I have found this to be a very interesting conversation.  My own bias is,
we are talking about 4.0. Let's focus on releasing 3.0 ;-)

I completely understand Peter's concerns about reasoning about visibility
for concurrency.

I understand from Greg that the visibility comes from the network barrier.

How does this play out when changes are published into either a service or
a client cache for the attributes used to publish or discover a proxy?
This would seem to be the place where there is an opportunity for
concurrency issues.

Looking at
http://river.apache.org/doc/api/net/jini/core/lookup/ServiceItem.html, I
see that the ServiceItem is three fields:

Attribute sets.
A service object.
A service ID, or null if registering for the first time.
It seems reasonable if the attributeSets field's value is replaced.  But
there would be a visibility concern about this.

It's been a while since I wrote service cache logic.  Is the visibility
guarantee here provided by an interface providing notice of attributeSet


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On Wed, Sep 9, 2015 at 9:00 AM, Greg Trasuk <tras...@stratuscom.com> wrote:

> > On Sep 9, 2015, at 8:05 AM, Peter <j...@zeus.net.au> wrote:
> >
> > It's worth noting that volatile is not excluded by the Entry
> specification.
> >
> > This doesn't provide any performance benefit whatsoever, but it does
> provide visibility guarantees between threads.  There is no atomicity…
> >
> > Greg, what are your thoughts?
> Entries are not intended for communication between threads.  They’re
> intended for communication between memory spaces across a network
> boundary.  Any performance difference with volatile (or even final fields)
> would be entirely masked by transit time on the network (1).
> You seem to want to change the Entry specification to reflect concerns
> about in-process concurrency, and I think that just fundamentally breaks a
> useful abstraction, an abstraction that is defined in the core of the
> public interface to River.
> I’m trying to come at this question from the point of view of a system
> architect or distributed system implementer, i.e. a “user” of River, not a
> River implementer.  From that perspective, what is it that you see as
> “broken” about the Entry spec (
> http://river.apache.org/doc/specs/html/entry-spec.html)?  How does
> requiring Entry fields to be final make it easier for me to build a
> distributed system?  Could we get opinions from Dennis?  Bryan?  Other
> users?  Their downstream users?
> Cheers,
> Greg
> (1) - I have to state my usual caveat here - reasoning a priori about
> performance in a complex system is a fool’s errand.  You need to have a
> model system and use case that you can analyze and experiment on.  But I do
> know we can run a whole lot of processor cycles in the time it takes
> 1400-or-so bytes to move across the room.
> >
> > Regards,
> >
> > Peter.
> >
> > On 9/09/2015 7:00 PM, Peter wrote:
> >> Greg,
> >>
> >> Thanks for putting the time & effort to look up these links.
> >>
> >> Primitive fields are an interesting case, I guess they had to be
> disallowed, because the serial form of an int is different from an Integer,
> at least for java Serialization.
> >>
> >> The performance trade off I mentioned relates to the time it takes for
> reflection to set each field in an Entry and when defensive copying is
> used, instead of pass by reference.
> >>
> >> ServiceDiscoveryManager is a good example of complexity, even after 15
> years, it still contains bugs because its design is too complex (even I'm
> not 100% confident I've fixed them all).
> >>
> >> Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler.
> >>
> >> Ken Arnold made Entry's simple for this reason, but in those days, the
> jvm still had issues with its memory model, final fields didn't have the
> thread safety guarantee they have now and most computers only had one cpu.
> >>
> >>
> https://www.cs.umd.edu/~pugh/java/memoryModel/jsr-133-faq.html#finalWrong
> >>
> >> Allowing Entry fields to be final, doesn't significantly increase
> complexity, in fact, in can assist in reducing complexity in concurrent
> code.
> >>
> >> I'm still convinced of the benefits of allowing final fields in Entry's
> :)
> >>
> >> How about a compromise?
> >>
> >> Leave existing Entry implementations as is, but allow final fields in
> new Entry's?
> >>
> >> Then in River code, we treat Entry's as immutable, regardes of whether
> they are or not?
> >>
> >> This way, existing code won't break from final modifiers, but new code
> can benefit significantly.
> >>
> >> I'm not aware of any Entry using final fields at present.
> >>
> >> Regards,
> >>
> >> Peter.
