SPLASH-E Call for Participation
  Tuesday, Oct 21 2014, Portland OR
      In conjunction with the SPLASH conference

SPLASH-E is a forum for software and languages researchers with
activities and interests around computing education.  This year's
SPLASH-E will feature sessions around three themes:

  * Creating (and Assessing) Projects and Courses to Engage Students
  * Design Issues around Drag-and-Drop languages
  * Designing Software Engineering Courses

as well as time dedicated to impromptu discussion around these and
other topics that arise.  Formal presentations will be short (15-20
designed to raise questions for discussion rather than to simply present

The PC is framing discussion questions within each theme, but also
welcomes questions on these topics from the broader SPLASH community.
If you have a research question or idea related to these themes and
plan to attend, drop me a line so we can include your question in the
discussion period.

Come experience an interactive day of discussion on educational
aspects of software systems.  Hope to see you in Portland!

Kathi Fisler
SPLASH-E chair
  Racket Developers list:

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