::messaging::SendError
2: typeinfo name for qpid::messaging::SenderError
2: typeinfo name for qpid::messaging::SessionClosed
2: typeinfo name for qpid::messaging::SessionError
2: typeinfo name for qpid::messaging::TargetCapacityExceeded
2: typeinfo name for qpid::messaging::TransactionAborted
2: typeinfo name for qpid::messaging::TransactionError
2: typeinfo name for qpid::messaging::TransportFailure
2: typeinfo name for qpid::messaging::UnauthorizedAccess
2: vtable for qpid::messaging::AddressError
2: vtable for qpid::messaging::AssertionFailed
2: vtable for qpid::messaging::AuthenticationFailure
2: vtable for qpid::messaging::ConnectionError
2: vtable for qpid::messaging::EncodingException
2: vtable for qpid::messaging::FetchError
2: vtable for qpid::messaging::InvalidOptionString
2: vtable for qpid::messaging::KeyError
2: vtable for qpid::messaging::LinkError
2: vtable for qpid::messaging::LoggerOutput
2: vtable for qpid::messaging::MalformedAddress
2: vtable for qpid::messaging::MessageRejected
2: vtable for qpid::messaging::MessagingException
2: vtable for qpid::messaging::NoMessageAvailable
2: vtable for qpid::messaging::NotFound
2: vtable for qpid::messaging::OutOfCapacity
2: vtable for qpid::messaging::ReceiverError
2: vtable for qpid::messaging::ResolutionError
2: vtable for qpid::messaging::SendError
2: vtable for qpid::messaging::SenderError
2: vtable for qpid::messaging::SessionClosed
2: vtable for qpid::messaging::SessionError
2: vtable for qpid::messaging::TargetCapacityExceeded
2: vtable for qpid::messaging::TransactionAborted
2: vtable for qpid::messaging::TransactionError
2: vtable for qpid::messaging::TransportFailure
2: vtable for qpid::messaging::UnauthorizedAccess
 2/31 Test  #2: api_check_qpidmessaging ..........   Passed    0.32 sec
test 3
      Start  3: unit_test

3: Test command: 
"--boost-test" "--" 
3: Test timeout computed to be: 1500
3: 0%   10   20   30   40   50   60   70   80   90   100%
3: |----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|
3: Running 336 test cases...
3: ***************************************************
3: *** No errors detected
3: Valgrind error log in 
3: ==8752== Memcheck, a memory error detector
3: ==8752== Copyright (C) 2002-2012, and GNU GPL'd, by Julian Seward et al.
3: ==8752== Using Valgrind-3.8.1 and LibVEX; rerun with -h for copyright info
3: ==8752== Command: 
3: ==8752== Parent PID: 8751
3: ==8752== 
3: ==8752== 
3: ==8752== HEAP SUMMARY:
3: ==8752==     in use at exit: 18,252 bytes in 98 blocks
3: ==8752==   total heap usage: 1,187,923 allocs, 1,187,825 frees, 196,251,465 
bytes allocated
3: ==8752== 
3: ==8752== 40 bytes in 1 blocks are possibly lost in loss record 34 of 81
3: ==8752==    at 0x4A06A2E: malloc (vg_replace_malloc.c:270)
3: ==8752==    by 0x301D60D60B: ??? (in /lib64/libnspr4.so)
3: ==8752==    by 0x301D625094: ??? (in /lib64/libnspr4.so)
3: ==8752==    by 0x301D625468: PR_OpenFile (in /lib64/libnspr4.so)
3: ==8752==    by 0x301A22BC67: ??? (in /lib64/libfreebl3.so)
3: ==8752==    by 0x301A22BFFE: ??? (in /lib64/libfreebl3.so)
3: ==8752==    by 0x301A216438: ??? (in /lib64/libfreebl3.so)
3: ==8752==    by 0x301A2550D5: ??? (in /lib64/libfreebl3.so)
3: ==8752==    by 0x301A203A7A: ??? (in /lib64/libfreebl3.so)
3: ==8752== 
3: ==8752== 48 bytes in 1 blocks are possibly lost in loss record 38 of 81
3: ==8752==    at 0x4A06A2E: malloc (vg_replace_malloc.c:270)
3: ==8752==    by 0x301D60D5F9: ??? (in /lib64/libnspr4.so)
3: ==8752==    by 0x301D625094: ??? (in /lib64/libnspr4.so)
3: ==8752==    by 0x301D625468: PR_OpenFile (in /lib64/libnspr4.so)
3: ==8752==    by 0x301A22BC67: ??? (in /lib64/libfreebl3.so)
3: ==8752==    by 0x301A22BFFE: ??? (in /lib64/libfreebl3.so)
3: ==8752==    by 0x301A216438: ??? (in /lib64/libfreebl3.so)
3: ==8752==    by 0x301A2550D5: ??? (in /lib64/libfreebl3.so)
3: ==8752==    by 0x301A203A7A: ??? (in /lib64/libfreebl3.so)
3: ==8752== 
3: ==8752== LEAK SUMMARY:
3: ==8752==    definitely lost: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
3: ==8752==    indirectly lost: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
3: ==8752==      possibly lost: 88 bytes in 2 blocks
3: ==8752==    still reachable: 18,164 bytes in 96 blocks
3: ==8752==         suppressed: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
3: ==8752== Reachable blocks (those to which a pointer was found) are not shown.
3: ==8752== To see them, rerun with: --leak-check=full --show-reachable=yes
3: ==8752== 
3: ==8752== For counts of detected and suppressed errors, rerun with: -v
3: ==8752== ERROR SUMMARY: 2 errors from 2 contexts (suppressed: 398 from 10)
3: Valgrind reported errors in 
see above.
 3/31 Test  #3: unit_test ........................***Failed   39.48 sec
test 4
      Start  4: sasl_fed

4: Test command: 
"--build-dir=/home/edavis/Downloads/QPID/Broker/qpid-cpp-0.30/BLD" "--" 
4: Test timeout computed to be: 1500
4: python tools absent - skipping sasl_fed.
 4/31 Test  #4: sasl_fed .........................   Passed    0.01 sec
test 5
      Start  5: sasl_fed_ex_dynamic

5: Test command: 
"--build-dir=/home/edavis/Downloads/QPID/Broker/qpid-cpp-0.30/BLD" "--" 
5: Test timeout computed to be: 1500
5: Python test code not found: skipping python based test
 5/31 Test  #5: sasl_fed_ex_dynamic ..............   Passed    0.01 sec
test 6
      Start  6: sasl_fed_ex_link

6: Test command: 
"--build-dir=/home/edavis/Downloads/QPID/Broker/qpid-cpp-0.30/BLD" "--" 
"/home/edavis/Downloads/QPID/Broker/qpid-cpp-0.30/src/tests/sasl_fed_ex" "link"
6: Test timeout computed to be: 1500
6: Python test code not found: skipping python based test
 6/31 Test  #6: sasl_fed_ex_link .................   Passed    0.01 sec
test 7
      Start  7: sasl_fed_ex_queue

7: Test command: 
"--build-dir=/home/edavis/Downloads/QPID/Broker/qpid-cpp-0.30/BLD" "--" 
"/home/edavis/Downloads/QPID/Broker/qpid-cpp-0.30/src/tests/sasl_fed_ex" "queue"
7: Test timeout computed to be: 1500
7: Python test code not found: skipping python based test
 7/31 Test  #7: sasl_fed_ex_queue ................   Passed    0.01 sec
test 8
      Start  8: sasl_fed_ex_route

8: Test command: 
"--build-dir=/home/edavis/Downloads/QPID/Broker/qpid-cpp-0.30/BLD" "--" 
"/home/edavis/Downloads/QPID/Broker/qpid-cpp-0.30/src/tests/sasl_fed_ex" "route"
8: Test timeout computed to be: 1500
8: Python test code not found: skipping python based test
 8/31 Test  #8: sasl_fed_ex_route ................   Passed    0.03 sec
test 9
      Start  9: sasl_no_dir

9: Test command: 
"--build-dir=/home/edavis/Downloads/QPID/Broker/qpid-cpp-0.30/BLD" "--" 
9: Test timeout computed to be: 1500
 9/31 Test  #9: sasl_no_dir ......................   Passed    0.10 sec
test 10
      Start 10: ssl_test

10: Test command: 
"--build-dir=/home/edavis/Downloads/QPID/Broker/qpid-cpp-0.30/BLD" "--" 
10: Test timeout computed to be: 1500
10: Notice: Trust flag u is set automatically if the private key is present.
10: Notice: Trust flag u is set automatically if the private key is present.
10: Running SSL test on port 57747
10: 7566.16     204.682 467.669 0.456708
10: Skipping python part of ssl_test, no python dir.
10: Running SSL client authentication test on port 33677
10: Running SSL/TCP mux test on fixed port 44511
10: 6650.67     77.7747 249.331 0.243487
10: 66459.8     7833.95 40800.7 39.8444
10: Running SSL/TCP mux test on random port 44511
10: 6906.47     115.216 461.363 0.45055
10: 61082.9     9957.76 41078.9 40.1161
10/31 Test #10: ssl_test .........................   Passed    3.70 sec
test 11
      Start 11: qpid-client-test

11: Test command: 
"--start-broker" "--" 
11: Test timeout computed to be: 1500
11: Valgrind error log in 
11: ==9409== Memcheck, a memory error detector
11: ==9409== Copyright (C) 2002-2012, and GNU GPL'd, by Julian Seward et al.
11: ==9409== Using Valgrind-3.8.1 and LibVEX; rerun with -h for copyright info
11: ==9409== Command: 
11: ==9409== Parent PID: 9408
11: ==9409== 
11: ==9409== 
11: ==9409== HEAP SUMMARY:
11: ==9409==     in use at exit: 12,136 bytes in 79 blocks
11: ==9409==   total heap usage: 13,462 allocs, 13,383 frees, 4,762,784 bytes 
11: ==9409== 
11: ==9409== 40 bytes in 1 blocks are possibly lost in loss record 33 of 72
11: ==9409==    at 0x4A06A2E: malloc (vg_replace_malloc.c:270)
11: ==9409==    by 0x301D60D60B: ??? (in /lib64/libnspr4.so)
11: ==9409==    by 0x301D625094: ??? (in /lib64/libnspr4.so)
11: ==9409==    by 0x301D625468: PR_OpenFile (in /lib64/libnspr4.so)
11: ==9409==    by 0x301A22BC67: ??? (in /lib64/libfreebl3.so)
11: ==9409==    by 0x301A22BFFE: ??? (in /lib64/libfreebl3.so)
11: ==9409==    by 0x301A216438: ??? (in /lib64/libfreebl3.so)
11: ==9409==    by 0x301A2550D5: ??? (in /lib64/libfreebl3.so)
11: ==9409==    by 0x301A203A7A: ??? (in /lib64/libfreebl3.so)
11: ==9409== 
11: ==9409== 48 bytes in 1 blocks are possibly lost in loss record 37 of 72
11: ==9409==    at 0x4A06A2E: malloc (vg_replace_malloc.c:270)
11: ==9409==    by 0x301D60D5F9: ??? (in /lib64/libnspr4.so)
11: ==9409==    by 0x301D625094: ??? (in /lib64/libnspr4.so)
11: ==9409==    by 0x301D625468: PR_OpenFile (in /lib64/libnspr4.so)
11: ==9409==    by 0x301A22BC67: ??? (in /lib64/libfreebl3.so)
11: ==9409==    by 0x301A22BFFE: ??? (in /lib64/libfreebl3.so)
11: ==9409==    by 0x301A216438: ??? (in /lib64/libfreebl3.so)
11: ==9409==    by 0x301A2550D5: ??? (in /lib64/libfreebl3.so)
11: ==9409==    by 0x301A203A7A: ??? (in /lib64/libfreebl3.so)
11: ==9409== 
11: ==9409== LEAK SUMMARY:
11: ==9409==    definitely lost: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
11: ==9409==    indirectly lost: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
11: ==9409==      possibly lost: 88 bytes in 2 blocks
11: ==9409==    still reachable: 12,048 bytes in 77 blocks
11: ==9409==         suppressed: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
11: ==9409== Reachable blocks (those to which a pointer was found) are not 
11: ==9409== To see them, rerun with: --leak-check=full --show-reachable=yes
11: ==9409== 
11: ==9409== For counts of detected and suppressed errors, rerun with: -v
11: ==9409== ERROR SUMMARY: 2 errors from 2 contexts (suppressed: 45 from 9)
11: Valgrind reported errors in 
 see above.
11/31 Test #11: qpid-client-test .................***Failed    6.95 sec
test 12
      Start 12: quick_perftest