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> On 9/09/2015 3:55 PM, Greg Trasuk wrote:
> >>>> On Sep 9, 2015, at 12:30 AM, Peter<j...@zeus.net.au>  wrote:
> >>>>
> >>>> Thanks Greg,
> >>>>
> >>>> Was it a case of; because we can't set final fields (well not without
> a Permission anyway), that they shouldn't be included in Entry serialized
> state, because then we can't deserialize them?
> >>>>
> >>> No, it’s just the definition of “what’s in the schema”.  A class in
> the normal sense is a template for objects that are going to be
> instantiated and used as objects.  A class that implements Entry is not
> really doing the same thing.  It’s really a schema for a set of values that
> can be stored or used in a matching operation.  Nothing more, nothing
> less.  Dynamic operations in matching are a recipe for undefined behaviour
> (e.g. changing a value that’s used as a key in a hash map), so the Entry
> spec says “don’t do that”, by requiring that the matchable fields exist as
> fields, not calculated properties or anything else.  Using getter or setter
> methods would  provide an abstraction from the storage, but an Entry is
> fundamentally a storage structure, so it outlaws the abstraction. (Ken
> Arnold explained this nicely in http://www.artima.com/intv/sway2.html).
> >>>
> >>> Also, a null value in a field is a “wildcard”, hence the statement
> that the fields are serialized individually, so field-by-field comparisons
> are possible.  Notice that if you look at the usage, the class that
> implements Entry is never directly serialized - both Reggie and Outrigger
> create a representation object that has an array of serialized fields.
> They are treating the Entry class as a schema definition.  The Entry
> instance itself is like a record formatted according to that schema.
> >>>
> >>> Now, even though we’re not really going to use it as a traditional
> class, certain features of classes might still be useful.  Like, it might
> be useful to have constants for frequently-used values.  So you can still
> have static or non-static final fields (I can’t think of a good reason to
> have non-static final fields in an Entry class, but I suppose there might
> be a use case).  But any matching or storage operation only applies to
> fields defined in the “schema” - by definition, the public, non-static,
> non-final fields.
> >>>
> >>>> I've done my best to fix the existing implementations, so hopefully
> they won't need further fixes, however, the fixes were very difficult and
> these implementations very difficult to reason about, because there is so
> much mutable state.  In ServiceDiscoveryManager, a thread holds a lock
> while waiting for the result of a remote call, there was no solution I
> could find to remove this lock.
> >>>>
> >>>> To quote Keith Edwards "The Special Semantics of Attributes":
> >>>>
> >>>>   "All the methods of the object are ignored for purposes of
> >>>>   searching, as are "special" data fields: static, transient,
> >>>>   non-public, or final fields.  Likewise all fields that are primitive
> >>>>   types (such as ints and booleans) are ignored; only references to
> >>>>   other objects within an attribute are considered for searching.”
> >>>>
> >>> I’ll confess, it’s always struck me as odd that primitive fields are
> ignored, and it’s certainly bit me once or twice.  But I understand that
> it’s designed so that all the “matchable” fields are objects, so can be
> stored and compared in a uniform way (typically as MarshalledObjects).
> Since Java5 added auto-boxing/unboxing, there’s no real coding overhead for
> the developer.
> >>>
> >>>> So our choices are (for River 4.0):
> >>>>
> >>>>  1. Break backward compatibility and increase scalability, performance
> >>>>     and reduce bugs, by not ignoring final fields in Entry's, but
> >>>>     instead mandating them.
> >>> No.  That’s something else.  That’s not an Entry.  Such an object
> might be useful for implementations, but that’s not an Entry.
> >>>
> >>> An Entry is basically a local data structure that I can modify
> freely.   The value is crystallized when I send the Entry somewhere.  Like
> to a JavaSpace.   If I’m using an Entry to store things locally where I
> have concurrent access to the entry fields, that’s my problem, not the
> Entry’s.
> >>>
> >>>>  2. Or continue full compatibility and live with lower performance,
> >>>>     less scalability and harder to debug code.
> >>>>
> >>> If that tradeoff is true, you’re misusing or misunderstanding Entries.
> >>>
> >>> Not to mention, if you speed up Lookups, so what?  They don’t happen
> that often - only on startup of a client or failure of a service, in most
> cases outside of the test framework.  JavaSpaces are a different issue, but
> again, without knowing the use case of the JavaSpace (messaging,
> persistence, read-mostly, write-mostly, who knows?), it’s hard to do any
> reasoning about performance.
