Planet 1 explicitly deals with this by having the runtime system give it
access to the original parameterization, which it picks and chooses
parameters from to restore (to make sure that this kind of thing doesn't


On Sat, Feb 2, 2013 at 4:08 PM, Danny Yoo <> wrote:

> >>> >> I'm not sure if this is a bug or not, so I'm bringing it up on the
> >>> >> list.  But when I do the following:
> >>> >>
> >>> >> #lang racket
> >>> >> (require compiler/cm)
> >>> >> (manager-compile-notify-handler displayln)
> >>> >> (managed-compile-zo
> >>> >>
> >>> >>
> "/home/samth/sw/plt/collects/tests/typed-racket/succeed/null-program.rkt")
> >>> >>
> >>> >> Then the compiler places the compiled files in the
> >>> >> `compiled/drracket/` directory, and looks for compiled files there
> as
> >>> >> well.
> Reviving this thread.  This is exactly the root of the issue hitting
> Neil Toronto with that weird reader error with Optimization Coach.
> When we're installing PLaneT2 packages, part of the process reruns a
> raco setup.  At that point, raco setup is running under a context of
> that customized bytecode compiler/module loader.  In fact, it starts
> compiling the rest of the collects under that custom
> DrRacket-compiling context, and I see the following after executing:
> ---
> raco setup: version: 5.3.2 [3m]
> raco setup: variants: 3m
> raco setup: main collects: /Applications/Racket v5.3.2/collects
> raco setup: collects paths:
> raco setup:   /Users/dyoo/Library/Racket/5.3.2/collects
> raco setup:   /Applications/Racket v5.3.2/collects
> raco setup: --- pre-installing collections ---
> raco setup: --- compiling collections ---
> raco setup: making: racket
> raco setup:  in racket
> raco setup:  in racket/base/lang
> raco setup:  in s-exp/lang
> raco setup:  in syntax
> raco setup:  in racket/contract
> raco setup:  in racket/contract/private
> raco setup:  in setup
> raco setup:  in racket/private
> raco setup:  in config
> raco setup:  in compiler/private
> raco setup:  in setup/private
> raco setup:  in planet
> raco setup:  in planet/private
> raco setup:  in racket/unsafe
> raco setup:  in syntax/private
> raco setup:  in racket/private/lang
> raco setup:  in mzlib
> raco setup:  in mzscheme
> raco setup:  in scheme
> raco setup:  in mzscheme/lang
> raco setup:  in mzlib/private
> raco setup:  in syntax/parse
> raco setup:  in syntax/parse/private
> raco setup:  in compiler
> raco setup:  in unstable
> raco setup:  in syntax/parse/experimental
> raco setup:  in racket/match
> raco setup:  in syntax/parse/experimental/private
> raco setup:  in racket/draw/private
> raco setup:  in ffi/unsafe
> raco setup:  in ffi
> raco setup:  in racket/draw/unsafe
> raco setup:  in file
> raco setup:  in racket/draw
> raco setup:  in rackunit
> raco setup:  in rackunit/private
> raco setup:  in racket/gui
> raco setup:  in racket/place/private
> raco setup:  in mred
> raco setup:  in mred/private
> raco setup:  in scheme/private/lang
> raco setup:  in scheme/private
> raco setup:  in scheme/base/lang
> raco setup:  in racket/snip/private
> raco setup:  in mred/private/wx
> raco setup:  in mred/private/wx/common
> raco setup:  in mred/private/wxme
> raco setup:  in racket/lang
> raco setup:  in scheme/private/provider/lang
> raco setup:  in scheme/private/provider
> raco setup:  in scheme/lang
> raco setup:  in compatibility
> raco setup: --- parallel build using 4 processes ---
> raco setup: 3 making:
> /Users/dyoo/Library/Racket/5.3.2/pkgs/installed/sxml/sxml (sxml)
> raco setup: 2 making: scribblings/main/user
> raco setup: 3 making:
> /Users/dyoo/Library/Racket/5.3.2/pkgs/installed/sxml/sxml/scribblings
> raco setup: 3 making:
> /Users/dyoo/Library/Racket/5.3.2/pkgs/installed/sxml/sxml/ssax (ssax)
> raco setup: --- updating info-domain tables ---
> raco setup: updating: <user>/info-domain/compiled/cache.rktd
> raco setup: --- creating launchers ---
> raco setup: --- building documentation ---
> link: bad variable linkage;
>  reference to a variable that has the wrong procedure or structure-type
> shape
>   reference phase level: 0
>   variable module: "/Applications/Racket
> v5.3.2/collects/syntax/location.rkt"
>   variable phase: 0
>   reference in module: "/Applications/Racket
> v5.3.2/collects/racket/date.rkt" in: module-name-fixup
> ---
> At this point forward, I think the following is happening: it appears
> that once this happens, things are completely hosed because DrRacket
> is somehow loading both DrRacket-specific bytecode for some modules,
> and others with the standard bytecode.  The mix leads to the linkage
> errors.
> Does this explanation sound plausible?
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