12: Test command: 
"--start-broker" "--" 
"--summary" "--count" "100"
12: Test timeout computed to be: 1500
12: 1004.64     382.508 1251.23 1.2219
12: Valgrind error log in 
12: ==9443== Memcheck, a memory error detector
12: ==9443== Copyright (C) 2002-2012, and GNU GPL'd, by Julian Seward et al.
12: ==9443== Using Valgrind-3.8.1 and LibVEX; rerun with -h for copyright info
12: ==9443== Command: 
--summary --count 100
12: ==9443== Parent PID: 9442
12: ==9443== 
12: ==9443== 
12: ==9443== HEAP SUMMARY:
12: ==9443==     in use at exit: 12,136 bytes in 79 blocks
12: ==9443==   total heap usage: 18,023 allocs, 17,944 frees, 6,294,582 bytes 
12: ==9443== 
12: ==9443== 40 bytes in 1 blocks are possibly lost in loss record 33 of 72
12: ==9443==    at 0x4A06A2E: malloc (vg_replace_malloc.c:270)
12: ==9443==    by 0x301D60D60B: ??? (in /lib64/libnspr4.so)
12: ==9443==    by 0x301D625094: ??? (in /lib64/libnspr4.so)
12: ==9443==    by 0x301D625468: PR_OpenFile (in /lib64/libnspr4.so)
12: ==9443==    by 0x301A22BC67: ??? (in /lib64/libfreebl3.so)
12: ==9443==    by 0x301A22BFFE: ??? (in /lib64/libfreebl3.so)
12: ==9443==    by 0x301A216438: ??? (in /lib64/libfreebl3.so)
12: ==9443==    by 0x301A2550D5: ??? (in /lib64/libfreebl3.so)
12: ==9443==    by 0x301A203A7A: ??? (in /lib64/libfreebl3.so)
12: ==9443==    by 0x7FEFFF66B: ???
12: ==9443==    by 0x776F442F73697660: ???
12: ==9443==    by 0x512F7364616F6C6D: ???
12: ==9443==    by 0x6B6F72422F44494F: ???
12: ==9443==    by 0x2D646970712F7264: ???
12: ==9443==    by 0x30332E302D707062: ???
12: ==9443==    by 0x6372732F444C422E: ???
12: ==9443==    by 0x712F73747365742E: ???
12: ==9443==    by 0x667265702D64696F: ???
12: ==9443==    by 0x732D2D0074736573: ???
12: ==9443==    by 0x2D007972616D6D74: ???
12: ==9443==    by 0x3100746E756F632C: ???
12: ==9443==    by 0x5F4449505100302F: ???
12: ==9443==    by 0x545F4E4F4854594F: ???
12: ==9443==    by 0x6D6F682F3D545344: ???
12: ==9443==    by 0x7369766164652F64: ???
12: ==9443== 
12: ==9443== 48 bytes in 1 blocks are possibly lost in loss record 37 of 72
12: ==9443==    at 0x4A06A2E: malloc (vg_replace_malloc.c:270)
12: ==9443==    by 0x301D60D5F9: ??? (in /lib64/libnspr4.so)
12: ==9443==    by 0x301D625094: ??? (in /lib64/libnspr4.so)
12: ==9443==    by 0x301D625468: PR_OpenFile (in /lib64/libnspr4.so)
12: ==9443==    by 0x301A22BC67: ??? (in /lib64/libfreebl3.so)
12: ==9443==    by 0x301A22BFFE: ??? (in /lib64/libfreebl3.so)
12: ==9443==    by 0x301A216438: ??? (in /lib64/libfreebl3.so)
12: ==9443==    by 0x301A2550D5: ??? (in /lib64/libfreebl3.so)
12: ==9443==    by 0x301A203A7A: ??? (in /lib64/libfreebl3.so)
12: ==9443==    by 0x7FEFFF66B: ???
12: ==9443==    by 0x776F442F73697660: ???
12: ==9443==    by 0x512F7364616F6C6D: ???
12: ==9443==    by 0x6B6F72422F44494F: ???
12: ==9443==    by 0x2D646970712F7264: ???
12: ==9443==    by 0x30332E302D707062: ???
12: ==9443==    by 0x6372732F444C422E: ???
12: ==9443==    by 0x712F73747365742E: ???
12: ==9443==    by 0x667265702D64696F: ???
12: ==9443==    by 0x732D2D0074736573: ???
12: ==9443==    by 0x2D007972616D6D74: ???
12: ==9443==    by 0x3100746E756F632C: ???
12: ==9443==    by 0x5F4449505100302F: ???
12: ==9443==    by 0x545F4E4F4854594F: ???
12: ==9443==    by 0x6D6F682F3D545344: ???
12: ==9443==    by 0x7369766164652F64: ???
12: ==9443== 
12: ==9443== LEAK SUMMARY:
12: ==9443==    definitely lost: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
12: ==9443==    indirectly lost: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
12: ==9443==      possibly lost: 88 bytes in 2 blocks
12: ==9443==    still reachable: 12,048 bytes in 77 blocks
12: ==9443==         suppressed: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
12: ==9443== Reachable blocks (those to which a pointer was found) are not 
12: ==9443== To see them, rerun with: --leak-check=full --show-reachable=yes
12: ==9443== 
12: ==9443== For counts of detected and suppressed errors, rerun with: -v
12: ==9443== ERROR SUMMARY: 2 errors from 2 contexts (suppressed: 45 from 9)
12: Valgrind reported errors in 
 see above.
12/31 Test #12: quick_perftest ...................***Failed    7.08 sec
test 13
      Start 13: quick_topictest