> >>>
> >>> Java’s default serialization mechanism is slow?  Well, I don’t know
> that for sure for a given use case, but OK, in both the Registrar and the
> JavaSpaces case, the client receives a proxy.  The current proxy
> implementations use JERI, but that’s an implementation detail.  The proxy
> is free to implement a different serialization or communication mechanism.
> Don’t like reflection?  I guess you could use ASM or BCEL to create a
> marshaller object for each Entry type that a given JavaSpace implementation
> wants to support.  You could probably even generate them dynamically.  For
> that matter, you could precompile Google Protocol Buffers for the most
> frequent Entry types.  Is it worth the effort?  I don’t know, but it’s
> technically feasible.  Jini’s dynamic code approach guarantees that it’s
> possible.
> >>>
> >>>> I think there's plenty of time for implementations to prepare for
> River 4.0, if we start talking about it now.
> >>>>
> >>>> Regards,
> >>>>
> >>>> Peter.
> >>>>
> >>>> How are these for code comments (from ServiceDiscoveryManager)?
> >>> “Those who enjoy laws or sausages shouldn’t see either being made” -
> misquoting Bismarck or Saxe.  Would you rather the original developer
> didn’t document areas that she thinks might eventually cause trouble?
> >>>
> >>> What can I tell you?  Concurrency is hard.  Distributed programming is
> hard.  Hate to say it, but in a distributed scenario, it might not be
> realistic to expect deterministic behaviour out of a system.  Jini is all
> about embracing failure and indeterminacy. (Ken Arnold again -
> http://www.artima.com/intv/distrib.html)
> >>>
> >>>>                // Don't like the fact that we're calling foreign code
> while
> >>>>                // holding an object lock, however holding this lock
> doesn't
> >>>>                // provide an opportunity for DOS as the lock only
> relates to a specific
> >>>>                // ServiceRegistrar and doesn't interact with client
> code.
> >>>>                matches = proxy.lookup(tmpl, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
> >>>>
> >>>>   /* The cache must be created inside the listener sync block,
> >>>>
> >>>>             * otherwise a race condition can occur. This is because
> the
> >>>>             * creation of a cache results in event registration which
> >>>>             * will ultimately result in the invocation of the
> serviceAdded()
> >>>>             * method in the cache's listener, and the interruption of
> any
> >>>>             * objects waiting on the cache's listener. If the
> notifications
> >>>>             * happen to occur before commencing the wait on the
> listener
> >>>>             * object (see below), then the wait will never be
> interrupted
> >>>>             * because the interrupts were sent before the wait()
> method
> >>>>             * was invoked. Synchronizing on the listener and the
> listener's
> >>>>             * serviceAdded() method, and creating the cache only
> after the
> >>>>             * lock has been acquired, together will prevent this
> situation
> >>>>             * since event registration cannot occur until the cache is
> >>>>             * created, and the lock that allows entry into the
> serviceAdded()
> >>>>             * method (which is invoked once the events do arrive) is
> not
> >>>>             * released until the wait() method is invoked .
> >>>>             */
> >>>>
> >>>>        /**
> >>>>         * With respect to a given service (referenced by the parameter
> >>>>         * newItem), if either an event has been received from the
> given lookup
> >>>>         * service (referenced by the proxy parameter), or a snapshot
> of the
> >>>>         * given lookup service's state has been retrieved, this method
> >>>>         * determines whether the service's attributes have changed,
> or whether
> >>>>         * a new version of the service has been registered. After the
> >>>>         * appropriate determination has been made, this method
> applies the
> >>>>         * filter associated with the current cache and sends the
> appropriate
> >>>>         * local ServiceDiscoveryEvent(s).
> >>>>         *
> >>>>         * This method is called under the following conditions: -
> when a new
> >>>>         * lookup service is discovered, this method will be called
> for each
> >>>>         * previously discovered service - when a gap in the events
> from a
> >>>>         * previously discovered lookup service is discovered, this
> method will
> >>>>         * be called for each previously discovered service - when a
> >>>>         * event is received, this method will be called for each
> previously
> >>>>         * discovered service - when a NOMATCH_MATCH event is
> received, this
> >>>>         * method will be called for each previously discovered
> service Note
> >>>>         * that this method is never called when a MATCH_NOMATCH event
> is
> >>>>         * received; such an event is always handled by the
> handleMatchNoMatch
> >>>>         * method.
