The Apache Kafka community is proposing a new interface for Kafka Topic 
authorization. They are going to continue supporting the older interface, but 
it will be deprecated soon. The new interface doesn’t affect much to us. I have 
reviewed the KIP and have also given my feedback. Feel free to review and 
provide your feedback either to the Kafka mailing list or here (and I can take 
it there).


Few key points:
It is going to be Java interface, which makes it is easy for us
Additional context in the request
Support multiple listeners and pass on the listener context as part of request. 
E.g. inter broker communication, etc…
Hints for audit logging  (e.g. where the request is for check listing, etc.). 
We can decide what to log to audit destination. This will reduce the number of 
Count for similar requests. Similar to what we are already doing in 
batching/aggregating audit count. This will make it easier and reduce CPU 
cycles on our side.
Authorize method could have multiple requests. We need to treat them 
There are few additional classes for abstraction.

KIP-504 detail


Discussion thread






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