Here's an updated patch that that:
  - Fixes a few typos.
  - Uses Racket's I/O system to read the Diffie-Hellman parameters.

Things that are not yet added in yet:
  - All the other elliptic curve names used in TLS.

On Mon, Feb 10, 2014 at 08:36:02PM -0500, Edward Lee wrote:
> On Mon, Feb 10, 2014 at 06:37:56PM -0500, Ryan Culpepper wrote:
> > On 02/08/2014 05:52 PM, Edward Lee wrote:
> > >Hi.
> > >
> > >Racket's OpenSSL bindings do not currently enable the ECDH(E) and the
> > >DHE ciphers, which are needed for perfect forward secrecy.
> > >
> > >I've attached a patch that:
> > >   - Embeds reasonable defaults for DHE mode.
> > >   - Adds two functions, ssl-server-context-enable-dhe! and
> > >     ssl-server-context-enable-ecdhe! that when given
> > >     DHE/ECDHE setup arguments (for DHE, a DH parameter file path,
> > >     for ECDHE, the name of one of the built-in OpenSSL elliptic curves
> > >     [currently, only secp521r1])
> > >   - (unrelated, but also useful) Adds bindings for TLS 1.1/1.2-only
> > >     server/client contexts.
> > >
> > >This patch is currently a work in progress (it currently only supports
> > >one elliptic curve name) that works well enough for what I am using it
> > >for, but I'm interested in getting this patch upstream.
> > 
> > Here are a few comments:
> > 
> > What is SSL_CTRL_SET_ECDH_AUTO? I couldn't find it in the openssl
> > headers, and I searched a few recent versions. It seems unused here,
> > anyway.
> It's not defined in OpenSSL 1.0.1, I think.  It can be used for enabling
> ECDH(E) in OpenSSL >= 1.0.2, with OpenSSL automatically selecting the
> curve - <>, "Support for
> automatic EC temporary key parameter selection..."
> > 
> > I think it would be better to read the DH params file into memory
> > using Racket file operations and then use a memory BIO for
> > PEM_read_bio_DHparams. Two reasons: the file access will then
> > automatically go through Racket's security-guard checks, and the
> > file read will go through Racket's IO system, so if the read blocks
> > it won't block all Racket threads.
> I will investigate this, and time permitting, will change my patch to
> use Racket's IO system for loading the parameters.
> > 
> > In ...enable-ecdhe!, the 'case' form doesn't need 'quote'. It should
> > be this instead:
> > 
> >   (case name
> >     [(secp521r1) NID_secp521r1]
> >     [else ___])
> > 
> > As it is, the function will accept 'quote as the name of a curve.
> Thanks for pointing this out.
> > 
> > >What's the exact process for this?
> > 
> > If you have a github account, you can fork the repo there and submit
> > a pull request. But we can certainly handle patches like this too.
> > 
> > Ryan
> Great, thanks.
> --Edward
> _________________________
>   Racket Developers list:
diff --git a/racket/collects/openssl/dh4096.pem b/racket/collects/openssl/dh4096.pem
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1b35ad8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/racket/collects/openssl/dh4096.pem
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+These are the 4096 bit DH parameters from "Assigned Number for SKIP Protocols"
+See there for how they were generated.
+Note that g is not a generator, but this is not a problem since p is a safe prime.
diff --git a/racket/collects/openssl/mzssl.rkt b/racket/collects/openssl/mzssl.rkt
index 2f16517..e6ffedb 100644
--- a/racket/collects/openssl/mzssl.rkt
+++ b/racket/collects/openssl/mzssl.rkt
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ TO DO:
+         racket/runtime-path
@@ -41,7 +42,9 @@ TO DO:
  ["private/macosx.rkt" (load-macosx-keychain)])
 (define protocol-symbol/c
-  (or/c 'sslv2-or-v3 'sslv2 'sslv3 'tls))
+  (or/c 'sslv2-or-v3 'sslv2 'sslv3 'tls 'tls11 'tls12))
+(define curves/c
+  (or/c 'secp521r1))
 (define verify-source/c
   (or/c path-string?
@@ -50,6 +53,7 @@ TO DO:
         (list/c 'macosx-keychain path-string?)))
+ ssl-dh-param-path
   [ssl-available? boolean?]
   [ssl-load-fail-reason (or/c #f string?)]
@@ -59,6 +63,10 @@ TO DO:
    (c-> ssl-client-context?)]
    (->* () (protocol-symbol/c) ssl-server-context?)]
+  [ssl-server-context-enable-dhe!
+   (->* (ssl-server-context?) (path-string?) void?)]
+  [ssl-server-context-enable-ecdhe!
+   (->* (ssl-server-context?) (curves/c) void?)]
    (c-> any/c boolean?)]