> >>>>         *
> >>>>         * When this method is called, it may send one of the
> following events
> >>>>         * or combination of events: - a service changed event - a
> service
> >>>>         * removed event followed by a service added event - a service
> removed
> >>>>         * event
> >>>>         *
> >>>>         * A service removed event is sent when the service either
> fails the
> >>>>         * filter, or the filter produces an indefinite result; in
> which case,
> >>>>         * the service is also discarded.
> >>>>         *
> >>>>         * A service changed event is sent when the service passes the
> filter,
> >>>>         * and it is determined that the service's attributes have
> changed. In
> >>>>         * this case, the old and new service proxies are treated as
> the same if
> >>>>         * one of the following conditions is met: - this method was
> called
> >>>>         * because of the receipt of a MATCH_MATCH event - the old and
> new
> >>>>         * service proxies are byte-wise fully equal (Note that the
> lookup
> >>>>         * service specification guarantees that the proxies are the
> same when a
> >>>>         * MATCH_MATCH event is received.)
> >>>>         *
> >>>>         * A service removed event followed by a service added event
> is sent
> >>>>         * when the service passes the filter, and the conditions for
> which a
> >>>>         * service changed event would be considered are not met; that
> is, this
> >>>>         * method was not called because of the receipt of a
> MATCH_MATCH event;
> >>>>         * or the old and new service proxies are not byte-wise fully
> equal.
> >>>>         *
> >>>>         * The if-else-block contained in this method implements the
> logic just
> >>>>         * described. The parameter matchMatchEvent reflects the
> pertinent event
> >>>>         * state that causes this method to be called. That is, either
> a
> >>>>         * MATCH_MATCH event was received, or it wasn't, (and if it
> wasn't, then
> >>>>         * a full byte-wise comparison is performed to determine
> whether the
> >>>>         * proxies are still the same).
> >>>>         *
> >>>>         * To understand when the 'else' part of the if-else-block is
> executed,
> >>>>         * consider the following conditions: - there is more than one
> lookup
> >>>>         * service with which the service registers (ex. LUS-0 and
> LUS-1) -
> >>>>         * after the service registers with LUS-0, a NOMATCH_MATCH
> event is
> >>>>         * received and handled (so the service is now known to the
> cache) -
> >>>>         * before the service registers with LUS-1, the service is
> replaced with
> >>>>         * a new version - the NOMATCH_MATCH event resulting from the
> service's
> >>>>         * registration with LUS-1 is received BEFORE receiving the
> >>>>         * MATCH_NOMATCH/NOMATCH_MATCH event sequence that will
> ultimately
> >>>>         * result from the re-registration of that new version with
> LUS-0 When
> >>>>         * the above conditions occur, the NOMATCH_MATCH event that
> resulted
> >>>>         * from the service's registration with LUS-1 will cause this
> method to
> >>>>         * be invoked and the proxies to be fully compared (because
> the event
> >>>>         * was not a MATCH_MATCH event); and since the old service
> proxy and the
> >>>>         * new service proxy will not be fully equal, the else part of
> the
> >>>>         * if-else-block will be executed.
> >>>>         *
> >>>>         * This method applies the filter only after the above
> comparisons and
> >>>>         * determinations have been completed.
> >>>>         */
> >>>>
> >>>> On 9/09/2015 1:40 PM, Greg Trasuk wrote:
> >>>>>> On Sep 8, 2015, at 10:40 PM, Peter<j...@zeus.net.au>   wrote:
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> On 8/09/2015 11:26 PM, Greg Trasuk wrote:
> >>>>>>> That’s the current state.  Changing (e.g. by enforcing a builder
> pattern or something) would add unneeded complexity for the user if you ask
> me.
> >>>>>> Yes, I agree, a constructor is suitable, keep it simple.
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>> In fact, the fact that the Entry fields are non-final is the way
> Jini knows it’s a field and not a constant.  i.e. in the AbstractEntry
> docs, it specifically says "The entry fields of an Entry are its public,
> non-primitive, non-static, non-transient, non-final fields."
> >>>>>> There's no code that inspects the field and checks whether it's
> final, not within River that I'm aware of, feel free to show me where if
> I'm wrong :).
