Thanks for the explanation. I think i understand now what i did wrong.
The 3D syntax was a good hint for further reading. I digged up a thread*
where you already had to explain it 10 years ago :)



On Thu, 26 Jul 2012 15:36:44 +0200, Matthew Flatt <> wrote:

I agree that it's a bug, in a sense, that your program runs even though
it cannot be compiled.

This is an example of "3-D syntax": you're embedding a value (i.e., an
instance of `s') that you can't write as a literal into the result of a
macro expansion. I think 3-D syntax probably should not be allowed, but
the macro system currently allows it.

Most likely, using 3-D syntax is a bad idea. It's possible that you
want to replace `#:transparent' with `#:prefab' in your example, since
a prefab structure can be written as a literal. More likely, I think
you want to generate an expression that constructs an `s' instead of
generating an `s' instance in the macro expansion.

At Thu, 26 Jul 2012 14:59:41 +0200, Tobias Hammer wrote:

i have the following two files, one that only requires the other and
calls a macro and the other one that defines that macro:

=== main.rkt
#lang racket

(require "err.rkt")

=== err.rkt
#lang racket

  (struct s (arg) #:transparent)

  (define (fun arg)
    (printf "arg: ~a\n" arg)))

(define-syntax (a stx)
   (syntax-case stx ()
      (with-syntax ([v #`#,(s 123)])
             (fun v))))]))

(provide a)

When executing 'racket main.rkt' directly i get the expected output
arg: #(struct:s 123)
but when i try to call 'raco make main.rkt' instead, i get this strange

arg: #(struct:s 123)
write: cannot marshal value that is embedded in compiled code
   value: (s 123)




[running body]
[running body]
[running body]

I think i need a little help to understand what is happening here
and what i am doing wrong. I had expected that running and compiling
works on the same set of programs.

Thanks for any clarification.


Tobias Hammer
DLR / Institute of Robotics and Mechatronics
Tel.: 08153/28-1487
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