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(Updated 七月 5, 2017, 3:37 a.m.)

Review request for ranger, Ankita Sinha, Don Bosco Durai, Colm O hEigeartaigh, 
Gautam Borad, Madhan Neethiraj, Ramesh Mani, Selvamohan Neethiraj, and 
Velmurugan Periasamy.

Bugs: RANGER-1438

Repository: ranger


Useless configuration in unixauthservice pom.xml lead to project compiler error 
in eclipse

In windows environment, enter into ranger project root directory
1.Execute : mvn clean compile package install assembly:assembly -DskipTests -X 
2.Execute :mvn eclipse:eclipse -X
When the maven project convert into eclipse project occurred error:
[[ERROR] Failed to execute goal 
org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-eclipse-plugin:2.10:eclipse (default-cli) on 
project unixauthservice: Cant canonicalize system path:
{0}:???????????????? -> [Help 1]
Caused by: org.apache.maven.plugin.MojoExecutionException: Cant canonicalize 
system path: {0}
3.Remove unless code in unixauthservice pom.xml
4.Rerun : mvn clean compile package install assembly:assembly -DskipTests -X 
5.Rerun :mvn eclipse:eclipse -X (result:sucessed)
6.Check whether affect the Usersync Components work
1).Install the ranger-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT-usersync module in a new machine
2).and Reinstall the ranger-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT-usersync module in original machine
3)result:both work well ( Log upload in the attachment)

Diffs (updated)

  unixauthservice/pom.xml cc8fb1c 
  unixauthservice/src/main/resources/log4j.properties PRE-CREATION 

Diff: https://reviews.apache.org/r/57443/diff/3/

Changes: https://reviews.apache.org/r/57443/diff/2-3/


tested it


Qiang Zhang

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