13: Test command: 
"--start-broker" "--" 
13: Test timeout computed to be: 1500
13: Valgrind error log in 
13: ==9464== Memcheck, a memory error detector
13: ==9464== Copyright (C) 2002-2012, and GNU GPL'd, by Julian Seward et al.
13: ==9464== Using Valgrind-3.8.1 and LibVEX; rerun with -h for copyright info
13: ==9464== Command: 
/home/edavis/Downloads/QPID/Broker/qpid-cpp-0.30/BLD/src/qpidd --auth=no 
--no-module-dir --daemon --port=0 --interface --log-to-file 
13: ==9464== Parent PID: 9453
13: ==9464== 
13: ==9464== 
13: ==9464== HEAP SUMMARY:
13: ==9464==     in use at exit: 12,136 bytes in 79 blocks
13: ==9464==   total heap usage: 14,907 allocs, 14,828 frees, 4,449,827 bytes 
13: ==9464== 
13: ==9464== 40 bytes in 1 blocks are possibly lost in loss record 33 of 72
13: ==9464==    at 0x4A06A2E: malloc (vg_replace_malloc.c:270)
13: ==9464==    by 0x301D60D60B: ??? (in /lib64/libnspr4.so)
13: ==9464==    by 0x301D625094: ??? (in /lib64/libnspr4.so)
13: ==9464==    by 0x301D625468: PR_OpenFile (in /lib64/libnspr4.so)
13: ==9464==    by 0x301A22BC67: ??? (in /lib64/libfreebl3.so)
13: ==9464==    by 0x301A22BFFE: ??? (in /lib64/libfreebl3.so)
13: ==9464==    by 0x301A216438: ??? (in /lib64/libfreebl3.so)
13: ==9464==    by 0x301A2550D5: ??? (in /lib64/libfreebl3.so)
13: ==9464==    by 0x301A203A7A: ??? (in /lib64/libfreebl3.so)
13: ==9464==    by 0x7FEFFF6E1: ???
13: ==9464==    by 0x776F442F73697660: ???
13: ==9464==    by 0x512F7364616F6C6D: ???
13: ==9464==    by 0x6B6F72422F44494F: ???
13: ==9464==    by 0x2D646970712F7264: ???
13: ==9464==    by 0x30332E302D707062: ???
13: ==9464==    by 0x6372732F444C422E: ???
13: ==9464==    by 0x2D0064646970712E: ???
13: ==9464==    by 0x6F6E3D687475612C: ???
13: ==9464==    by 0x6F6D2D6F6E2D2CFF: ???
13: ==9464==    by 0x7269642D656C7563: ???
13: ==9464==    by 0x6F6D6561642D2CFF: ???
13: ==9464==    by 0x74726F702D2D006D: ???
13: ==9464==    by 0x746E692D2D00303C: ???
13: ==9464==    by 0x3100656361667264: ???
13: ==9464==    by 0x312E302E302E3731: ???
13: ==9464== 
13: ==9464== 48 bytes in 1 blocks are possibly lost in loss record 37 of 72
13: ==9464==    at 0x4A06A2E: malloc (vg_replace_malloc.c:270)
13: ==9464==    by 0x301D60D5F9: ??? (in /lib64/libnspr4.so)
13: ==9464==    by 0x301D625094: ??? (in /lib64/libnspr4.so)
13: ==9464==    by 0x301D625468: PR_OpenFile (in /lib64/libnspr4.so)
13: ==9464==    by 0x301A22BC67: ??? (in /lib64/libfreebl3.so)
13: ==9464==    by 0x301A22BFFE: ??? (in /lib64/libfreebl3.so)
13: ==9464==    by 0x301A216438: ??? (in /lib64/libfreebl3.so)
13: ==9464==    by 0x301A2550D5: ??? (in /lib64/libfreebl3.so)
13: ==9464==    by 0x301A203A7A: ??? (in /lib64/libfreebl3.so)
13: ==9464==    by 0x7FEFFF6E1: ???
13: ==9464==    by 0x776F442F73697660: ???
13: ==9464==    by 0x512F7364616F6C6D: ???
13: ==9464==    by 0x6B6F72422F44494F: ???
13: ==9464==    by 0x2D646970712F7264: ???
13: ==9464==    by 0x30332E302D707062: ???
13: ==9464==    by 0x6372732F444C422E: ???
13: ==9464==    by 0x2D0064646970712E: ???
13: ==9464==    by 0x6F6E3D687475612C: ???
13: ==9464==    by 0x6F6D2D6F6E2D2CFF: ???
13: ==9464==    by 0x7269642D656C7563: ???
13: ==9464==    by 0x6F6D6561642D2CFF: ???
13: ==9464==    by 0x74726F702D2D006D: ???
13: ==9464==    by 0x746E692D2D00303C: ???
13: ==9464==    by 0x3100656361667264: ???
13: ==9464==    by 0x312E302E302E3731: ???
13: ==9464== 
13: ==9464== LEAK SUMMARY:
13: ==9464==    definitely lost: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
13: ==9464==    indirectly lost: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
13: ==9464==      possibly lost: 88 bytes in 2 blocks
13: ==9464==    still reachable: 12,048 bytes in 77 blocks
13: ==9464==         suppressed: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
13: ==9464== Reachable blocks (those to which a pointer was found) are not 
13: ==9464== To see them, rerun with: --leak-check=full --show-reachable=yes
13: ==9464== 
13: ==9464== For counts of detected and suppressed errors, rerun with: -v
13: ==9464== ERROR SUMMARY: 2 errors from 2 contexts (suppressed: 6 from 6)
13: ==9466== 
13: ==9466== HEAP SUMMARY:
13: ==9466==     in use at exit: 12,136 bytes in 79 blocks
13: ==9466==   total heap usage: 26,489 allocs, 26,410 frees, 5,979,089 bytes 
13: ==9466== 
13: ==9466== 40 bytes in 1 blocks are possibly lost in loss record 33 of 72
13: ==9466==    at 0x4A06A2E: malloc (vg_replace_malloc.c:270)
13: ==9466==    by 0x301D60D60B: ??? (in /lib64/libnspr4.so)
13: ==9466==    by 0x301D625094: ??? (in /lib64/libnspr4.so)
13: ==9466==    by 0x301D625468: PR_OpenFile (in /lib64/libnspr4.so)
13: ==9466==    by 0x301A22BC67: ??? (in /lib64/libfreebl3.so)
13: ==9466==    by 0x301A22BFFE: ??? (in /lib64/libfreebl3.so)
13: ==9466==    by 0x301A216438: ??? (in /lib64/libfreebl3.so)
13: ==9466==    by 0x301A2550D5: ??? (in /lib64/libfreebl3.so)
13: ==9466==    by 0x301A203A7A: ??? (in /lib64/libfreebl3.so)
13: ==9466==    by 0x7FEFFF6E1: ???
13: ==9466==    by 0x776F442F73697660: ???
13: ==9466==    by 0x512F7364616F6C6D: ???
13: ==9466==    by 0x6B6F72422F44494F: ???
13: ==9466==    by 0x2D646970712F7264: ???
13: ==9466==    by 0x30332E302D707062: ???
13: ==9466==    by 0x6372732F444C422E: ???
13: ==9466==    by 0x2D0064646970712E: ???
13: ==9466==    by 0x6F6E3D687475612C: ???
13: ==9466==    by 0x6F6D2D6F6E2D2CFF: ???
13: ==9466==    by 0x7269642D656C7563: ???
13: ==9466==    by 0x6F6D6561642D2CFF: ???
13: ==9466==    by 0x74726F702D2D006D: ???
13: ==9466==    by 0x746E692D2D00303C: ???
13: ==9466==    by 0x3100656361667264: ???
13: ==9466==    by 0x312E302E302E3731: ???
13: ==9466== 
13: ==9466== 48 bytes in 1 blocks are possibly lost in loss record 37 of 72
13: ==9466==    at 0x4A06A2E: malloc (vg_replace_malloc.c:270)
13: ==9466==    by 0x301D60D5F9: ??? (in /lib64/libnspr4.so)
13: ==9466==    by 0x301D625094: ??? (in /lib64/libnspr4.so)
13: ==9466==    by 0x301D625468: PR_OpenFile (in /lib64/libnspr4.so)
13: ==9466==    by 0x301A22BC67: ??? (in /lib64/libfreebl3.so)
13: ==9466==    by 0x301A22BFFE: ??? (in /lib64/libfreebl3.so)
13: ==9466==    by 0x301A216438: ??? (in /lib64/libfreebl3.so)
13: ==9466==    by 0x301A2550D5: ??? (in /lib64/libfreebl3.so)
13: ==9466==    by 0x301A203A7A: ??? (in /lib64/libfreebl3.so)
13: ==9466==    by 0x7FEFFF6E1: ???
13: ==9466==    by 0x776F442F73697660: ???
13: ==9466==    by 0x512F7364616F6C6D: ???
13: ==9466==    by 0x6B6F72422F44494F: ???
13: ==9466==    by 0x2D646970712F7264: ???
13: ==9466==    by 0x30332E302D707062: ???
13: ==9466==    by 0x6372732F444C422E: ???
13: ==9466==    by 0x2D0064646970712E: ???
13: ==9466==    by 0x6F6E3D687475612C: ???
13: ==9466==    by 0x6F6D2D6F6E2D2CFF: ???
13: ==9466==    by 0x7269642D656C7563: ???
13: ==9466==    by 0x6F6D6561642D2CFF: ???
13: ==9466==    by 0x74726F702D2D006D: ???
13: ==9466==    by 0x746E692D2D00303C: ???
13: ==9466==    by 0x3100656361667264: ???
13: ==9466==    by 0x312E302E302E3731: ???
13: ==9466== 
13: ==9466== LEAK SUMMARY:
13: ==9466==    definitely lost: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
13: ==9466==    indirectly lost: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
13: ==9466==      possibly lost: 88 bytes in 2 blocks
13: ==9466==    still reachable: 12,048 bytes in 77 blocks
13: ==9466==         suppressed: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
13: ==9466== Reachable blocks (those to which a pointer was found) are not 
13: ==9466== To see them, rerun with: --leak-check=full --show-reachable=yes
13: ==9466== 
13: ==9466== For counts of detected and suppressed errors, rerun with: -v
13: ==9466== ERROR SUMMARY: 2 errors from 2 contexts (suppressed: 6 from 6)
13: Valgrind reported errors in 
 see above.
13/31 Test #13: quick_topictest ..................***Failed    5.74 sec
test 14
      Start 14: quick_txtest

14: Test command: 
"--start-broker" "--" 
"--queues" "4" "--tx-count" "10" "--quiet"
14: Test timeout computed to be: 1500
14: All expected messages were retrieved.
14: Valgrind error log in 
14: ==9532== Memcheck, a memory error detector
14: ==9532== Copyright (C) 2002-2012, and GNU GPL'd, by Julian Seward et al.
14: ==9532== Using Valgrind-3.8.1 and LibVEX; rerun with -h for copyright info
14: ==9532== Command: 
--queues 4 --tx-count 10 --quiet
14: ==9532== Parent PID: 9531
14: ==9532== 
14: ==9532== 
14: ==9532== HEAP SUMMARY:
14: ==9532==     in use at exit: 12,136 bytes in 79 blocks
14: ==9532==   total heap usage: 17,389 allocs, 17,310 frees, 6,338,699 bytes 
14: ==9532== 
14: ==9532== 40 bytes in 1 blocks are possibly lost in loss record 33 of 72
14: ==9532==    at 0x4A06A2E: malloc (vg_replace_malloc.c:270)
14: ==9532==    by 0x301D60D60B: ??? (in /lib64/libnspr4.so)
14: ==9532==    by 0x301D625094: ??? (in /lib64/libnspr4.so)
14: ==9532==    by 0x301D625468: PR_OpenFile (in /lib64/libnspr4.so)
14: ==9532==    by 0x301A22BC67: ??? (in /lib64/libfreebl3.so)
14: ==9532==    by 0x301A22BFFE: ??? (in /lib64/libfreebl3.so)
14: ==9532==    by 0x301A216438: ??? (in /lib64/libfreebl3.so)
14: ==9532==    by 0x301A2550D5: ??? (in /lib64/libfreebl3.so)
14: ==9532==    by 0x301A203A7A: ??? (in /lib64/libfreebl3.so)
14: ==9532==    by 0x7FEFFF665: ???
14: ==9532==    by 0x776F442F73697660: ???
14: ==9532==    by 0x512F7364616F6C6D: ???
14: ==9532==    by 0x6B6F72422F44494F: ???
14: ==9532==    by 0x2D646970712F7264: ???
14: ==9532==    by 0x30332E302D707062: ???
14: ==9532==    by 0x6372732F444C422E: ???
14: ==9532==    by 0x712F73747365742E: ???
14: ==9532==    by 0x657478742D64696F: ???
14: ==9532==    by 0x6575712D2D007472: ???
14: ==9532==    by 0x2D2D003400736574: ???
14: ==9532==    by 0x746E756F632D7873: ???
14: ==9532==    by 0x75712D2D003030FF: ???
14: ==9532==    by 0x4449505100746568: ???
14: ==9532==    by 0x5F4E4F485459505E: ???
14: ==9532==    by 0x6F682F3D54534553: ???
14: ==9532== 
14: ==9532== 48 bytes in 1 blocks are possibly lost in loss record 37 of 72
14: ==9532==    at 0x4A06A2E: malloc (vg_replace_malloc.c:270)
14: ==9532==    by 0x301D60D5F9: ??? (in /lib64/libnspr4.so)
14: ==9532==    by 0x301D625094: ??? (in /lib64/libnspr4.so)
14: ==9532==    by 0x301D625468: PR_OpenFile (in /lib64/libnspr4.so)
14: ==9532==    by 0x301A22BC67: ??? (in /lib64/libfreebl3.so)
14: ==9532==    by 0x301A22BFFE: ??? (in /lib64/libfreebl3.so)
14: ==9532==    by 0x301A216438: ??? (in /lib64/libfreebl3.so)
14: ==9532==    by 0x301A2550D5: ??? (in /lib64/libfreebl3.so)
14: ==9532==    by 0x301A203A7A: ??? (in /lib64/libfreebl3.so)
14: ==9532==    by 0x7FEFFF665: ???
14: ==9532==    by 0x776F442F73697660: ???
14: ==9532==    by 0x512F7364616F6C6D: ???
14: ==9532==    by 0x6B6F72422F44494F: ???
14: ==9532==    by 0x2D646970712F7264: ???
14: ==9532==    by 0x30332E302D707062: ???
14: ==9532==    by 0x6372732F444C422E: ???
14: ==9532==    by 0x712F73747365742E: ???
14: ==9532==    by 0x657478742D64696F: ???
14: ==9532==    by 0x6575712D2D007472: ???
14: ==9532==    by 0x2D2D003400736574: ???
14: ==9532==    by 0x746E756F632D7873: ???
14: ==9532==    by 0x75712D2D003030FF: ???
14: ==9532==    by 0x4449505100746568: ???
14: ==9532==    by 0x5F4E4F485459505E: ???
14: ==9532==    by 0x6F682F3D54534553: ???
14: ==9532== 
14: ==9532== LEAK SUMMARY:
14: ==9532==    definitely lost: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
14: ==9532==    indirectly lost: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
14: ==9532==      possibly lost: 88 bytes in 2 blocks
14: ==9532==    still reachable: 12,048 bytes in 77 blocks
14: ==9532==         suppressed: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
14: ==9532== Reachable blocks (those to which a pointer was found) are not 
14: ==9532== To see them, rerun with: --leak-check=full --show-reachable=yes
14: ==9532== 
14: ==9532== For counts of detected and suppressed errors, rerun with: -v
14: ==9532== ERROR SUMMARY: 2 errors from 2 contexts (suppressed: 45 from 9)
14: Valgrind reported errors in 
 see above.
14/31 Test #14: quick_txtest .....................***Failed    7.10 sec
test 15
      Start 15: quick_txtest2

