On Apr 26, 2011, at 1:05 PM, Robby Findler wrote:
> On Tue, Apr 26, 2011 at 12:01 PM,  <sstri...@racket-lang.org> wrote:
>> f5de8bd Stevie Strickland <sstri...@racket-lang.org> 2011-04-26 12:57
>> :
>> | Move scmxlated source for slatex into private.
>> |
>> | Anyone using the sole export from slatex.rkt should really be using the
>> | functions provided by slatex-wrapper.rkt instead, which I imagine is why
>> | this has never been documented.
>> :
>>  R collects/slatex/{ => private}/slatex.rkt (100%)
>>  M collects/slatex/README                       |    4 ++--
>>  M collects/slatex/slatex-wrapper.rkt           |    2 +-
>>  M collects/slatex/tests/test-docs-complete.rkt |    1 -
> Any reason not to just document it instead? This code has been
> unchanging forever and I don't think we want to break old scripts
> whimsically.

I would imagine that any old scripts would be using the documented 
slatex-wrapper interface, especially since there's a lot of setup work done in 
that interface that would have to be duplicated otherwise.  Do we have reason 
to believe that people have been using the undocumented 
`slatex::process-main-tex-file' function instead?

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