
> On May 12, 2014, at 11:03 PM, Gregg Wonderly <gr...@wonderly.org> wrote:
> All of these things are the reason why we just need to take Peter’s hard work 
> an go with it.  There is really no reason to look back.  The performance 
> issues and security problems that Peter has so patiently waded through have 
> needed attention for a long time.  Only people trying to actually stress and 
> use Jini to it’s full capacity will have any chance at seeing these things be 
> big barriers, but that doesn’t discount their importance to even small 
> applications.
> Gregg Wonderly
>> On May 12, 2014, at 6:17 PM, Peter <j...@zeus.net.au> wrote:
>> Hi Simon,
>> http://svn.apache.org/viewvc/river/jtsk/skunk/qa_refactor/trunk/src/net/jini/loader/ClassLoading.java?view=markup
>> During stress test profiling I found Class.forName to be heavily contended 
>> (the method with a ClassLoader parameter).
>> Uncontended synchronization is very fast, so rather than employ parallel 
>> ClassLoading (which requires a lock for every class and isn't part of the 
>> jvm or lang specs), I decided to try thread confinement instead (for each 
>> ClassLoader).  Before I found class loading to be a bottle neck, I had to 
>> fix a number of other throughput bottlenecks however:
>> 1. Security Policy provider would cause contention while it performed dns 
>> calls.  Dns calls are still made, but far fewer and concurrent security 
>> checks are now non blocking.  The new policy provider takes advantage of 
>> immutability, how often do you change your policy files?
>> 2. SecureClassLoader uses CodeSource in a loader map as keys, causing 
>> multiple dns lookup calls, fixed that with a RFC3986 compliant URI class to 
>> replace URL based keys in maps.
>> 3. PreferredClassLoader also used URL's as keys in maps.
>> 4. Exising thread pools didn't take advantage of concurrent utilities and 
>> TaskManager performed very poorly when it's task queue became large, since 
>> dependant tasks had to synchronize and iterate over the whole queue to find 
>> preceeding tasks.
>> All fixed now, just need to reduce network traffic as Sockets are now the 
>> bottleneck.
>> After I finish with latent bugs, I'll investigate using a provider to plug 
>> in various serialization frameworks that are available now.
>> That and codebase provisioning should make River really sing.
>> The stress tests were devised by the original Jini team, they're probably 
>> the closest thing I've got to deployment scenario's.
>> Regards,
>> Peter.
>> ----- Original message -----
>>> Peter,
>>> With apologies that this it totally off-topic, but you made a comment
>>> here that I'd really like to understand better:
>>>       * ClassLoading is thread confined for each classloader to avoid
>>>> contention.
>>> Without impinging on your time unduly, are you able to point me at
>>> something that would allow me to discover what this is about? It sounds
>>> interesting, but I have no idea how this would work.
>>> And, I quite understand if you remain silent :)
>>> Cheers,
>>> Simon

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