Yes, and it was submitted in some form as a bug before. Why don't you modify 
teach.rkt and see whether you like the result better. Then submit. 

On Feb 10, 2012, at 5:43 PM, Danny Yoo wrote:

>> "Ho Ho!" thought I. "Beginner Student Racket will give a much better error 
>> message." Actually, though, the error message was much worse: it highlighted 
>> the id "list-sum-odd" in what should have been the 'else' case, and wrote:
>> "list-sum-odd: expected a function call, but there is no open parenthesis 
>> before this function"
>> ... which is really terrible, because there *IS* a parenthesis right before 
>> the function name.
> This is a variation of one of the cases described in Guillaume's paper
> on error messages.  Figure 4 of
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