I probably shouldn't jump into this because I've barely used the new package system, but here I go...

On 04/08/2013 03:17 PM, Eli Barzilay wrote:
50 minutes ago, Jay McCarthy wrote:
I don't see how you can start from this place and say, "I am making
the elis-awesome-stuff package, so therefore I should *not* create
the elis-awesome-stuff directory". It feels contradictory.

Probably because you already have a correct mental model of the package system. It's not unreasonable for a new user to think, "Hey, this looks like an easy way to turn my single collection into a package" and get confused by the extra step and frustrated at having to move files around.

If I *had* published my awesome stuff as a single big package, then
you're right: this would be a fine use.  And as I said, this is
exactly what the "this-and-that" and "mischief" packages do.  But in
my case -- and I suspect in many other cases -- I don't have an
overall awesome directory of things to publish: I have a pile of
things where *some* of them are publishable.  So I'd like to be able
to publish it quickly with

     raco pkg create ~/my-stuff/elibot

and be done with it.  I'll still maintain a single "my-stuff"
repository, and I'll still have ~/my-stuff as the only linked (with a
"--root") collection directory.

I'm gonna jump on the "submit a patch" bandwagon. How hard could it be to make this work:

     raco pkg create-single ~/my-stuff/elibot

and have "create" and "create-single" documented together so that the latter is hard to miss?

Neil ⊥

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