On 12/17/2012 04:32 PM, Matthias Felleisen wrote:

On Dec 17, 2012, at 6:10 PM, Neil Toronto wrote:

`plot' is written in untyped Racket. There's no performance problem with typed 
plots at all; in fact, using `plot/typed' from TR code ends up checking exactly 
the same contracts for the same plots. `plot/typed' is just another end-user 
that happens to re-export everything with types attached.

I don't understand this last part at all. You have

-- an untyped file M
-- a typed file T that imports M and re-exports everything from there with types

How can it possibly be the case that a client C imports T and does NOT pay for 
the contracts that T's types impose on the call chain?

That would only happen if client C is untyped. I wouldn't expect an untyped 
client to (require plot/typed), but I suppose it could happen.

Wait. This is the line I don't understand:

C is TYPED. It requires T.
T is TYPED. It requires M.

If c in C calls t in T, this first call does not add any overhead. OK.
But t is really m from M obtained with a require/typed. [Alternatively, it is 
redefinition that calls such a function.]

It is this call from t to m that imposes the overhead.

Why are you saying that "There's no performance problem with typed plots at 

Oh! Oh, right... I totally forgot that `require/typed' wraps things in contracts. Duh.

Yes. So plotting in Typed Racket goes through two contract barriers. It's a small performance hit compared to the rest of the rendering pipeline. But it's a performance hit. We can carry on now.

Neil ⊥

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