Here are the numbers for Racket, Typed Racket, Gambit and Larceny on
32 bits, and without Larceny on 64 bits.

Overall, we're competitive, but we're losing pretty hard on deriv.


 fastestgambit larceny racket typed-racket 
cpstack5715 ms  1.13 1 1.46 1.44 
dderiv6200 ms  1.48 1 1.49 1.51 
deriv3096 ms  1 1.34 3.08 3.13 
div7434 ms  1 2.16 1.16 1.11 
fft5903 ms  1 2.01 1.49 1.11 
graphs7656 ms  1.47 1.20 1.02 1 
lattice25863 ms  2.07 1 1.50 1.41 
maze27678 ms  3.64 3.58 1.00 1 
mazefun11693 ms  1.52 1 1.08 1.06 
nfa6419 ms  1.26 1 1.23 1.03 
nqueens6835 ms  1.04 1 1.04 1.07 
paraffins6950 ms  1 1.95 1.43 1.22 
tak7669 ms  1.54 1.56 1.00 1 
takl7325 ms  2.32 1.64 1.35 1 
triangle8960 ms  1.00 1.10 1 1.09 
 fastestgambit racket typed-racket 
cpstack5332 ms  1 1.50 1.47 
dderiv5981 ms  1 1.33 1.30 
deriv3064 ms  1 2.37 2.32 
div7014 ms  1 1.58 1.56 
fft3830 ms  1 1.47 1.16 
graphs6794 ms  1.22 1.01 1 
lattice27250 ms  1.31 1.06 1 
maze27280 ms  2.46 1.04 1 
mazefun12295 ms  1.10 1.09 1 
nfa6794 ms  1 1.39 1.15 
nqueens5651 ms  1 1.21 1.09 
paraffins8679 ms  1 1.52 1.20 
tak7916 ms  1 1.02 1.00 
takl8252 ms  1.62 1.13 1 
triangle6862 ms  1 1.21 1.27 

At Sun, 24 Apr 2011 22:09:18 -0400,
Vincent St-Amour wrote:
> These are impressive speedups!
> Given how close we were to the fastest Scheme compilers on some of
> these, that may be enough to give us the lead.
> I'll run the benchmarks on different implementations tomorrow.
> Vincent
> At Sun, 24 Apr 2011 17:11:21 -0600,
> Matthew Flatt wrote:
> > 
> > The `assoc' example helped focus my attention on a long-unsolved issue
> > with JIT-generated code, where non-tail calls from JIT-generated code
> > to other JIT-generated code seemed more expensive than they should be.
> > This effect showed up in `assq' and `assoc' through a high relative
> > cost for calling `assq' or `assoc' on a short list (compared to calling
> > the C implementation).
> > 
> > This time, I finally saw what I've been missing: It's crucial to pair
> > `call' and `ret' instructions on x86. That won't be news to compiler
> > writers; it's a basic fact that I missed along the way.
> > 
> > When the JIT generates a non-tail call from to other code that it
> > generates, it sets up the called procedure's frame directly (because
> > various computed values are more readily available before jumping to
> > the called procedure). After setting up the frame --- including a
> > return address --- the target code was reached using `jmp'. Later, the
> > `ret' to return from the non-tail call would confuse the processor and
> > caused stalls, because the `ret' it wasn't matched with its `call'.
> > It's easy enough to put the return address in place using `call' when
> > setting up a frame, which exposes the right nesting to the processor.
> > 
> > The enclosed table shows the effect on traditional Scheme
> > microbenchmarks. Improvements of 20% are common, and several improve by
> > 50% or more. It's difficult to say which real code will benefit, but I
> > think the improvement is likely to be useful.
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