Yes, `raco setup` with no arguments would succeeded and should fix
things up at this point.

When you use `raco pkg update`, it effectively passes the `--tidy` flag
to `raco setup`. That is, `raco setup --tidy rackjure` would avoid the
problem, and it should also fix things up at this point.

It's tempting to conclude that `--tidy` mode should be the default for
`raco setup`, and that may be right. I'm not yet sure; `raco setup` is
trying to provide a "do only things that I've requested" interface when
collections are specified, and that competes with its "do the right
thing" job.

At Wed, 9 Jul 2014 20:29:52 -0400, Greg Hendershott wrote:
> On Wed, Jul 9, 2014 at 8:21 PM, Greg Hendershott
> <> wrote:
> > On the next raco setup I get:
> >
> > raco setup: --- building documentation ---
> > raco setup: WARNING: duplicate tag: (def ((lib "rackjure/alist.rkt") alist))
> > raco setup:  in: <unknown>
> > raco setup:  in:
> > /Users/greg/src/scheme/collects/rackjure/rackjure/rackjure.scrbl
> > raco setup: WARNING: duplicate tag: (def ((lib "rackjure/alist.rkt")
> > current-curly-dict))
> > raco setup:  in: <unknown>
> > raco setup:  in:
> > /Users/greg/src/scheme/collects/rackjure/rackjure/rackjure.scrbl
> > ... and many more...
> To clarify, that was when I tried `raco setup rackjure`.
> Maybe a full `raco setup` would have succeeded?  But even if so, what
> will `raco pkg update rackjure` do -- the full `raco setup` or just
> the `raco setup rackjure`?
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