On Sat, Dec 29, 2012 at 9:09 PM, Neil Toronto <neil.toro...@gmail.com>wrote:

> On 12/29/2012 06:18 PM, Robby Findler wrote:
>> On Sat, Dec 29, 2012 at 3:57 PM, Matthias Felleisen
>> <matth...@ccs.neu.edu <mailto:matth...@ccs.neu.edu>> wrote:
>>     I think the questions really concern the interaction between TR's
>>     generation of contracts and contracts themselves:
>>       1. TR does not seem to exploit as much knowledge as possible when
>>     it generates contracts.
>>     Example: (All (a) ((Foo -> a) Foo -> a) seems to be such an example
>>     (perhaps extreme)
>>     Where can Foo come from? Why does TR wrap a contract around the
>>     domain of Foo -> a --
>>     TR proved that it is applied to Foo if anything. Is TR too
>>     aggressive in negative positions?
> I'm almost certain it is. Sam? (Wherefore art thou, Sam?)
> I can see an argument for having overly aggressive contracts at first,
> before having large test cases that demonstrate TR's implementation is
> almost always sound. If these are training wheels, though, we should
> consider removing them. The math library alone has at least 18k lines of TR
> code, it and exercises the type system pretty thoroughly.
>  In this case, the chaperone is necessary, since the "a" means one value
>> (not multiple), so you cannot eliminate the contract. Sadly.
> One asymmetry between multiple arguments and multiple return values is
> that the number of arguments a procedure accepts is observable, but the
> number of return values isn't. If it were observable, and TR were less
> aggressive with the first `Foo', a chaperone would be unnecessary.
> There have got to be other uses for that, but I can't think of any
> offhand. Something to do with continuations, maybe? But TR could easily
> annotate lambdas with the number of values they return.
>        2. Multiple crossings impose the same contracts over and over. BUT
>>     'same' is not necessarily
>>     expressed as eq?. Can the contract library do better here? Is the
>>     'inner loop' assumption
>>     wrong?
>> The contract system has support for comparing contracts in a useful way
>> for this (contract-stronger?). The problem Neil ⊥ identified is that the
>> values that go thru them are rarely eq? so checking the contracts that
>> are on the values isn't helpful since they've changed just enough to
>> avoid being able to detect that the are the "same" value.
>> At least that's what I understood from him.
> That's right.
> But the array values - their procedures in particular - almost always have
> an equivalent contract. Is it possible to retrieve the contract on a value,
> check it, and pass the value through unchanged if the additional contract
> you're considering putting on it isn't stronger?
That's what the patch I sent does I think (specifically in the case of an
arrow contract on a function)? Am I missing something?

>  But thinking a little bit more about this: I think that maybe we're
>> seeing a slightly distored picture on this last point. The functions
>> that Neil was using in his examples didn't do anything and normally
>> functions would do something, so the cost for this point is exaggerated
>> as compared to what would happen in a real program.
> No. No, no, no. This isn't distorted. With automatically deforesting
> arrays, function call overhead is almost everything. The array procedures
> themselves do very little: they usually just call other array procedures,
> tweaking the input or output. (Example: the procedure of the array returned
> by `matrix-transpose' calls the original array's procedure with swapped row
> and column indexes.)
> To see an example using arrays that do something, load up
> "math/tests/mandelbrot-test.**rkt". Add the line
>   (time (void (mandelbrot 0.05 20)))
> somewhere after the `mandelbrot' definition, and run it. On my computer,
> it reports 30ms.
> Change the language to Racket. Change the line
>   (define c (array->fcarray (array-make-rectangular x y)))
> to
>   (define c (array->fcarray (inline-array-map make-rectangular x y)))
> (because there's currently a problem using `array-make-rectangular' in
> untyped code). Run it. On my computer, it reports 2700ms, or about 90x the
> time taken by the typed code.
Well, then, improving runtime support for chaperones might be a good
direction to look, then. Seems like being able to inline thru chaperones
and distribute checks around might take a lot of work (I'm not sure) but it
seems like there is a lot of things one might do.

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