Going back in this thread, I think that changing which files DrRacket
compiles is not the right direction to go to solve the problem discussed
here. The problem is that planet2 is running raco setup in a strange
configuration. Avoiding compiling files will not solve this problem.


On Sat, Feb 2, 2013 at 4:31 PM, Robby Findler

> Planet 1 explicitly deals with this by having the runtime system give it
> access to the original parameterization, which it picks and chooses
> parameters from to restore (to make sure that this kind of thing doesn't
> happen).
> Robby
> On Sat, Feb 2, 2013 at 4:08 PM, Danny Yoo <d...@hashcollision.org> wrote:
>> >>> >> I'm not sure if this is a bug or not, so I'm bringing it up on the
>> >>> >> list.  But when I do the following:
>> >>> >>
>> >>> >> #lang racket
>> >>> >> (require compiler/cm)
>> >>> >> (manager-compile-notify-handler displayln)
>> >>> >> (managed-compile-zo
>> >>> >>
>> >>> >>
>> "/home/samth/sw/plt/collects/tests/typed-racket/succeed/null-program.rkt")
>> >>> >>
>> >>> >> Then the compiler places the compiled files in the
>> >>> >> `compiled/drracket/` directory, and looks for compiled files there
>> as
>> >>> >> well.
>> Reviving this thread.  This is exactly the root of the issue hitting
>> Neil Toronto with that weird reader error with Optimization Coach.
>> When we're installing PLaneT2 packages, part of the process reruns a
>> raco setup.  At that point, raco setup is running under a context of
>> that customized bytecode compiler/module loader.  In fact, it starts
>> compiling the rest of the collects under that custom
>> DrRacket-compiling context, and I see the following after executing:
>> ---
>> raco setup: version: 5.3.2 [3m]
>> raco setup: variants: 3m
>> raco setup: main collects: /Applications/Racket v5.3.2/collects
>> raco setup: collects paths:
>> raco setup:   /Users/dyoo/Library/Racket/5.3.2/collects
>> raco setup:   /Applications/Racket v5.3.2/collects
>> raco setup: --- pre-installing collections ---
>> raco setup: --- compiling collections ---
>> raco setup: making: racket
>> raco setup:  in racket
>> raco setup:  in racket/base/lang
>> raco setup:  in s-exp/lang
>> raco setup:  in syntax
>> raco setup:  in racket/contract
>> raco setup:  in racket/contract/private
>> raco setup:  in setup
>> raco setup:  in racket/private
>> raco setup:  in config
>> raco setup:  in compiler/private
>> raco setup:  in setup/private
>> raco setup:  in planet
>> raco setup:  in planet/private
>> raco setup:  in racket/unsafe
>> raco setup:  in syntax/private
>> raco setup:  in racket/private/lang
>> raco setup:  in mzlib
>> raco setup:  in mzscheme
>> raco setup:  in scheme
>> raco setup:  in mzscheme/lang
>> raco setup:  in mzlib/private
>> raco setup:  in syntax/parse
>> raco setup:  in syntax/parse/private
>> raco setup:  in compiler
>> raco setup:  in unstable
>> raco setup:  in syntax/parse/experimental
>> raco setup:  in racket/match
>> raco setup:  in syntax/parse/experimental/private
>> raco setup:  in racket/draw/private
>> raco setup:  in ffi/unsafe
>> raco setup:  in ffi
>> raco setup:  in racket/draw/unsafe
>> raco setup:  in file
>> raco setup:  in racket/draw
>> raco setup:  in rackunit
>> raco setup:  in rackunit/private
>> raco setup:  in racket/gui
>> raco setup:  in racket/place/private
>> raco setup:  in mred
>> raco setup:  in mred/private
>> raco setup:  in scheme/private/lang
>> raco setup:  in scheme/private
>> raco setup:  in scheme/base/lang
>> raco setup:  in racket/snip/private
>> raco setup:  in mred/private/wx
>> raco setup:  in mred/private/wx/common
>> raco setup:  in mred/private/wxme
>> raco setup:  in racket/lang
>> raco setup:  in scheme/private/provider/lang
>> raco setup:  in scheme/private/provider
>> raco setup:  in scheme/lang
>> raco setup:  in compatibility
>> raco setup: --- parallel build using 4 processes ---
>> raco setup: 3 making:
>> /Users/dyoo/Library/Racket/5.3.2/pkgs/installed/sxml/sxml (sxml)
>> raco setup: 2 making: scribblings/main/user
>> raco setup: 3 making:
>> /Users/dyoo/Library/Racket/5.3.2/pkgs/installed/sxml/sxml/scribblings
>> raco setup: 3 making:
>> /Users/dyoo/Library/Racket/5.3.2/pkgs/installed/sxml/sxml/ssax (ssax)
>> raco setup: --- updating info-domain tables ---
>> raco setup: updating: <user>/info-domain/compiled/cache.rktd
>> raco setup: --- creating launchers ---
>> raco setup: --- building documentation ---
>> link: bad variable linkage;
>>  reference to a variable that has the wrong procedure or structure-type
>> shape
>>   reference phase level: 0
>>   variable module: "/Applications/Racket
>> v5.3.2/collects/syntax/location.rkt"
>>   variable phase: 0
>>   reference in module: "/Applications/Racket
>> v5.3.2/collects/racket/date.rkt" in: module-name-fixup
>> ---
>> At this point forward, I think the following is happening: it appears
>> that once this happens, things are completely hosed because DrRacket
>> is somehow loading both DrRacket-specific bytecode for some modules,
>> and others with the standard bytecode.  The mix leads to the linkage
>> errors.
>> Does this explanation sound plausible?
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