Use git format-patch to create patch files for your range of commits and then apply them to the current head using git am


On 11/17/2012 06:57 AM, Jens Axel Søgaard wrote:
2012/11/16 Neil Toronto <>:
I've just made the initial commit for the math library. You will all notice
the build time increase. Some will notice that "(require math)" imports a
bunch of goodies that Racket didn't have before.

About half is documented so far, and half has coverage in the test cases.
Some things are known to be broken, but not many. The most egregious, which
needs to be fixed very soon, is this one:
I have made a pull request on Github with documentation on the number
theory functions (and other stuff).

However since Neil's initial commit didn't include the history, the
pull request contains ~300 commits.

Is there a better way to commit my changes?

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