> >>>>> com.sun.jini.outrigger.EntryRep.  Look for ‘Modifier.FINAL’ in the
> ‘usableField(…)’ method.  There are 12 other uses of ‘FINAL’ in River
> 2.2.2.  Not to mention any external product (Blitz, Rio, who knows what)
> that are designed around the Entry specification.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> The EntryRep you posted below is com.sun.jini.reggie.EntryRep.
> You’ll notice that it calls com.sun.jini.reggie.ClassMapper, which also
> filters final fields out of the comparisons and mappings.
> >>>>>
> >>>>>>  The reason these fields are non final, is so they can be set with
> reflection, this is a detail of the Entry specification we should look at
> changing.
> >>>>>>
> >>>>> The reason they’re non-final is so that services like Reggie and
> Outrigger know what constitutes an Entry field that they might need to
> match.  Entry fields are used to form the templates for matching entries.
> >>>>>
> >>>>>> Entry's are not subject to the usual serialization rules.  All
> fields in an Entry in superclass to subclass order are stored in an
> EntryRep (appended).
> >>>>>> At present these are set after construction using reflection,
> however a constructor that accepts an array parameter, will allow the child
> most class to pass that array up through all constructors to reconstruct
> the Entry without using reflection (magnitudes faster performance wise).
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> Eliminating the use of reflection during deserialization will
> increase performance, and immutability increases scalability.
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>> Where do we use entries?  Typically in doing Service registrations
> and lookups.  Most users can understand that the Entry is going to be
> serialized and used remotely.
> >>>>>> Clients of Javaspaces and utility classes too, like JoinManager and
> ServiceDiscoveryManager.
> >>>>>>> Add to documentation?  Sure.  Change the API?  Maybe add an
> optional builder-style object.  (e.g. create a StatusBuilder that acts as a
> bean and generates Status entries).  But even so, it seems like a small
> enough part of using Jini to not bother much with.
> >>>>>> Due to the way the current Entry spec works, you can't add a field
> to an Entry without breaking compatibility with subclassses.
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> So the proposed change would be a new public constructor, that
> accepts an array, containing field object values in the order that fields
> occur and that all fields be final.
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> I'd also propose including a warning that once published the order
> and number of fields in an Entry should not be changed if it can be
> extended, otherwise if there's a chance that additional fields might need
> to be appended at a later date, a reccommendation that the class be made
> final, so it can't be subclassed.
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> So in other words, the following changes will break an Entry:
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>  1. A change in the class heirarchy.
> >>>>>>  2. A change in the order or number or type of fields.
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> An Entry is best thought of an interface definition for a defined
> group of objects in serial form.
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>> Another way to think about it is that Entries don’t mean much
> until you send them somewhere.  So you need to make sure they’re all setup
> and everything they refer to is stable when you send them.  To me, that’s a
> user-understanding item that’s difficult to enforce through code.
> >>>>>> But because Entry fields are mutable and unsynchronized, and used
> in utility classes such as ServiceDiscoveryManager, it becomes difficult to
> manage when Entry's are passed around between threads.   To submit an Entry
> to a service, it is passed to a thread pool where it becomes a serialized
> method invocation.
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> To ensure the changes made by one thread are visible to another,
> the Entry must be published safely, otherwise the changes can't be
> guaranteed visible between threads.  There is no synchronization on Entry
> field access, so this makes it very difficult to reason about an Entry, one
> strategy I've adopted is defensive copying, however all this does, is
> guarantee that any modifications made by client code, doesn't affect a copy
> in ServiceDiscoveryManager (for example), there is a memory usage cost,
> because internal copies can't be shared with client ServiceItemFilter’s
> >>>>> Typical usage of a ServiceDiscoveryManager, for instance, would be
> if I want to perform a lookup I’ll create a ServiceTemplate that contains
> the Entries I want matched.  If I want to create a LookupCache, I’ll pass
> in a ServiceTemplate to the createLookupCache method.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> If you have a separate thread that messes around with those entries
> while the lookup is in process, or while the LookupCache is active, that’s
> a client error - you deserve what you get.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> If ServiceDiscoveryManager does it wrong, we need to fix
> ServiceDiscoveryManager.
> >>>>>
> >>>>>> .
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> Reasoning about shared state becomes much simpler if Entry's are
> immutable and the upside is scalability and performance improves,
> especially for clients of lookup services deserializing a lot of Entry
> objects.
