This vote failed. Will be rolling an rc1.

On 10/8/18 7:29 PM, Josh Elser wrote:

Please vote on the following release candidate to become Apache Ratis Thirdparty 0.1.0.

The Apache Ratis Thirdparty project is a collection of all thirdparty dependencies that Apache Ratis uses, repackaged for optimal use by Ratis. As such, there is very little net-new source code in this project.

The source release is present at

SHA512 checksum is on the source tarball: A8A11CD5 447CD3AB 2341C878 E3DB4AEF 565224E5 FEC599DF 36143EAB 0999437B 767860FE
  54E3DC2C D4A265D1 E844979E 4D311CDD 97BC7797 CF66219A 3331D9F1

This source release was created from the Git commit SHA1: 9e525162fcec8650b2d08dfdcbcdaee76231cc08. For your convenience, there is also a GPG-signed tag with the name "ratis-thirdparty-0.1.0" that also points at this commit.

This source release was signed with my key: 4677D66C. This is present in the KEYS file (dist/dev and dist/release).

The corresponding "binaries" for this release are staged at and will be promoted pending successful PPMC and IPMC votes. You can update your local ~/.m2/settings.xml to add this as a repository to test the build of ratis.git if you choose (appears to work fine for me).

This vote will be open for at least 72hours (until 2018/10/12 00:00:00 GMT).

- Josh

ps: big thanks to Nicholas and Marton who helped out with this release (sorry if I'm forgetting anyone else!)

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