Did you try EmptyConfiguration.INSTANCE?


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On Jan 10, 2012, at 4:04 PM, Tom Hobbs <tvho...@googlemail.com> wrote:

> Hey dudes,
> I'm currently working (read: hacking) my way through the code trying
> to work out how to make it possible to remove the need for starting
> services with config files.  I remember a user asking about this a
> while back, but their problem isn't the problem I'm trying to solve
> right now.
> I've quite easily gotten rid of the "start-xyz" config files, but I've
> not worked out a way of getting rid of the last piece of the puzzle.
> Consider the code;
>       return new ServiceDescriptor[] {    
>           new NonActivatableServiceDescriptor(
>               codebase,
>               policy,
>               classpath,
>               "com.sun.jini.reggie.TransientRegistrarImpl",
>               new String[] { config }) };
> Here, "config" wants to be the name of a config file such as can be
> found in $RIVER_HOME/examples/hello/config/jrmp-reggie.config.  What
> I'd much rather do is remove the need for that and instead replace it
> with some pojo or similar that could be the actual configuration (or
> pretend to be a config file...)
> Substituting null for config and running through a debugger blows up
> in a useful fashion, which shows me that the problem is (I think) in
> ConfigurationProvider:192 where it tries to assign a value to "cname".
> It fails to do this and so later on in line is assumes that it must
> be looking for a ConfigurationFile.  Beyond looking for a resource
> called "META-INF/services/net.jini.config.Configuration" on the
> classpath, I admit to not being entirely sure what else
> ConfigurationProvider:192 is trying to do or how it helps.  Maybe I'm
> going about this the wrong way.  Any suggests?
> My reason for this work is that I still maintain that starting with
> Jini/River, making services work and doing stuff is still to hard for
> new comers.
> Cheers,
> Tom

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