Asumu Takikawa wrote at 06/08/2013 05:26 PM:
(maybe you can port paredit by replacing the emacs text buffer
  manipulation function calls with method calls into these interfaces)

If you wanted to make it even more cool... One of the original goals of Guile (a Scheme implementation that was once intended to be the new GNU language, including for Emacs) was to implement backward-compatibility interpreter for existing Emacs Lisp add-ons code. If someone made a Racket "#lang emacs-lisp" that used DrRacket text buffers -- even if only a small subset of Emacs Lisp operations -- I think that would earn them some kudos, besides being a fun exercise for Racket's language support. (The hardest part might be translating some of the Emacs Lisp dynamically-scoped variables into Racket parameters. You don't need the dynamic scoping for most of them, though, but you have to decide which ones.)

Neil V.

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