Github user kgiusti commented on a diff in the pull request:
    --- Diff: python/qpid_dispatch/management/qdrouter.json ---
    @@ -1126,6 +1126,106 @@
    +        "": {
    +            "description":"[EXPERIMENTAL] Defines a topic exchange.",
    +            "extends": "configurationEntity",
    +            "operations": ["CREATE", "DELETE"],
    +            "attributes": {
    +                "address": {
    --- End diff --
    We haven't been very good at being consistent with naming: the router.node 
itself has an "address" attribute, while the config.autoLink's address is 
labeled with 'addr'.
    There are a few attributes that have 'addr' as a prefix or a suffix to the 
full name, e.g.:
    addrCount, owningAddr, and externalAddr.
    So we're already inconsistent to some degree.  I'd favor using 'address' as 
the attribute name for an entity that has a single address attribute, and use 
the "<prefix>Addr" for those entities with more than one address attribute.  So 
my opinion is to keep the 'address' as is.
    However, I'm no UI expert by any means.  Hmmm.... Let me see if I can 
channel the Ghost of Steve Jobs and see what his reaction is....
    <Ghost of Steve Jobs>
    Don't be consistent - be Brave!!!
    Oh, and you're holding that wrong....
    </Ghost of Steve Jobs>
    jk! ;D


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