On 08/16/2012 06:17 PM, ro...@racket-lang.org wrote:
01e7ede Robby Findler <ro...@racket-lang.org> 2012-08-16 19:15
| some performance improvements for the new drracket blueboxes
| specifically, it doesn't trigger redrawing of the screen
| as aggressively, which seems to make a little difference
| under mac os x.
| I'd have liked to be more sophisticated in the way redraws
| are triggered, but I don't see how (see long comment in this
| commit for details)
> ...
+    (define/private (invalidate-blue-box-region)
+      (define c (get-canvas))
+      (when c (send c refresh))
+      ;; the code below is what I'd like to do here,
+      ;; but this doesn't redraw the margin (the part
+      ;; of the editor-canvas that is always outside
+      ;; of th editor) and it doesn't seem possible to
+      ;; trigger a redraw of that part without also
+      ;; triggering a redraw of the entire editor
+      ;; so we just do that instead (above)
+      #;
+      (begin
+        (define-values (br bt _1 _2) 
+        (when (and bt br)
+          (cond
+            [(get-show-docs?)
+             (define-values (box-width box-height label-overlap?)
+               (get-blue-box-size (get-dc) (get-style-list) the-strs))
+             (define x (- br box-width shadow-size))
+             (invalidate-bitmap-cache (max x 0)
+                                      (max bt 0)
+                                      (+ box-width shadow-size)
+                                      (+ box-height shadow-size))]
+            [the-strs
+             (define size (+ corner-radius shadow-size))
+             (invalidate-bitmap-cache (max 0 (- br size)) (max 0 bt) size 

Is there a way to invalidate just one part of a GUI element? I'd have liked having that recently on a little game I made. All I could find was `refresh', which doesn't take parameters. I didn't like having to redraw the entire board whenever a single piece was moved.

Neil ⊥

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