> >>>>>>
> >>>>> Entries aren’t intended to encapsulate shared state in any widely
> concurrent way.  They’re intended to be created on a thread, and then sent
> over the network.  If there is shared state inside a given service, that’s
> the concern of the service implementation.  Does Outrigger handle its
> concurrency correctly?  I don’t know- I’ve never looked.  If it doesn’t
> then we need to fix Outrigger, not change the Entry specification.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> It’s good that we’re having these discussions, so we can make sure
> that the real-world usages get taken into account before we go altering the
> specifications.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Cheers,
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Greg Trasuk.
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>>> /**
> >>>>>> * An EntryRep contains the fields of an Entry packaged up for
> >>>>>> * transmission between client-side proxies and the registrar server.
> >>>>>> * Instances are never visible to clients, they are private to the
> >>>>>> * communication between the proxies and the server.
> >>>>>> *<p>
> >>>>>> * This class only has a bare minimum of methods, to minimize
> >>>>>> * the amount of code downloaded into clients.
> >>>>>> *
> >>>>>> * @author Sun Microsystems, Inc.
> >>>>>> *
> >>>>>> */
> >>>>>> class EntryRep implements Serializable, Cloneable {
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>    private static final long serialVersionUID = 2L;
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>    /**
> >>>>>>     * The Class of the Entry converted to EntryClass.
> >>>>>>     *
> >>>>>>     * @serial
> >>>>>>     */
> >>>>>>    public EntryClass eclass;
> >>>>>>    /**
> >>>>>>     * The codebase of the entry class.
> >>>>>>     *
> >>>>>>     * @serial
> >>>>>>     */
> >>>>>>    public String codebase;
> >>>>>>    /**
> >>>>>>     * The public fields of the Entry, each converted as necessary to
> >>>>>>     * a MarshalledWrapper (or left as is if of known java.lang
> immutable
> >>>>>>     * type).  The fields are in super- to subclass order.
> >>>>>>     *
> >>>>>>     * @serial
> >>>>>>     */
> >>>>>>    public Object[] fields;
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>    /**
> >>>>>>     * Converts an Entry to an EntryRep.  Any exception that results
> >>>>>>     * is bundled up into a MarshalException.
> >>>>>>     */
> >>>>>>    public EntryRep(Entry entry) throws RemoteException {
> >>>>>>    EntryClassBase ecb =
> ClassMapper.toEntryClassBase(entry.getClass());
> >>>>>>    eclass = ecb.eclass;
> >>>>>>    codebase = ecb.codebase;
> >>>>>>    try {
> >>>>>>        EntryField[] efields =
> ClassMapper.getFields(entry.getClass());
> >>>>>>        fields = new Object[efields.length];
> >>>>>>        for (int i = efields.length; --i>= 0; ) {
> >>>>>>        EntryField f = efields[i];
> >>>>>>        Object val = f.field.get(entry);
> >>>>>>        if (f.marshal&&   val != null)
> >>>>>>            val = new MarshalledWrapper(val);
> >>>>>>        fields[i] = val;
> >>>>>>        }
> >>>>>>    } catch (IOException e) {
> >>>>>>        throw new MarshalException("error marshalling arguments", e);
> >>>>>>    } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
> >>>>>>        throw new MarshalException("error marshalling arguments", e);
> >>>>>>    }
> >>>>>>    }
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>    /**
> >>>>>>     * Convert back to an Entry.  If the Entry cannot be constructed,
> >>>>>>     * null is returned.  If a field cannot be unmarshalled, it is
> set
> >>>>>>     * to null.
> >>>>>>     */
> >>>>>>    public Entry get() {
> >>>>>>    try {
> >>>>>>        Class clazz = eclass.toClass(codebase);
> >>>>>>        EntryField[] efields = ClassMapper.getFields(clazz);
> >>>>>>        Entry entry = (Entry)clazz.newInstance();
> >>>>>>        for (int i = efields.length; --i>= 0; ) {
> >>>>>>        Object val = fields[i];
> >>>>>>        EntryField f = efields[i];
> >>>>>>        Field rf = f.field;
> >>>>>>        try {
> >>>>>>            if (f.marshal&&   val != null)
> >>>>>>            val = ((MarshalledWrapper) val).get();
> >>>>>>            rf.set(entry, val);
> >>>>>>        } catch (Throwable e) {
> >>>>>>            if (e instanceof IllegalArgumentException) {
> >>>>>>            // fix 4872566: work around empty exception message
> >>>>>>            String msg = "unable to assign " +
> >>>>>>                ((val != null) ?
