Hello everyone,

Since no objections have been raised to the developer community governance
as outlined below, I'd like to move forward with adopting the version
below.  *Does anyone know if we need to vote for it? *

Note: I made a few changes from the previous draft. The key ones are:

#1: Adding Caleb Welton to the general contributors' list.  (Thanks Caleb
for your contribution, which has now been merged to the master!).

#2: Sorted both lists by the last name.

I'd love to put it on our web page before the end of the week.




Quickstep is a data platform that is written in C++ and uses advanced C++
techniques including template meta-programming and various abstractions to
balance high-performance with extensibility. Thus, a good grasp over C++
concepts is essential for a Quickstep developer.

Quickstep has a set of *core contributors* who are collectively the
stewards of the project. In addition, there is a set of *general
contributors* who contribute individual changes. The initial list of core
and general contributors is listed below.

Core contributors can close pull requests, except pull requests that they
have created (which must be examined and closed by another core
contributor). Anyone can open a pull request and once a pull request has
been accepted that committer becomes part of the general contributors

A general contributor can become a core contributor by getting support from
at least two core contributors. It is expected that a general contributor
will have demonstrated proficiency in understanding and working with the
core engine to become part of the core contributors group.

To maintain membership in the core contributors group, the contributor must
be active in the project in the preceding 6-month period. Membership of the
core contributors is examined and determined bi-annually by the Apache
Quickstep PPMC.

*Core Contributors (as of August 5, 2016:*
Harshad Deshmukh
Rogers Jeffrey Leo John
Hakan Memisoglu
Jignesh M. Patel
Navneet Potti
Saket Saurabh
Marc Spehlmann
Zuyu Zhang

Jianqiao Zhu

*Core Collaborators (as of August 5, 2016):*
Shoban Chandrabose
Craig Chasseur
Julian Hyde
Yinan Li
Rathijit Sen
Roman Shaposhnik
Adalbert Gerald Soosai Raj
Siddharth Suresh
Caleb Welton

> Qiang Zeng

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