IIRC, most of the code in openssl/mzssl.rkt predates ffi/unsafe/alloc. So yes, BIO_new etc should use (allocator _) etc, and that would simplify some of the code that currently uses the local with-failure macro to do deallocation. But no need to fix that in this patch.

Some comments on the patch:

- Regarding curves/c, the curve NID_* definitions, and symbol->nid: There's some redundancy here that could be eliminated with the following pattern:

(define curve-nid-alist
  '((sect163k1 . 721)

(define curve/c (apply or/c (map car curve-nid-alist)))

(define (curve->nid sym)
  (cond [(assq sym curve-nid-alist)
         => cdr]
        [else (error ....)]))

That eliminates the problem of keeping the enumeration of curves in sync in three places.

- SSL_CTRL_SET_ECDH_AUTO is unused; it should be removed.

- There's a missing "!" in some of the symbols passed to error in ssl-server-context-enable-dhe!.

If you send a new version of the patch I'll commit that; otherwise I can make the changes above myself when I get a chance.


On 04/11/2014 01:46 PM, Edward Lee wrote:
Thanks for catching the typo.  I don't have a good answer to your second
question; I really don't know if they should.


On Thu, Apr 10, 2014 at 02:54:36PM -0400, Stephen Chang wrote:
Ok thanks. Sorry, I think one more is missing from curve/c (sect283r1)?

Another question: Should BIO_new_mem_buf have an additional "#:wrap
(allocator BIO_free)" argument, similar to other allocating functions?

More generally, should BIO_new and BIO_free have #:wrap arguments like
the other allocating/deallocating functions?

On Thu, Apr 10, 2014 at 2:11 PM, Edward Lee <e45...@uwaterloo.ca> wrote:
Those are accidental omissions;  I've attached a patch that should fix
the contract and symbol->nid.


On Thu, Apr 10, 2014 at 01:39:13AM -0400, Stephen Chang wrote:
I checked out the patch and have a few questions. (I'm a non-expert.)

How come some curves are omitted from the curve/c contract (eg
sect163k1 and sect193r2)?

Is there also a curve missing from symbol->nid (eg sect571r1)?

On Wed, Apr 9, 2014 at 7:52 PM, Neil Van Dyke <n...@neilvandyke.org> wrote:
Edward, your patch sounds OK to me, FWIW.

Neil V.

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