I would love to see something like that be a part of planet
(presumably 2.0). I had lots of similar ideas for 1.0, but never was
able to get going significantly on them. FWIW.


On Fri, Sep 9, 2011 at 1:31 PM, Shriram Krishnamurthi <s...@cs.brown.edu> wrote:
> Do you know about CPANTS?  I just heard about it.  The idea, as I
> understand it, translated to our terms, is essentially this:
> - every PLaneT package comes with a test suite
> - when the package is downloaded, the test suite runs
> - if the test suite fails, the user is informed right away (to perhaps
> not use the package)
> - either way, the outcome of the results, the DrRacket version, the
> platform, etc. (presumably the same as the bug report synthesized
> info) is broadcast back to CPANTS
> Shriram
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