15: Test command: 
"--start-broker" "--" 
"--queues" "4" "--tx-count" "10" "--quiet"
15: Test timeout computed to be: 1500
15: All expected messages were retrieved.
15: Valgrind error log in 
15: ==9573== Memcheck, a memory error detector
15: ==9573== Copyright (C) 2002-2012, and GNU GPL'd, by Julian Seward et al.
15: ==9573== Using Valgrind-3.8.1 and LibVEX; rerun with -h for copyright info
15: ==9573== Command: 
--queues 4 --tx-count 10 --quiet
15: ==9573== Parent PID: 9572
15: ==9573== 
15: ==9573== 
15: ==9573== HEAP SUMMARY:
15: ==9573==     in use at exit: 12,136 bytes in 79 blocks
15: ==9573==   total heap usage: 19,531 allocs, 19,452 frees, 6,483,382 bytes 
15: ==9573== 
15: ==9573== 40 bytes in 1 blocks are possibly lost in loss record 33 of 72
15: ==9573==    at 0x4A06A2E: malloc (vg_replace_malloc.c:270)
15: ==9573==    by 0x301D60D60B: ??? (in /lib64/libnspr4.so)
15: ==9573==    by 0x301D625094: ??? (in /lib64/libnspr4.so)
15: ==9573==    by 0x301D625468: PR_OpenFile (in /lib64/libnspr4.so)
15: ==9573==    by 0x301A22BC67: ??? (in /lib64/libfreebl3.so)
15: ==9573==    by 0x301A22BFFE: ??? (in /lib64/libfreebl3.so)
15: ==9573==    by 0x301A216438: ??? (in /lib64/libfreebl3.so)
15: ==9573==    by 0x301A2550D5: ??? (in /lib64/libfreebl3.so)
15: ==9573==    by 0x301A203A7A: ??? (in /lib64/libfreebl3.so)
15: ==9573==    by 0x7FEFFF662: ???
15: ==9573==    by 0x776F442F73697660: ???
15: ==9573==    by 0x512F7364616F6C6D: ???
15: ==9573==    by 0x6B6F72422F44494F: ???
15: ==9573==    by 0x2D646970712F7264: ???
15: ==9573==    by 0x30332E302D707062: ???
15: ==9573==    by 0x6372732F444C422E: ???
15: ==9573==    by 0x712F73747365742E: ???
15: ==9573==    by 0x657478742D64696F: ???
15: ==9573==    by 0x75712D2D00327472: ???
15: ==9573==    by 0x2D00340073657564: ???
15: ==9573==    by 0x6E756F632D78742C: ???
15: ==9573==    by 0x712D2D0030310073: ???
15: ==9573==    by 0x4950510074656974: ???
15: ==9573==    by 0x4E4F485459505F43: ???
15: ==9573==    by 0x682F3D545345545E: ???
15: ==9573== 
15: ==9573== 48 bytes in 1 blocks are possibly lost in loss record 37 of 72
15: ==9573==    at 0x4A06A2E: malloc (vg_replace_malloc.c:270)
15: ==9573==    by 0x301D60D5F9: ??? (in /lib64/libnspr4.so)
15: ==9573==    by 0x301D625094: ??? (in /lib64/libnspr4.so)
15: ==9573==    by 0x301D625468: PR_OpenFile (in /lib64/libnspr4.so)
15: ==9573==    by 0x301A22BC67: ??? (in /lib64/libfreebl3.so)
15: ==9573==    by 0x301A22BFFE: ??? (in /lib64/libfreebl3.so)
15: ==9573==    by 0x301A216438: ??? (in /lib64/libfreebl3.so)
15: ==9573==    by 0x301A2550D5: ??? (in /lib64/libfreebl3.so)
15: ==9573==    by 0x301A203A7A: ??? (in /lib64/libfreebl3.so)
15: ==9573==    by 0x7FEFFF662: ???
15: ==9573==    by 0x776F442F73697660: ???
15: ==9573==    by 0x512F7364616F6C6D: ???
15: ==9573==    by 0x6B6F72422F44494F: ???
15: ==9573==    by 0x2D646970712F7264: ???
15: ==9573==    by 0x30332E302D707062: ???
15: ==9573==    by 0x6372732F444C422E: ???
15: ==9573==    by 0x712F73747365742E: ???
15: ==9573==    by 0x657478742D64696F: ???
15: ==9573==    by 0x75712D2D00327472: ???
15: ==9573==    by 0x2D00340073657564: ???
15: ==9573==    by 0x6E756F632D78742C: ???
15: ==9573==    by 0x712D2D0030310073: ???
15: ==9573==    by 0x4950510074656974: ???
15: ==9573==    by 0x4E4F485459505F43: ???
15: ==9573==    by 0x682F3D545345545E: ???
15: ==9573== 
15: ==9573== LEAK SUMMARY:
15: ==9573==    definitely lost: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
15: ==9573==    indirectly lost: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
15: ==9573==      possibly lost: 88 bytes in 2 blocks
15: ==9573==    still reachable: 12,048 bytes in 77 blocks
15: ==9573==         suppressed: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
15: ==9573== Reachable blocks (those to which a pointer was found) are not 
15: ==9573== To see them, rerun with: --leak-check=full --show-reachable=yes
15: ==9573== 
15: ==9573== For counts of detected and suppressed errors, rerun with: -v
15: ==9573== ERROR SUMMARY: 2 errors from 2 contexts (suppressed: 45 from 9)
15: Valgrind reported errors in 
 see above.
15/31 Test #15: quick_txtest2 ....................***Failed    7.54 sec
test 16
      Start 16: msg_group_tests

