Discussion interspersed…

Greg Trasuk

On Feb 8, 2015, at 12:25 PM, Dennis Reedy <dennis.re...@gmail.com> wrote:

>> On Feb 8, 2015, at 1122AM, Greg Trasuk <tras...@stratuscom.com> wrote:
>> Hi Dennis:
>> As with Pat’s comments, thanks for the input.  One loses the “beginner’s 
>> eye” after working on something for a while.
>> Anyhow, the README instructions are intended as a “bootstrap” that gets you 
>> to the real instructions that are in the site that’s built when you run ‘mvn 
>> site’.  However, as Pat has already found out, Eclipse and NetBeans bundle 
>> an older version of Maven that doesn’t know Markdown.  See my other message 
>> for instructions.
> Humm, maybe the generated site should just be included in the distribution 
> under a docs directory, and an index.html in the root folder just point to it.

Yes, the “river-examples” distribution could certainly do that.  I’ll have to 
do some thinking on the best way to mix “source” and “target/generated” stuff 
in a distribution.  Something about it is bothering me subliminally right now, 
but I can’t quite put my finger on it.

I certainly think the example docs should be on river.apache.org.

>> For your convenience, I’ve copied the site onto my ‘people.apache.org’ site:
>> http://people.apache.org/~gtrasuk/river/getting-started/
>> The testing folders are a Maven artifact.  I’m all for a testing example, 
>> but the code contained in the hello-service is too trivial to bother 
>> creating unit-tests for, IMO.
> IMO, a complete example should provide all aspects of developing and testing 
> a River project. Although the test case(s) would be trivial, providing 
> guidelines on how to bootstrap the environment to enable a client to discover 
> a service and simply assert the response is not.

Could you outline what you have in mind?

> Regards
> Dennis

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