
I'm trying to compile the latest Racket for Android using the instructions
in racket/src/README but I'm hitting the following error:

./if_mach SPARC SOLARIS arm-linux-androideabi-gcc  -c -o mach_dep2.o
./if_mach: 1: ./if_mach: Syntax error: word unexpected (expecting ")")

Which is caused by compiling if_mach using the cross compiler. I'm pretty
sure the problem is on my end, but I have no idea where to look.

This is the full output: https://gist.github.com/khernyo/6613001
This is a script I used for building:

The script first builds Racket for x86 which is then used to build the
Android version. It's probably not necessary, but I wanted to eliminate the
potential problems caused by using Racket v.5.3.4 which I have installed on
my system.

I also tried using this version:
I get the same error. This version is supposed to work because this is
the commit which adds the instructions for compiling for Android.

Can you help me fix this problem?

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