16: Test command: 
"--start-broker" "--" 
16: Test timeout computed to be: 1500
16: Python test code not found: skipping python based test
16: Valgrind error log in 
16: ==9598== Memcheck, a memory error detector
16: ==9598== Copyright (C) 2002-2012, and GNU GPL'd, by Julian Seward et al.
16: ==9598== Using Valgrind-3.8.1 and LibVEX; rerun with -h for copyright info
16: ==9598== Command: 
/home/edavis/Downloads/QPID/Broker/qpid-cpp-0.30/BLD/src/qpidd --auth=no 
--no-module-dir --daemon --port=0 --interface --log-to-file 
16: ==9598== Parent PID: 9587
16: ==9598== 
16: ==9598== 
16: ==9598== HEAP SUMMARY:
16: ==9598==     in use at exit: 12,136 bytes in 79 blocks
16: ==9598==   total heap usage: 14,907 allocs, 14,828 frees, 4,449,859 bytes 
16: ==9598== 
16: ==9598== 40 bytes in 1 blocks are possibly lost in loss record 33 of 72
16: ==9598==    at 0x4A06A2E: malloc (vg_replace_malloc.c:270)
16: ==9598==    by 0x301D60D60B: ??? (in /lib64/libnspr4.so)
16: ==9598==    by 0x301D625094: ??? (in /lib64/libnspr4.so)
16: ==9598==    by 0x301D625468: PR_OpenFile (in /lib64/libnspr4.so)
16: ==9598==    by 0x301A22BC67: ??? (in /lib64/libfreebl3.so)
16: ==9598==    by 0x301A22BFFE: ??? (in /lib64/libfreebl3.so)
16: ==9598==    by 0x301A216438: ??? (in /lib64/libfreebl3.so)
16: ==9598==    by 0x301A2550D5: ??? (in /lib64/libfreebl3.so)
16: ==9598==    by 0x301A203A7A: ??? (in /lib64/libfreebl3.so)
16: ==9598==    by 0x7FEFFF6DD: ???
16: ==9598==    by 0x776F442F73697660: ???
16: ==9598==    by 0x512F7364616F6C6D: ???
16: ==9598==    by 0x6B6F72422F44494F: ???
16: ==9598==    by 0x2D646970712F7264: ???
16: ==9598==    by 0x30332E302D707062: ???
16: ==9598==    by 0x6372732F444C422E: ???
16: ==9598==    by 0x2D0064646970712E: ???
16: ==9598==    by 0x6F6E3D687475612C: ???
16: ==9598==    by 0x6F6D2D6F6E2D2CFF: ???
16: ==9598==    by 0x7269642D656C7563: ???
16: ==9598==    by 0x6F6D6561642D2CFF: ???
16: ==9598==    by 0x74726F702D2D006D: ???
16: ==9598==    by 0x746E692D2D00303C: ???
16: ==9598==    by 0x3100656361667264: ???
16: ==9598==    by 0x312E302E302E3731: ???
16: ==9598== 
16: ==9598== 48 bytes in 1 blocks are possibly lost in loss record 37 of 72
16: ==9598==    at 0x4A06A2E: malloc (vg_replace_malloc.c:270)
16: ==9598==    by 0x301D60D5F9: ??? (in /lib64/libnspr4.so)
16: ==9598==    by 0x301D625094: ??? (in /lib64/libnspr4.so)
16: ==9598==    by 0x301D625468: PR_OpenFile (in /lib64/libnspr4.so)
16: ==9598==    by 0x301A22BC67: ??? (in /lib64/libfreebl3.so)
16: ==9598==    by 0x301A22BFFE: ??? (in /lib64/libfreebl3.so)
16: ==9598==    by 0x301A216438: ??? (in /lib64/libfreebl3.so)
16: ==9598==    by 0x301A2550D5: ??? (in /lib64/libfreebl3.so)
16: ==9598==    by 0x301A203A7A: ??? (in /lib64/libfreebl3.so)
16: ==9598==    by 0x7FEFFF6DD: ???
16: ==9598==    by 0x776F442F73697660: ???
16: ==9598==    by 0x512F7364616F6C6D: ???
16: ==9598==    by 0x6B6F72422F44494F: ???
16: ==9598==    by 0x2D646970712F7264: ???
16: ==9598==    by 0x30332E302D707062: ???
16: ==9598==    by 0x6372732F444C422E: ???
16: ==9598==    by 0x2D0064646970712E: ???
16: ==9598==    by 0x6F6E3D687475612C: ???
16: ==9598==    by 0x6F6D2D6F6E2D2CFF: ???
16: ==9598==    by 0x7269642D656C7563: ???
16: ==9598==    by 0x6F6D6561642D2CFF: ???
16: ==9598==    by 0x74726F702D2D006D: ???
16: ==9598==    by 0x746E692D2D00303C: ???
16: ==9598==    by 0x3100656361667264: ???
16: ==9598==    by 0x312E302E302E3731: ???
16: ==9598== 
16: ==9598== LEAK SUMMARY:
16: ==9598==    definitely lost: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
16: ==9598==    indirectly lost: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
16: ==9598==      possibly lost: 88 bytes in 2 blocks
16: ==9598==    still reachable: 12,048 bytes in 77 blocks
16: ==9598==         suppressed: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
16: ==9598== Reachable blocks (those to which a pointer was found) are not 
16: ==9598== To see them, rerun with: --leak-check=full --show-reachable=yes
16: ==9598== 
16: ==9598== For counts of detected and suppressed errors, rerun with: -v
16: ==9598== ERROR SUMMARY: 2 errors from 2 contexts (suppressed: 6 from 6)
16: ==9601== 
16: ==9601== HEAP SUMMARY:
16: ==9601==     in use at exit: 12,136 bytes in 79 blocks
16: ==9601==   total heap usage: 18,577 allocs, 18,498 frees, 4,766,619 bytes 
16: ==9601== 
16: ==9601== 40 bytes in 1 blocks are possibly lost in loss record 33 of 72
16: ==9601==    at 0x4A06A2E: malloc (vg_replace_malloc.c:270)
16: ==9601==    by 0x301D60D60B: ??? (in /lib64/libnspr4.so)
16: ==9601==    by 0x301D625094: ??? (in /lib64/libnspr4.so)
16: ==9601==    by 0x301D625468: PR_OpenFile (in /lib64/libnspr4.so)
16: ==9601==    by 0x301A22BC67: ??? (in /lib64/libfreebl3.so)
16: ==9601==    by 0x301A22BFFE: ??? (in /lib64/libfreebl3.so)
16: ==9601==    by 0x301A216438: ??? (in /lib64/libfreebl3.so)
16: ==9601==    by 0x301A2550D5: ??? (in /lib64/libfreebl3.so)
16: ==9601==    by 0x301A203A7A: ??? (in /lib64/libfreebl3.so)
16: ==9601==    by 0x7FEFFF6DD: ???
16: ==9601==    by 0x776F442F73697660: ???
16: ==9601==    by 0x512F7364616F6C6D: ???
16: ==9601==    by 0x6B6F72422F44494F: ???
16: ==9601==    by 0x2D646970712F7264: ???
16: ==9601==    by 0x30332E302D707062: ???
16: ==9601==    by 0x6372732F444C422E: ???
16: ==9601==    by 0x2D0064646970712E: ???
16: ==9601==    by 0x6F6E3D687475612C: ???
16: ==9601==    by 0x6F6D2D6F6E2D2CFF: ???
16: ==9601==    by 0x7269642D656C7563: ???
16: ==9601==    by 0x6F6D6561642D2CFF: ???
16: ==9601==    by 0x74726F702D2D006D: ???
16: ==9601==    by 0x746E692D2D00303C: ???
16: ==9601==    by 0x3100656361667264: ???
16: ==9601==    by 0x312E302E302E3731: ???
16: ==9601== 
16: ==9601== 48 bytes in 1 blocks are possibly lost in loss record 37 of 72
16: ==9601==    at 0x4A06A2E: malloc (vg_replace_malloc.c:270)
16: ==9601==    by 0x301D60D5F9: ??? (in /lib64/libnspr4.so)
16: ==9601==    by 0x301D625094: ??? (in /lib64/libnspr4.so)
16: ==9601==    by 0x301D625468: PR_OpenFile (in /lib64/libnspr4.so)
16: ==9601==    by 0x301A22BC67: ??? (in /lib64/libfreebl3.so)
16: ==9601==    by 0x301A22BFFE: ??? (in /lib64/libfreebl3.so)
16: ==9601==    by 0x301A216438: ??? (in /lib64/libfreebl3.so)
16: ==9601==    by 0x301A2550D5: ??? (in /lib64/libfreebl3.so)
16: ==9601==    by 0x301A203A7A: ??? (in /lib64/libfreebl3.so)
16: ==9601==    by 0x7FEFFF6DD: ???
16: ==9601==    by 0x776F442F73697660: ???
16: ==9601==    by 0x512F7364616F6C6D: ???
16: ==9601==    by 0x6B6F72422F44494F: ???
16: ==9601==    by 0x2D646970712F7264: ???
16: ==9601==    by 0x30332E302D707062: ???
16: ==9601==    by 0x6372732F444C422E: ???
16: ==9601==    by 0x2D0064646970712E: ???
16: ==9601==    by 0x6F6E3D687475612C: ???
16: ==9601==    by 0x6F6D2D6F6E2D2CFF: ???
16: ==9601==    by 0x7269642D656C7563: ???
16: ==9601==    by 0x6F6D6561642D2CFF: ???
16: ==9601==    by 0x74726F702D2D006D: ???
16: ==9601==    by 0x746E692D2D00303C: ???
16: ==9601==    by 0x3100656361667264: ???
16: ==9601==    by 0x312E302E302E3731: ???
16: ==9601== 
16: ==9601== LEAK SUMMARY:
16: ==9601==    definitely lost: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
16: ==9601==    indirectly lost: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
16: ==9601==      possibly lost: 88 bytes in 2 blocks
16: ==9601==    still reachable: 12,048 bytes in 77 blocks
16: ==9601==         suppressed: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
16: ==9601== Reachable blocks (those to which a pointer was found) are not 
16: ==9601== To see them, rerun with: --leak-check=full --show-reachable=yes
16: ==9601== 
16: ==9601== For counts of detected and suppressed errors, rerun with: -v
16: ==9601== ERROR SUMMARY: 2 errors from 2 contexts (suppressed: 6 from 6)
16: Valgrind reported errors in 
 see above.
16/31 Test #16: msg_group_tests ..................***Failed    3.33 sec
test 17
      Start 17: run_header_test