> >>>>>>                "value of type " + val.getClass().getName() :
> >>>>>>                "null") +
> >>>>>>                " to field " + rf.getDeclaringClass().getName() +
> >>>>>>                "." + rf.getName() + " of type " +
> >>>>>>                rf.getType().getName();
> >>>>>>            e = new ClassCastException(msg).initCause(e);
> >>>>>>            }
> >>>>>>            RegistrarProxy.handleException(e);
> >>>>>>        }
> >>>>>>        }
> >>>>>>        return entry;
> >>>>>>    } catch (Throwable e) {
> >>>>>>        RegistrarProxy.handleException(e);
> >>>>>>    }
> >>>>>>    return null;
> >>>>>>    }
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>    /**
> >>>>>>     * We don't need this in the client or the server, but since we
> >>>>>>     * redefine equals we provide a minimal hashCode that works.
> >>>>>>     */
> >>>>>>    public int hashCode() {
> >>>>>>    return eclass.hashCode();
> >>>>>>    }
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>    /**
> >>>>>>     * EntryReps are equal if they have the same class and the fields
> >>>>>>     * are pairwise equal.  This is really only needed in the server,
> >>>>>>     * but it's very convenient to have here.
> >>>>>>     */
> >>>>>>    public boolean equals(Object obj) {
> >>>>>>    if (obj instanceof EntryRep) {
> >>>>>>        EntryRep entry = (EntryRep)obj;
> >>>>>>        if (!eclass.equals(entry.eclass) ||
> >>>>>>        fields.length != entry.fields.length)
> >>>>>>        return false;
> >>>>>>        for (int i = fields.length; --i>= 0; ) {
> >>>>>>        if ((fields[i] == null&&   entry.fields[i] != null) ||
> >>>>>>            (fields[i] != null&&
>  !fields[i].equals(entry.fields[i])))
> >>>>>>            return false;
> >>>>>>        }
> >>>>>>        return true;
> >>>>>>    }
> >>>>>>    return false;
> >>>>>>    }
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>    /**
> >>>>>>     * Deep clone (which just means cloning the fields array too).
> >>>>>>     * This is really only needed in the server, but it's very
> >>>>>>     * convenient to have here.
> >>>>>>     */
> >>>>>>    public Object clone() {
> >>>>>>    try {
> >>>>>>        EntryRep entry = (EntryRep)super.clone();
> >>>>>>        entry.fields = (Object[])entry.fields.clone();
> >>>>>>        return entry;
> >>>>>>    } catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) {
> >>>>>>        throw new InternalError();
> >>>>>>    }
> >>>>>>    }
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>    /**
> >>>>>>     * Converts an array of Entry to an array of EntryRep.  If
> needCodebase
> >>>>>>     * is false, then the codebase of every EntryRep will be null.
> >>>>>>     */
> >>>>>>    public static EntryRep[] toEntryRep(Entry[] entries, boolean
> needCodebase)
> >>>>>>    throws RemoteException
> >>>>>>    {
> >>>>>>    EntryRep[] reps = null;
> >>>>>>    if (entries != null) {
> >>>>>>        reps = new EntryRep[entries.length];
> >>>>>>        for (int i = entries.length; --i>= 0; ) {
> >>>>>>        if (entries[i] != null) {
> >>>>>>            reps[i] = new EntryRep(entries[i]);
> >>>>>>            if (!needCodebase)
> >>>>>>            reps[i].codebase = null;
> >>>>>>        }
> >>>>>>        }
> >>>>>>    }
> >>>>>>    return reps;
> >>>>>>    }
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>    /** Converts an array of EntryRep to an array of Entry. */
> >>>>>>    public static Entry[] toEntry(EntryRep[] reps) {
> >>>>>>    Entry[] entries = null;
> >>>>>>    if (reps != null) {
> >>>>>>        entries = new Entry[reps.length];
> >>>>>>        for (int i = reps.length; --i>= 0; ) {
> >>>>>>        entries[i] = reps[i].get();
> >>>>>>        }
> >>>>>>    }
> >>>>>>    return entries;
> >>>>>>    }
> >>>>>> }
> >>>>>>
> >>>
> >>
> >>
> >

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