Simon IJskes - QCG wrote:
On 08-11-12 11:51, Peter Firmstone wrote:

For example using another string annotation in MarshalOutputStream might
allow selection from a list of providers in a mixed environment?

You are probably aiming at a scheme based dispatching of classloader URI. Cool feature! Shall we put this in an implementation of RiverClassLoaderSpi?

schemes like: maven:, system:, http:, codeservice: spring to mind.

Yes, but lets play around with it in skunk. Dan's made some valid points, I think we should use the simple implementation for now that solves the immediate problem for release.

It could solve some long standing issues with URL scheme handlers which inevitably must be visible to the system class loader and has existing jar caching issues. Security also needs to be considered. See Java Bug Parade 4405789, 4388666, 4639900.



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