On 2012-12-12 14:29:32 -0500, Ryan Culpepper wrote:
> I'm trying to understand how things are supposed to work in planet2
> without version information.

Maybe this was discussed in the other (quite long) thread about Planet
2, but another thing that the lack of versions makes difficult is having
both a development version of a package and a release version installed.

That is, I find it useful to develop a package with a local link (e.g.,
raco pkg install --link foo/). Eventually, I'll put up what I have on
the central server. If I understand how things now work correctly,
Planet 2 requires that I uninstall my local link and then install the
uploaded package (since they have conflicting collections).

If I subsequently work on my development version again, I have to
manually uninstall and re-install the package. Doing this dance
repeatedly is tedious.

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