@@ -185,6 +193,8 @@ TO DO:
 (define-cpointer-type _X509*)
 (define-cpointer-type _ASN1_STRING*)
 (define-cpointer-type _STACK*)
+(define-cpointer-type _DH*)
+(define-cpointer-type _EC_KEY*)
 (define-cstruct _GENERAL_NAME ([type _int] [d _ASN1_STRING*]))
 (define-ssl SSLv2_client_method (_fun -> _SSL_METHOD*))
@@ -195,9 +205,19 @@ TO DO:
 (define-ssl SSLv23_server_method (_fun -> _SSL_METHOD*))
 (define-ssl TLSv1_client_method (_fun -> _SSL_METHOD*))
 (define-ssl TLSv1_server_method (_fun -> _SSL_METHOD*))
+(define-ssl TLSv1_1_client_method (_fun -> _SSL_METHOD*))
+(define-ssl TLSv1_1_server_method (_fun -> _SSL_METHOD*))
+(define-ssl TLSv1_2_client_method (_fun -> _SSL_METHOD*))
+(define-ssl TLSv1_2_server_method (_fun -> _SSL_METHOD*))
+(define-crypto DH_free (_fun _DH* -> _void) #:wrap (deallocator))
+(define-crypto EC_KEY_free (_fun _EC_KEY* -> _void) #:wrap (deallocator))
+(define-crypto EC_KEY_new_by_curve_name (_fun _int -> _EC_KEY*) #:wrap (allocator EC_KEY_free))
 (define-crypto BIO_s_mem (_fun -> _BIO_METHOD*))
 (define-crypto BIO_new (_fun _BIO_METHOD* -> _BIO*/null))
+(define-crypto BIO_new_mem_buf (_fun _pointer _int -> _BIO*))
 (define-crypto BIO_free (_fun _BIO* -> _void))
 (define-crypto BIO_read (_fun _BIO* _bytes _int -> _int))
@@ -259,6 +279,7 @@ TO DO:
 (define-ssl SSL_load_error_strings (_fun -> _void))
 (define-crypto GENERAL_NAME_free _fpointer)
+(define-crypto PEM_read_bio_DHparams (_fun _BIO* _pointer _pointer _pointer -> _DH*) #:wrap (allocator DH_free))
 (define-crypto ASN1_STRING_length (_fun _ASN1_STRING* -> _int))
 (define-crypto ASN1_STRING_data (_fun _ASN1_STRING* -> _pointer))
 (define-crypto X509_NAME_get_index_by_NID (_fun _X509_NAME* _int _int -> _int))
@@ -331,8 +352,20 @@ TO DO:
 (define NID_commonName 13)
 (define GEN_DNS 2)
+(define SSL_CTRL_OPTIONS 32)
+(define SSL_CTRL_SET_TMP_DH 3)
+(define SSL_OP_SINGLE_ECDH_USE #x00080000)
+(define SSL_OP_SINGLE_DH_USE #x00100000)
+(define NID_secp521r1 716)
 (define-mzscheme scheme_make_custodian (_fun _pointer -> _scheme))
+(define-runtime-path ssl-dh-param-path "dh4096.pem")
 ;; Make this bigger than 4096 to accommodate at least
 ;; 4096 of unencrypted data
 (define BUFFER-SIZE 8000)
@@ -467,6 +500,10 @@ TO DO:
       (if client? SSLv3_client_method SSLv3_server_method)]
       (if client? TLSv1_client_method TLSv1_server_method)]
+     [(tls11)
+      (if client? TLSv1_1_client_method TLSv1_1_server_method)]
+     [(tls12)
+      (if client? TLSv1_2_client_method TLSv1_2_server_method)]
       (error 'encrypt->method "internal error, unknown encrypt: ~e" e)])))
@@ -515,6 +552,34 @@ TO DO:
 (define (ssl-seal-context! mzctx)
   (set-ssl-context-sealed?! mzctx #t))
+(define (ssl-server-context-enable-ecdhe! context [name 'secp521r1])
+  (define (symbol->nid name)
+    (case name
+      [(secp521r1) NID_secp521r1]
+      [else NID_secp521r1]))
+  (define ctx (extract-ctx 'ssl-server-context-enable-ecdhe! #t context))
+  (define key (EC_KEY_new_by_curve_name (symbol->nid name)))
+  (check-valid key 'ssl-server-context-enable-ecdhe! "Could not enable ECDH(E)")
+  (unless (= 1 (SSL_CTX_ctrl ctx SSL_CTRL_SET_TMP_ECDH 0 key))
+    (error 'ssl-server-context-enable-ecdhe! "Could not enable ECDH(E)"))
+  (void))
+(define (ssl-server-context-enable-dhe! context [path ssl-dh-param-path])
+  (define params (call-with-input-file path port->bytes))
+  (define params-bio (BIO_new_mem_buf params (bytes-length params)))
+  (check-valid params-bio 'ssl-server-context-enable-dhe! "Diffie-Hellman parameters")
+  (with-failure
+    (lambda ()
+      (BIO_free params-bio))
+    (define ctx (extract-ctx 'ssl-server-context-enable-dhe! #t context))
+    (define dh (PEM_read_bio_DHparams params-bio #f #f #f))
+    (check-valid dh 'ssl-server-context-enable-dhe "Diffie-Hellman parameters")
+    (unless (= 1 (SSL_CTX_ctrl ctx SSL_CTRL_SET_TMP_DH 0 dh))
+      (error 'ssl-server-context-enable-dhe "Could not enable DHE"))
+    (void)))
 (define (ssl-load-... who load-it ssl-context-or-listener pathname
                       #:try? [try? #f])
   (let ([ctx (get-context/listener who ssl-context-or-listener
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