I don't think I need charity.

I thought the vision for the new package system had already been explained adequately. I would be very interested to learn how the model is well-suited to third-party developers like me.

But -- I mean this constructively -- I'd be happy if someone simply came out and said "this model is great for core developers, we still have to figure out everyone else, and maybe the model isn't great for everyone else". The reason is that I've looked at the new package system seriously 5-6 times since it was announced, and I keep being told that the model is intended for non-core people like me, and that someone else knows my needs better than me. Open source reuse was an especial area of interest to me, the package system is very important, and I've given the benefit of the doubt 5-6 times now. (This has actually stalled most of my public Racket work, one way or another, for about 2 years.)

I'm not harshing on Racket; just on how the new package system was sprung on non-core people, and the narrative. It doesn't look typical of Racket. Racket is usually in the position that it could say "we have a better idea" (on, e.g., module system sophistication, various syntax extension mechanisms and mixed languages support, various aspects of DrRacket, the related pedagogic projects, etc.), and usually that doesn't have to be said, because the superiority of Racket is immediately apparent. That's why I've been a Racketeer for 13 years and counting.

Neil V.

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