17: Test command: 
"--start-broker" "--" 
17: Test timeout computed to be: 1500
17: Python test code not found: skipping python based test
17: Valgrind error log in 
17: ==9634== Memcheck, a memory error detector
17: ==9634== Copyright (C) 2002-2012, and GNU GPL'd, by Julian Seward et al.
17: ==9634== Using Valgrind-3.8.1 and LibVEX; rerun with -h for copyright info
17: ==9634== Command: 
/home/edavis/Downloads/QPID/Broker/qpid-cpp-0.30/BLD/src/qpidd --auth=no 
--no-module-dir --daemon --port=0 --interface --log-to-file 
17: ==9634== Parent PID: 9623
17: ==9634== 
17: ==9634== 
17: ==9634== HEAP SUMMARY:
17: ==9634==     in use at exit: 12,136 bytes in 79 blocks
17: ==9634==   total heap usage: 14,911 allocs, 14,832 frees, 4,451,875 bytes 
17: ==9634== 
17: ==9634== 40 bytes in 1 blocks are possibly lost in loss record 33 of 72
17: ==9634==    at 0x4A06A2E: malloc (vg_replace_malloc.c:270)
17: ==9634==    by 0x301D60D60B: ??? (in /lib64/libnspr4.so)
17: ==9634==    by 0x301D625094: ??? (in /lib64/libnspr4.so)
17: ==9634==    by 0x301D625468: PR_OpenFile (in /lib64/libnspr4.so)
17: ==9634==    by 0x301A22BC67: ??? (in /lib64/libfreebl3.so)
17: ==9634==    by 0x301A22BFFE: ??? (in /lib64/libfreebl3.so)
17: ==9634==    by 0x301A216438: ??? (in /lib64/libfreebl3.so)
17: ==9634==    by 0x301A2550D5: ??? (in /lib64/libfreebl3.so)
17: ==9634==    by 0x301A203A7A: ??? (in /lib64/libfreebl3.so)
17: ==9634==    by 0x7FEFFF6E1: ???
17: ==9634==    by 0x776F442F73697660: ???
17: ==9634==    by 0x512F7364616F6C6D: ???
17: ==9634==    by 0x6B6F72422F44494F: ???
17: ==9634==    by 0x2D646970712F7264: ???
17: ==9634==    by 0x30332E302D707062: ???
17: ==9634==    by 0x6372732F444C422E: ???
17: ==9634==    by 0x2D0064646970712E: ???
17: ==9634==    by 0x6F6E3D687475612C: ???
17: ==9634==    by 0x6F6D2D6F6E2D2CFF: ???
17: ==9634==    by 0x7269642D656C7563: ???
17: ==9634==    by 0x6F6D6561642D2CFF: ???
17: ==9634==    by 0x74726F702D2D006D: ???
17: ==9634==    by 0x746E692D2D00303C: ???
17: ==9634==    by 0x3100656361667264: ???
17: ==9634==    by 0x312E302E302E3731: ???
17: ==9634== 
17: ==9634== 48 bytes in 1 blocks are possibly lost in loss record 37 of 72
17: ==9634==    at 0x4A06A2E: malloc (vg_replace_malloc.c:270)
17: ==9634==    by 0x301D60D5F9: ??? (in /lib64/libnspr4.so)
17: ==9634==    by 0x301D625094: ??? (in /lib64/libnspr4.so)
17: ==9634==    by 0x301D625468: PR_OpenFile (in /lib64/libnspr4.so)
17: ==9634==    by 0x301A22BC67: ??? (in /lib64/libfreebl3.so)
17: ==9634==    by 0x301A22BFFE: ??? (in /lib64/libfreebl3.so)
17: ==9634==    by 0x301A216438: ??? (in /lib64/libfreebl3.so)
17: ==9634==    by 0x301A2550D5: ??? (in /lib64/libfreebl3.so)
17: ==9634==    by 0x301A203A7A: ??? (in /lib64/libfreebl3.so)
17: ==9634==    by 0x7FEFFF6E1: ???
17: ==9634==    by 0x776F442F73697660: ???
17: ==9634==    by 0x512F7364616F6C6D: ???
17: ==9634==    by 0x6B6F72422F44494F: ???
17: ==9634==    by 0x2D646970712F7264: ???
17: ==9634==    by 0x30332E302D707062: ???
17: ==9634==    by 0x6372732F444C422E: ???
17: ==9634==    by 0x2D0064646970712E: ???
17: ==9634==    by 0x6F6E3D687475612C: ???
17: ==9634==    by 0x6F6D2D6F6E2D2CFF: ???
17: ==9634==    by 0x7269642D656C7563: ???
17: ==9634==    by 0x6F6D6561642D2CFF: ???
17: ==9634==    by 0x74726F702D2D006D: ???
17: ==9634==    by 0x746E692D2D00303C: ???
17: ==9634==    by 0x3100656361667264: ???
17: ==9634==    by 0x312E302E302E3731: ???
17: ==9634== 
17: ==9634== LEAK SUMMARY:
17: ==9634==    definitely lost: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
17: ==9634==    indirectly lost: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
17: ==9634==      possibly lost: 88 bytes in 2 blocks
17: ==9634==    still reachable: 12,048 bytes in 77 blocks
17: ==9634==         suppressed: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
17: ==9634== Reachable blocks (those to which a pointer was found) are not 
17: ==9634== To see them, rerun with: --leak-check=full --show-reachable=yes
17: ==9634== 
17: ==9634== For counts of detected and suppressed errors, rerun with: -v
17: ==9634== ERROR SUMMARY: 2 errors from 2 contexts (suppressed: 6 from 6)
17: ==9636== 
17: ==9636== HEAP SUMMARY:
17: ==9636==     in use at exit: 12,136 bytes in 79 blocks
17: ==9636==   total heap usage: 18,581 allocs, 18,502 frees, 4,768,635 bytes 
17: ==9636== 
17: ==9636== 40 bytes in 1 blocks are possibly lost in loss record 33 of 72
17: ==9636==    at 0x4A06A2E: malloc (vg_replace_malloc.c:270)
17: ==9636==    by 0x301D60D60B: ??? (in /lib64/libnspr4.so)
17: ==9636==    by 0x301D625094: ??? (in /lib64/libnspr4.so)
17: ==9636==    by 0x301D625468: PR_OpenFile (in /lib64/libnspr4.so)
17: ==9636==    by 0x301A22BC67: ??? (in /lib64/libfreebl3.so)
17: ==9636==    by 0x301A22BFFE: ??? (in /lib64/libfreebl3.so)
17: ==9636==    by 0x301A216438: ??? (in /lib64/libfreebl3.so)
17: ==9636==    by 0x301A2550D5: ??? (in /lib64/libfreebl3.so)
17: ==9636==    by 0x301A203A7A: ??? (in /lib64/libfreebl3.so)
17: ==9636==    by 0x7FEFFF6E1: ???
17: ==9636==    by 0x776F442F73697660: ???
17: ==9636==    by 0x512F7364616F6C6D: ???
17: ==9636==    by 0x6B6F72422F44494F: ???
17: ==9636==    by 0x2D646970712F7264: ???
17: ==9636==    by 0x30332E302D707062: ???
17: ==9636==    by 0x6372732F444C422E: ???
17: ==9636==    by 0x2D0064646970712E: ???
17: ==9636==    by 0x6F6E3D687475612C: ???
17: ==9636==    by 0x6F6D2D6F6E2D2CFF: ???
17: ==9636==    by 0x7269642D656C7563: ???
17: ==9636==    by 0x6F6D6561642D2CFF: ???
17: ==9636==    by 0x74726F702D2D006D: ???
17: ==9636==    by 0x746E692D2D00303C: ???
17: ==9636==    by 0x3100656361667264: ???
17: ==9636==    by 0x312E302E302E3731: ???
17: ==9636== 
17: ==9636== 48 bytes in 1 blocks are possibly lost in loss record 37 of 72
17: ==9636==    at 0x4A06A2E: malloc (vg_replace_malloc.c:270)
17: ==9636==    by 0x301D60D5F9: ??? (in /lib64/libnspr4.so)
17: ==9636==    by 0x301D625094: ??? (in /lib64/libnspr4.so)
17: ==9636==    by 0x301D625468: PR_OpenFile (in /lib64/libnspr4.so)
17: ==9636==    by 0x301A22BC67: ??? (in /lib64/libfreebl3.so)
17: ==9636==    by 0x301A22BFFE: ??? (in /lib64/libfreebl3.so)
17: ==9636==    by 0x301A216438: ??? (in /lib64/libfreebl3.so)
17: ==9636==    by 0x301A2550D5: ??? (in /lib64/libfreebl3.so)
17: ==9636==    by 0x301A203A7A: ??? (in /lib64/libfreebl3.so)
17: ==9636==    by 0x7FEFFF6E1: ???
17: ==9636==    by 0x776F442F73697660: ???
17: ==9636==    by 0x512F7364616F6C6D: ???
17: ==9636==    by 0x6B6F72422F44494F: ???
17: ==9636==    by 0x2D646970712F7264: ???
17: ==9636==    by 0x30332E302D707062: ???
17: ==9636==    by 0x6372732F444C422E: ???
17: ==9636==    by 0x2D0064646970712E: ???
17: ==9636==    by 0x6F6E3D687475612C: ???
17: ==9636==    by 0x6F6D2D6F6E2D2CFF: ???
17: ==9636==    by 0x7269642D656C7563: ???
17: ==9636==    by 0x6F6D6561642D2CFF: ???
17: ==9636==    by 0x74726F702D2D006D: ???
17: ==9636==    by 0x746E692D2D00303C: ???
17: ==9636==    by 0x3100656361667264: ???
17: ==9636==    by 0x312E302E302E3731: ???
17: ==9636== 
17: ==9636== LEAK SUMMARY:
17: ==9636==    definitely lost: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
17: ==9636==    indirectly lost: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
17: ==9636==      possibly lost: 88 bytes in 2 blocks
17: ==9636==    still reachable: 12,048 bytes in 77 blocks
17: ==9636==         suppressed: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
17: ==9636== Reachable blocks (those to which a pointer was found) are not 
17: ==9636== To see them, rerun with: --leak-check=full --show-reachable=yes
17: ==9636== 
17: ==9636== For counts of detected and suppressed errors, rerun with: -v
17: ==9636== ERROR SUMMARY: 2 errors from 2 contexts (suppressed: 6 from 6)
17: Valgrind reported errors in 
 see above.
17/31 Test #17: run_header_test ..................***Failed    3.41 sec
test 18
      Start 18: python_tests

