I'm doing some micro-optimizations on my rb-tree implementation.  One thing
I'm testing is inserting the entire contents of /usr/share/dict/words.
 It's heavily dominated by structure-mutation code.

Under 5.3.1, I see the following times:

    Timing construction of /usr/share/dict/words:
    inserting 235886 words at the end...
    cpu time: 446 real time: 446 gc time: 0
    dropping all those words...
    cpu time: 355 real time: 374 gc time: 0
    inserting 235886 words at the front...
    cpu time: 437 real time: 436 gc time: 0

Out of curiosity, I wanted to see how fast this ran under Racket under git
(8d30f173).  Under that version, I'm seeing:

    Timing construction of /usr/share/dict/words:
    inserting 235886 words at the end...
    cpu time: 195 real time: 195 gc time: 0
    dropping all those words...
    cpu time: 203 real time: 217 gc time: 0
    inserting 235886 words at the front...
    cpu time: 200 real time: 199 gc time: 0

So I don't know what exactly happened between then and now, but whatever it
is, keep doing it!  :)
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