On Wed, Sep 7, 2011 at 2:52 PM, Robby Findler
<ro...@eecs.northwestern.edu> wrote:
> On Wed, Sep 7, 2011 at 9:24 AM, Sam Tobin-Hochstadt <sa...@ccs.neu.edu> wrote:
>> Now, when you click on a point, the tooltip stays in place (until you
>> click again).  This makes it easy to click on the link now in the
>> tooltip, which goes to the file at the selected push #.
> Ah, thanks. I missed that there was a link in the tooltip. But why not
> make clicking on the point actually just go to that revision?

Sorry, that wasn't clear.  The link in the tooltip is new too.

I don't want to make just clicking the point jump; that seems like it
would make zooming perilous.

> Also, a less important one, but since you're taking feature requests
> :), would it be possible to have a mode where you can see the separate
> lines individually, so that wildly different values that are in two
> different timing tests don't pollute the scale?
> That is, it would be nice if I could click something and see only one
> of the lines of cpu times by itself (I wouldn't want this to be the
> default tho).

I'll probably add something where you can turn off individual data
sets.  Would that do what you want?
sam th

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