18: Test command: 
"--start-broker" "--" 
18: Test timeout computed to be: 1500
18: Python test code not found: skipping python based test
18: Valgrind error log in 
18: ==9669== Memcheck, a memory error detector
18: ==9669== Copyright (C) 2002-2012, and GNU GPL'd, by Julian Seward et al.
18: ==9669== Using Valgrind-3.8.1 and LibVEX; rerun with -h for copyright info
18: ==9669== Command: 
/home/edavis/Downloads/QPID/Broker/qpid-cpp-0.30/BLD/src/qpidd --auth=no 
--no-module-dir --daemon --port=0 --interface --log-to-file 
18: ==9669== Parent PID: 9658
18: ==9669== 
18: ==9669== 
18: ==9669== HEAP SUMMARY:
18: ==9669==     in use at exit: 12,136 bytes in 79 blocks
18: ==9669==   total heap usage: 14,907 allocs, 14,828 frees, 4,449,803 bytes 
18: ==9669== 
18: ==9669== 40 bytes in 1 blocks are possibly lost in loss record 33 of 72
18: ==9669==    at 0x4A06A2E: malloc (vg_replace_malloc.c:270)
18: ==9669==    by 0x301D60D60B: ??? (in /lib64/libnspr4.so)
18: ==9669==    by 0x301D625094: ??? (in /lib64/libnspr4.so)
18: ==9669==    by 0x301D625468: PR_OpenFile (in /lib64/libnspr4.so)
18: ==9669==    by 0x301A22BC67: ??? (in /lib64/libfreebl3.so)
18: ==9669==    by 0x301A22BFFE: ??? (in /lib64/libfreebl3.so)
18: ==9669==    by 0x301A216438: ??? (in /lib64/libfreebl3.so)
18: ==9669==    by 0x301A2550D5: ??? (in /lib64/libfreebl3.so)
18: ==9669==    by 0x301A203A7A: ??? (in /lib64/libfreebl3.so)
18: ==9669==    by 0x7FEFFF6E5: ???
18: ==9669==    by 0x776F442F73697660: ???
18: ==9669==    by 0x512F7364616F6C6D: ???
18: ==9669==    by 0x6B6F72422F44494F: ???
18: ==9669==    by 0x2D646970712F7264: ???
18: ==9669==    by 0x30332E302D707062: ???
18: ==9669==    by 0x6372732F444C422E: ???
18: ==9669==    by 0x2D0064646970712E: ???
18: ==9669==    by 0x6F6E3D687475612C: ???
18: ==9669==    by 0x6F6D2D6F6E2D2CFF: ???
18: ==9669==    by 0x7269642D656C7563: ???
18: ==9669==    by 0x6F6D6561642D2CFF: ???
18: ==9669==    by 0x74726F702D2D006D: ???
18: ==9669==    by 0x746E692D2D00303C: ???
18: ==9669==    by 0x3100656361667264: ???
18: ==9669==    by 0x312E302E302E3731: ???
18: ==9669== 
18: ==9669== 48 bytes in 1 blocks are possibly lost in loss record 37 of 72
18: ==9669==    at 0x4A06A2E: malloc (vg_replace_malloc.c:270)
18: ==9669==    by 0x301D60D5F9: ??? (in /lib64/libnspr4.so)
18: ==9669==    by 0x301D625094: ??? (in /lib64/libnspr4.so)
18: ==9669==    by 0x301D625468: PR_OpenFile (in /lib64/libnspr4.so)
18: ==9669==    by 0x301A22BC67: ??? (in /lib64/libfreebl3.so)
18: ==9669==    by 0x301A22BFFE: ??? (in /lib64/libfreebl3.so)
18: ==9669==    by 0x301A216438: ??? (in /lib64/libfreebl3.so)
18: ==9669==    by 0x301A2550D5: ??? (in /lib64/libfreebl3.so)
18: ==9669==    by 0x301A203A7A: ??? (in /lib64/libfreebl3.so)
18: ==9669==    by 0x7FEFFF6E5: ???
18: ==9669==    by 0x776F442F73697660: ???
18: ==9669==    by 0x512F7364616F6C6D: ???
18: ==9669==    by 0x6B6F72422F44494F: ???
18: ==9669==    by 0x2D646970712F7264: ???
18: ==9669==    by 0x30332E302D707062: ???
18: ==9669==    by 0x6372732F444C422E: ???
18: ==9669==    by 0x2D0064646970712E: ???
18: ==9669==    by 0x6F6E3D687475612C: ???
18: ==9669==    by 0x6F6D2D6F6E2D2CFF: ???
18: ==9669==    by 0x7269642D656C7563: ???
18: ==9669==    by 0x6F6D6561642D2CFF: ???
18: ==9669==    by 0x74726F702D2D006D: ???
18: ==9669==    by 0x746E692D2D00303C: ???
18: ==9669==    by 0x3100656361667264: ???
18: ==9669==    by 0x312E302E302E3731: ???
18: ==9669== 
18: ==9669== LEAK SUMMARY:
18: ==9669==    definitely lost: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
18: ==9669==    indirectly lost: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
18: ==9669==      possibly lost: 88 bytes in 2 blocks
18: ==9669==    still reachable: 12,048 bytes in 77 blocks
18: ==9669==         suppressed: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
18: ==9669== Reachable blocks (those to which a pointer was found) are not 
18: ==9669== To see them, rerun with: --leak-check=full --show-reachable=yes
18: ==9669== 
18: ==9669== For counts of detected and suppressed errors, rerun with: -v
18: ==9669== ERROR SUMMARY: 2 errors from 2 contexts (suppressed: 6 from 6)
18: ==9671== 
18: ==9671== HEAP SUMMARY:
18: ==9671==     in use at exit: 12,136 bytes in 79 blocks
18: ==9671==   total heap usage: 18,577 allocs, 18,498 frees, 4,766,563 bytes 
18: ==9671== 
18: ==9671== 40 bytes in 1 blocks are possibly lost in loss record 33 of 72
18: ==9671==    at 0x4A06A2E: malloc (vg_replace_malloc.c:270)
18: ==9671==    by 0x301D60D60B: ??? (in /lib64/libnspr4.so)
18: ==9671==    by 0x301D625094: ??? (in /lib64/libnspr4.so)
18: ==9671==    by 0x301D625468: PR_OpenFile (in /lib64/libnspr4.so)
18: ==9671==    by 0x301A22BC67: ??? (in /lib64/libfreebl3.so)
18: ==9671==    by 0x301A22BFFE: ??? (in /lib64/libfreebl3.so)
18: ==9671==    by 0x301A216438: ??? (in /lib64/libfreebl3.so)
18: ==9671==    by 0x301A2550D5: ??? (in /lib64/libfreebl3.so)
18: ==9671==    by 0x301A203A7A: ??? (in /lib64/libfreebl3.so)
18: ==9671==    by 0x7FEFFF6E5: ???
18: ==9671==    by 0x776F442F73697660: ???
18: ==9671==    by 0x512F7364616F6C6D: ???
18: ==9671==    by 0x6B6F72422F44494F: ???
18: ==9671==    by 0x2D646970712F7264: ???
18: ==9671==    by 0x30332E302D707062: ???
18: ==9671==    by 0x6372732F444C422E: ???
18: ==9671==    by 0x2D0064646970712E: ???
18: ==9671==    by 0x6F6E3D687475612C: ???
18: ==9671==    by 0x6F6D2D6F6E2D2CFF: ???
18: ==9671==    by 0x7269642D656C7563: ???
18: ==9671==    by 0x6F6D6561642D2CFF: ???
18: ==9671==    by 0x74726F702D2D006D: ???
18: ==9671==    by 0x746E692D2D00303C: ???
18: ==9671==    by 0x3100656361667264: ???
18: ==9671==    by 0x312E302E302E3731: ???
18: ==9671== 
18: ==9671== 48 bytes in 1 blocks are possibly lost in loss record 37 of 72
18: ==9671==    at 0x4A06A2E: malloc (vg_replace_malloc.c:270)
18: ==9671==    by 0x301D60D5F9: ??? (in /lib64/libnspr4.so)
18: ==9671==    by 0x301D625094: ??? (in /lib64/libnspr4.so)
18: ==9671==    by 0x301D625468: PR_OpenFile (in /lib64/libnspr4.so)
18: ==9671==    by 0x301A22BC67: ??? (in /lib64/libfreebl3.so)
18: ==9671==    by 0x301A22BFFE: ??? (in /lib64/libfreebl3.so)
18: ==9671==    by 0x301A216438: ??? (in /lib64/libfreebl3.so)
18: ==9671==    by 0x301A2550D5: ??? (in /lib64/libfreebl3.so)
18: ==9671==    by 0x301A203A7A: ??? (in /lib64/libfreebl3.so)
18: ==9671==    by 0x7FEFFF6E5: ???
18: ==9671==    by 0x776F442F73697660: ???
18: ==9671==    by 0x512F7364616F6C6D: ???
18: ==9671==    by 0x6B6F72422F44494F: ???
18: ==9671==    by 0x2D646970712F7264: ???
18: ==9671==    by 0x30332E302D707062: ???
18: ==9671==    by 0x6372732F444C422E: ???
18: ==9671==    by 0x2D0064646970712E: ???
18: ==9671==    by 0x6F6E3D687475612C: ???
18: ==9671==    by 0x6F6D2D6F6E2D2CFF: ???
18: ==9671==    by 0x7269642D656C7563: ???
18: ==9671==    by 0x6F6D6561642D2CFF: ???
18: ==9671==    by 0x74726F702D2D006D: ???
18: ==9671==    by 0x746E692D2D00303C: ???
18: ==9671==    by 0x3100656361667264: ???
18: ==9671==    by 0x312E302E302E3731: ???
18: ==9671== 
18: ==9671== LEAK SUMMARY:
18: ==9671==    definitely lost: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
18: ==9671==    indirectly lost: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
18: ==9671==      possibly lost: 88 bytes in 2 blocks
18: ==9671==    still reachable: 12,048 bytes in 77 blocks
18: ==9671==         suppressed: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
18: ==9671== Reachable blocks (those to which a pointer was found) are not 
18: ==9671== To see them, rerun with: --leak-check=full --show-reachable=yes
18: ==9671== 
18: ==9671== For counts of detected and suppressed errors, rerun with: -v
18: ==9671== ERROR SUMMARY: 2 errors from 2 contexts (suppressed: 6 from 6)
18: Valgrind reported errors in 
 see above.
18/31 Test #18: python_tests .....................***Failed    3.37 sec
test 19
      Start 19: paged_queue_tests

19: Test command: 
19: Test timeout computed to be: 1500
19: Traceback (most recent call last):
19:   File 
 line 21, in <module>
19:     import optparse, time, qpid.messaging, re, os
19: ImportError: No module named qpid.messaging
19: Traceback (most recent call last):
19:   File 
 line 21, in <module>
19:     import optparse, time, qpid.messaging, re, os
19: ImportError: No module named qpid.messaging
19/31 Test #19: paged_queue_tests ................   Passed    0.25 sec
test 20
      Start 20: ha_tests

20: Test command: 
"--build-dir=/home/edavis/Downloads/QPID/Broker/qpid-cpp-0.30/BLD" "--python" 
"--" "/home/edavis/Downloads/QPID/Broker/qpid-cpp-0.30/src/tests/ha_tests.py"
20: Test timeout computed to be: 1500
20: Traceback (most recent call last):
20:   File 
"/home/edavis/Downloads/QPID/Broker/qpid-cpp-0.30/src/tests/ha_tests.py", line 
22, in <module>
20:     from qpid.datatypes import uuid4, UUID
20: ImportError: No module named qpid.datatypes
20/31 Test #20: ha_tests .........................***Failed    0.54 sec
test 21
      Start 21: qpidd_qmfv2_tests

21: Test command: 
"--build-dir=/home/edavis/Downloads/QPID/Broker/qpid-cpp-0.30/BLD" "--python" 
21: Test timeout computed to be: 1500
21: Traceback (most recent call last):
21:   File 
 line 28, in <module>
21:     from brokertest import *
21:   File 
line 23, in <module>
21:     import qpid, traceback, signal
21: ImportError: No module named qpid
21/31 Test #21: qpidd_qmfv2_tests ................***Failed    0.55 sec
test 22
      Start 22: swig_python_tests

22: Test command: 
"--build-dir=/home/edavis/Downloads/QPID/Broker/qpid-cpp-0.30/BLD" "--" 
22: Test timeout computed to be: 1500
22: Python test code not found: skipping python based test
22/31 Test #22: swig_python_tests ................   Passed    0.04 sec
test 23
      Start 23: ipv6_test

23: Test command: 
"--build-dir=/home/edavis/Downloads/QPID/Broker/qpid-cpp-0.30/BLD" "--" 
23: Test timeout computed to be: 1500
23: No global IPv6 addresses configured - skipping test
23/31 Test #23: ipv6_test ........................   Passed    0.04 sec
test 24
      Start 24: federation_tests

24: Test command: 
24: Test timeout computed to be: 1500
24/31 Test #24: federation_tests .................   Passed    0.02 sec
test 25
      Start 25: federation_sys_tests

25: Test command: 
25: Test timeout computed to be: 1500
25: WARNING: Tests using persistence will be ignored.
25/31 Test #25: federation_sys_tests .............   Passed    0.02 sec
test 26
      Start 26: queue_flow_limit_tests

