On 2014-08-12 05:16:21 +0100, Matthew Flatt wrote:
> If you have an existing build in a repo checkout, then `make` is likely
> to fail, because the makefile dependencies are not precise enough to
> deal with the switch. You can discard your old build directory, or it
> might work to simply delete
>   <builddir>/racket/libmzgc.a

The build didn't work for me in an existing checkout, so I tried making a fresh
one and still got this failure:

  make xsrc/precomp.h
  make[7]: Entering directory 
  env XFORM_PRECOMP=yes ../racketcgc -G 
/home/asumu/plt/racket-fresh/build/config -cqu ../../../racket/gc2/xform.rkt 
--setup . --cpp "gcc -E -I./.. -I../../../racket/gc2/../include -pthread   
-DUSE_SENORA_GC   "  --keep-lines -o xsrc/precomp.h 
  Segmentation fault
  Makefile:202: recipe for target 'xsrc/precomp.h' failed
  make[7]: *** [xsrc/precomp.h] Error 139

Anything I should try to debug this?

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