On Tue, Feb 17, 2015 at 1:03 PM, Matthew Flatt <mfl...@cs.utah.edu> wrote:
> Continuing in reverse order:
> - My sense is that the switch to `make` so that it updates packages,
> which was a result of
>  http://lists.racket-lang.org/users/archive/2015-January/065345.html
> has been a good change for most people most of the time.
> The `as-is` target is currently available for building without updating
> packages. I think it would make sense to introduce `make
> as-is-the-default` to effectively change the default `make` target to
> be `make as-is`. (And there would be `make with-update` to get the
> current behavior of `make` after `make as-is-the-default`, plus `make
> with-update-the-default` for completeness.)

I continue to think that updating pkgs automatically is the wrong
default, but regardless of where we end up on the default I don't know
if adding yet more make targets is a good idea. I can switch to using
`make as-is`.

Regardless of that, though, I think we should switch to updating only
"main-distribution" (and perhaps "main-distribution-tests"). I doubt
people expect `make` in the Racket source tree to update their
software somewhere else on their machine -- I certainly would be very
unpleasantly surprised if that happened to me when rebuilding some
other language I had installed.

> - It makes sense to me to add a `--pull` option to `raco pkg update`
> for specifying the behavior of the `git pull` step for linked clones. I
> imagine that the default would be `--pull ff-only` for the current
> behavior, while `--pull try` would ignore fast-forward failures. I
> think I'd also like `--pull rebase`.
> I'm skeptical that making `--pull try` the default would be a good
> idea. People have trouble seeing warnings.

I think there's an important difference between ignoring failures and
not trying to merge in situations where it doesn't make sense. For
example, if some other branch is checked out, I don't think skipping
updating is "ignoring failure". I guess I would label my preference
`--pull conservative` and that even if you miss the warning, it
wouldn't be so bad -- you almost certainly didn't want to change the
package in that case.

Relatedly, perhaps `raco setup` and `raco pkg update` have too much
output currently, making it harder to see warnings?


> Would those changes work?
> At Tue, 17 Feb 2015 10:38:43 -0500, Sam Tobin-Hochstadt wrote:
>> I think there are two seperable issues here:
>> 1. Can we make `raco pkg update -a` better/more robust in this case?
>> 2. Should `make` run `raco pkg update -a`?
>> In reverse order:
>> - I think `make`, by default, shouldn't update anything, and that we
>> should have a different Makefile target which updates things when
>> people want that explicitly. The current behavior is especially
>> problematic because it updates things that aren't in
>> "main-distribution", meaning that it's making potentially arbitrary
>> breaking changes to software on your computer (not just to core
>> Racket).
>> This could be more inconvenient for someone working widely on core
>> packages, but if they wanted the current behavior it would be just
>> `make update` (or some other name) instead of `make`. As someone who
>> does work on a lot of core packages, I'd prefer greater explicitness.
>> - I think `raco pkg update p` where `p` is a cloned package should
>> only do anything if (a) the currently-checked-out branch is the one in
>> the pkg source and (b) the `git merge --ff-only` command would
>> succeed. Otherwise, I think it should just print a message and leave
>> the repository as it is. I think that's what I wanted all the times
>> that this operation has failed in my experience.
>> Sam
>> On Tue, Feb 17, 2015 at 9:54 AM, Robby Findler
>> <ro...@eecs.northwestern.edu> wrote:
>> > Sam and I have run into a situation where `make` fails because we've
>> > set up clone pkgs and made local modifications in a way that makes the
>> > git commands fail [*].
>> >
>> > My guess is that the right thing to do is for me to know about these
>> > pkgs and do something special when running make. I'm thinking that I
>> > could let make finish the initial steps until it gets to the step
>> > where it updates the pkgs and then do the update step myself and then
>> > run `make as-is`. But the problem with this is that I don't see what
>> > command I can run that will update all of the pkgs except the
>> > problematic ones. Like I could imagine a `raco pkg update
>> > --all-except-clones` or something, but that feels a bit strange as
>> > there could be other development modes that would also run into
>> > similar problems. Maybe `raco pkg update
>> > --all-things-from-this-catalog
>> > <the-catalog-I-currently-get-main-distribution-from>` or something
>> > along those lines is the way to go? In general, it seems right for me
>> > to run some commands whose complications are roughly proportional to
>> > the number of pkgs that I have installed as clones (and where I'm
>> > actively developing them) but not to run some commands that require me
>> > to do something special for each pkg that is installed.
>> >
>> > Any ideas? Or am I just missing the right command?
>> >
>> > Thanks,
>> > Robby
>> >
>> > [*] In my case, in case this suggests a better/different approach to a
>> > resolution: the `raco pkg update` step eventually gets to this git
>> > command:
>> >
>> >   git merge --ff-only <sha1>
>> >
>> > where the <sha1> is the checksum from the pkg server, I believe. In my
>> > case, this is a different branch than is currently checked in my
>> > clone'd pkg and so the git merge command fails (and that command
>> > failing seems like the right behavior for the setup I'd like to be
>> > able to use).
>> >
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