26: Test command: 
"--start-broker" "--broker-options=--default-flow-stop-threshold=80 
--default-flow-resume-threshold=70" "--" 
26: Test timeout computed to be: 1500
26: Python test code not found: skipping python based test
26: Valgrind error log in 
26: ==9834== Memcheck, a memory error detector
26: ==9834== Copyright (C) 2002-2012, and GNU GPL'd, by Julian Seward et al.
26: ==9834== Using Valgrind-3.8.1 and LibVEX; rerun with -h for copyright info
26: ==9834== Command: 
/home/edavis/Downloads/QPID/Broker/qpid-cpp-0.30/BLD/src/qpidd --auth=no 
--no-module-dir --daemon --port=0 --interface --log-to-file 
 --default-flow-stop-threshold=80 --default-flow-resume-threshold=70
26: ==9834== Parent PID: 9823
26: ==9834== 
26: ==9834== 
26: ==9834== HEAP SUMMARY:
26: ==9834==     in use at exit: 12,136 bytes in 79 blocks
26: ==9834==   total heap usage: 15,135 allocs, 15,056 frees, 4,462,571 bytes 
26: ==9834== 
26: ==9834== 40 bytes in 1 blocks are possibly lost in loss record 33 of 72
26: ==9834==    at 0x4A06A2E: malloc (vg_replace_malloc.c:270)
26: ==9834==    by 0x301D60D60B: ??? (in /lib64/libnspr4.so)
26: ==9834==    by 0x301D625094: ??? (in /lib64/libnspr4.so)
26: ==9834==    by 0x301D625468: PR_OpenFile (in /lib64/libnspr4.so)
26: ==9834==    by 0x301A22BC67: ??? (in /lib64/libfreebl3.so)
26: ==9834==    by 0x301A22BFFE: ??? (in /lib64/libfreebl3.so)
26: ==9834==    by 0x301A216438: ??? (in /lib64/libfreebl3.so)
26: ==9834==    by 0x301A2550D5: ??? (in /lib64/libfreebl3.so)
26: ==9834==    by 0x301A203A7A: ??? (in /lib64/libfreebl3.so)
26: ==9834==    by 0x7FEFFF691: ???
26: ==9834==    by 0x776F442F73697660: ???
26: ==9834==    by 0x512F7364616F6C6D: ???
26: ==9834==    by 0x6B6F72422F44494F: ???
26: ==9834==    by 0x2D646970712F7264: ???
26: ==9834==    by 0x30332E302D707062: ???
26: ==9834==    by 0x6372732F444C422E: ???
26: ==9834==    by 0x2D0064646970712E: ???
26: ==9834==    by 0x6F6E3D687475612C: ???
26: ==9834==    by 0x6F6D2D6F6E2D2CFF: ???
26: ==9834==    by 0x7269642D656C7563: ???
26: ==9834==    by 0x6F6D6561642D2CFF: ???
26: ==9834==    by 0x74726F702D2D006D: ???
26: ==9834==    by 0x746E692D2D00303C: ???
26: ==9834==    by 0x3100656361667264: ???
26: ==9834==    by 0x312E302E302E3731: ???
26: ==9834== 
26: ==9834== 48 bytes in 1 blocks are possibly lost in loss record 37 of 72
26: ==9834==    at 0x4A06A2E: malloc (vg_replace_malloc.c:270)
26: ==9834==    by 0x301D60D5F9: ??? (in /lib64/libnspr4.so)
26: ==9834==    by 0x301D625094: ??? (in /lib64/libnspr4.so)
26: ==9834==    by 0x301D625468: PR_OpenFile (in /lib64/libnspr4.so)
26: ==9834==    by 0x301A22BC67: ??? (in /lib64/libfreebl3.so)
26: ==9834==    by 0x301A22BFFE: ??? (in /lib64/libfreebl3.so)
26: ==9834==    by 0x301A216438: ??? (in /lib64/libfreebl3.so)
26: ==9834==    by 0x301A2550D5: ??? (in /lib64/libfreebl3.so)
26: ==9834==    by 0x301A203A7A: ??? (in /lib64/libfreebl3.so)
26: ==9834==    by 0x7FEFFF691: ???
26: ==9834==    by 0x776F442F73697660: ???
26: ==9834==    by 0x512F7364616F6C6D: ???
26: ==9834==    by 0x6B6F72422F44494F: ???
26: ==9834==    by 0x2D646970712F7264: ???
26: ==9834==    by 0x30332E302D707062: ???
26: ==9834==    by 0x6372732F444C422E: ???
26: ==9834==    by 0x2D0064646970712E: ???
26: ==9834==    by 0x6F6E3D687475612C: ???
26: ==9834==    by 0x6F6D2D6F6E2D2CFF: ???
26: ==9834==    by 0x7269642D656C7563: ???
26: ==9834==    by 0x6F6D6561642D2CFF: ???
26: ==9834==    by 0x74726F702D2D006D: ???
26: ==9834==    by 0x746E692D2D00303C: ???
26: ==9834==    by 0x3100656361667264: ???
26: ==9834==    by 0x312E302E302E3731: ???
26: ==9834== 
26: ==9834== LEAK SUMMARY:
26: ==9834==    definitely lost: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
26: ==9834==    indirectly lost: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
26: ==9834==      possibly lost: 88 bytes in 2 blocks
26: ==9834==    still reachable: 12,048 bytes in 77 blocks
26: ==9834==         suppressed: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
26: ==9834== Reachable blocks (those to which a pointer was found) are not 
26: ==9834== To see them, rerun with: --leak-check=full --show-reachable=yes
26: ==9834== 
26: ==9834== For counts of detected and suppressed errors, rerun with: -v
26: ==9834== ERROR SUMMARY: 2 errors from 2 contexts (suppressed: 6 from 6)
26: ==9836== 
26: ==9836== HEAP SUMMARY:
26: ==9836==     in use at exit: 12,136 bytes in 79 blocks
26: ==9836==   total heap usage: 18,805 allocs, 18,726 frees, 4,779,331 bytes 
26: ==9836== 
26: ==9836== 40 bytes in 1 blocks are possibly lost in loss record 33 of 72
26: ==9836==    at 0x4A06A2E: malloc (vg_replace_malloc.c:270)
26: ==9836==    by 0x301D60D60B: ??? (in /lib64/libnspr4.so)
26: ==9836==    by 0x301D625094: ??? (in /lib64/libnspr4.so)
26: ==9836==    by 0x301D625468: PR_OpenFile (in /lib64/libnspr4.so)
26: ==9836==    by 0x301A22BC67: ??? (in /lib64/libfreebl3.so)
26: ==9836==    by 0x301A22BFFE: ??? (in /lib64/libfreebl3.so)
26: ==9836==    by 0x301A216438: ??? (in /lib64/libfreebl3.so)
26: ==9836==    by 0x301A2550D5: ??? (in /lib64/libfreebl3.so)
26: ==9836==    by 0x301A203A7A: ??? (in /lib64/libfreebl3.so)
26: ==9836==    by 0x7FEFFF691: ???
26: ==9836==    by 0x776F442F73697660: ???
26: ==9836==    by 0x512F7364616F6C6D: ???
26: ==9836==    by 0x6B6F72422F44494F: ???
26: ==9836==    by 0x2D646970712F7264: ???
26: ==9836==    by 0x30332E302D707062: ???
26: ==9836==    by 0x6372732F444C422E: ???
26: ==9836==    by 0x2D0064646970712E: ???
26: ==9836==    by 0x6F6E3D687475612C: ???
26: ==9836==    by 0x6F6D2D6F6E2D2CFF: ???
26: ==9836==    by 0x7269642D656C7563: ???
26: ==9836==    by 0x6F6D6561642D2CFF: ???
26: ==9836==    by 0x74726F702D2D006D: ???
26: ==9836==    by 0x746E692D2D00303C: ???
26: ==9836==    by 0x3100656361667264: ???
26: ==9836==    by 0x312E302E302E3731: ???
26: ==9836== 
26: ==9836== 48 bytes in 1 blocks are possibly lost in loss record 37 of 72
26: ==9836==    at 0x4A06A2E: malloc (vg_replace_malloc.c:270)
26: ==9836==    by 0x301D60D5F9: ??? (in /lib64/libnspr4.so)
26: ==9836==    by 0x301D625094: ??? (in /lib64/libnspr4.so)
26: ==9836==    by 0x301D625468: PR_OpenFile (in /lib64/libnspr4.so)
26: ==9836==    by 0x301A22BC67: ??? (in /lib64/libfreebl3.so)
26: ==9836==    by 0x301A22BFFE: ??? (in /lib64/libfreebl3.so)
26: ==9836==    by 0x301A216438: ??? (in /lib64/libfreebl3.so)
26: ==9836==    by 0x301A2550D5: ??? (in /lib64/libfreebl3.so)
26: ==9836==    by 0x301A203A7A: ??? (in /lib64/libfreebl3.so)
26: ==9836==    by 0x7FEFFF691: ???
26: ==9836==    by 0x776F442F73697660: ???
26: ==9836==    by 0x512F7364616F6C6D: ???
26: ==9836==    by 0x6B6F72422F44494F: ???
26: ==9836==    by 0x2D646970712F7264: ???
26: ==9836==    by 0x30332E302D707062: ???
26: ==9836==    by 0x6372732F444C422E: ???
26: ==9836==    by 0x2D0064646970712E: ???
26: ==9836==    by 0x6F6E3D687475612C: ???
26: ==9836==    by 0x6F6D2D6F6E2D2CFF: ???
26: ==9836==    by 0x7269642D656C7563: ???
26: ==9836==    by 0x6F6D6561642D2CFF: ???
26: ==9836==    by 0x74726F702D2D006D: ???
26: ==9836==    by 0x746E692D2D00303C: ???
26: ==9836==    by 0x3100656361667264: ???
26: ==9836==    by 0x312E302E302E3731: ???
26: ==9836== 
26: ==9836== LEAK SUMMARY:
26: ==9836==    definitely lost: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
26: ==9836==    indirectly lost: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
26: ==9836==      possibly lost: 88 bytes in 2 blocks
26: ==9836==    still reachable: 12,048 bytes in 77 blocks
26: ==9836==         suppressed: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
26: ==9836== Reachable blocks (those to which a pointer was found) are not 
26: ==9836== To see them, rerun with: --leak-check=full --show-reachable=yes
26: ==9836== 
26: ==9836== For counts of detected and suppressed errors, rerun with: -v
26: ==9836== ERROR SUMMARY: 2 errors from 2 contexts (suppressed: 6 from 6)
26: Valgrind reported errors in 
 see above.
26/31 Test #26: queue_flow_limit_tests ...........***Failed    3.34 sec
test 27
      Start 27: acl_tests

27: Test command: 
27: Test timeout computed to be: 1500
27/31 Test #27: acl_tests ........................   Passed    0.01 sec
test 28
      Start 28: cli_tests

28: Test command: 
28: Test timeout computed to be: 1500
28/31 Test #28: cli_tests ........................   Passed    0.01 sec
test 29
      Start 29: dynamic_log_level_test

29: Test command: 
29: Test timeout computed to be: 1500
29: Skipping python tests, no python dir.
29/31 Test #29: dynamic_log_level_test ...........   Passed    0.00 sec
test 30
      Start 30: dynamic_log_hires_timestamp

30: Test command: 
30: Test timeout computed to be: 1500
30: Skipping python tests, no python dir.
30/31 Test #30: dynamic_log_hires_timestamp ......   Passed    0.01 sec
test 31
      Start 31: queue_redirect

31: Test command: 
31: Test timeout computed to be: 1500
31/31 Test #31: queue_redirect ...................   Passed    0.01 sec

61% tests passed, 12 tests failed out of 31

Total Test time (real) =  93.46 sec

The following tests FAILED:
          3 - unit_test (Failed)
         11 - qpid-client-test (Failed)
         12 - quick_perftest (Failed)
         13 - quick_topictest (Failed)
         14 - quick_txtest (Failed)
         15 - quick_txtest2 (Failed)
         16 - msg_group_tests (Failed)
         17 - run_header_test (Failed)
         18 - python_tests (Failed)
         20 - ha_tests (Failed)
         21 - qpidd_qmfv2_tests (Failed)
         26 - queue_flow_limit_tests (Failed)

> Failed Tests
> ------------
>                 Key: QPID-6305
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/QPID-6305
>             Project: Qpid
>          Issue Type: Test
>          Components: C++ Broker
>    Affects Versions: 0.30
>         Environment: Redhat Enterprise linux 6
>            Reporter: Eddie Davis
> Downloaded latest 0.30 .... followed build instructions and everything seemed 
> to build fine. So I ran the tests and this is the result that I got. 
> The following tests FAILED:
>         3 - unit_test (Failed)
>        11 - qpid-client-test (Failed)
>        12 - quick_perftest (Failed)
>        13 - quick_topictest (Failed)
>        14 - quick_txtest (Failed)
>        15 - quick_txtest2 (Failed)
>        16 - msg_group_tests (Failed)
>        17 - run_header_test (Failed)
>        18 - python_tests (Failed)
>        20 - ha_tests (Failed)
>        21 - qpidd_qmfv2_tests (Failed)
>        26 - queue_flow_limit_tests (Failed)
> How do I resolve these issues? 
> Cannot seem to find a document on the tests run?
> Hopefully, this is a quick fix. 
> thanks,
> Ed. 

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