In that case, I'll leave it alone and continue the release process

My thoughts on the future of Security, to help dispell misunderstandings and 
incorrect assumptions (think about this now, make any investigations you need 
to and lets discuss after 3.0):

River Security in its present form adds complexity, is broken and poorly 

We provide software with web capable jeri endpoints over https and tls, but 
don't provide adequate security for services or clients.

The need for security was established and was the driver for the Davis project 
prior to Jini 2.0. 

This "bootstrap proxy" is part of the Jini api, it's an instance of ProxyTrust 
as documented in Smart Proxy Trust Verification.

Current implementations of ProxyTrust, TrustVerifier and ServiceRegistrar place 
significant burdens and complexity on developers, but don't deliver on security 
as promised by our javadoc.

Can we afford to ignore security?  Why do we complicate our code with policies 
and ProxyTrust if it's insecure anyway?  

Aren't there legal ramifications?

Even Reggie, although it doesn't execute client code, is vulnerable, because it 
doesn't validate input.  Any attacker can create any Serializable object on the 
classpath by crafting the serialization stream, some will deserialize into 
priviliged context allowing the attacker to create a classloader.  The only 
other way to avoid this vulnerability is use tls and validate all clients, x509 
certs are an ongoing expense, could you imagine the consequences if you were 
required to provide a cert to use  a web browser?  But that only helps Reggie, 
client security is still broken, so its not an acceptable fix.

ipv4 and nat have restricted Jini adoption to local networks, http/s jeri 
endpoints allowed clients to contact publicly visible services, but ipv6 
changes the ballgame so we can communicate directly from public networks with 
services on local networks.  Security is required for ipv6 networks

Committers have the right to veto any security fixes, however it is a 
requirement of veto to provide an alternative proposal, I'm flexible and 
willing to consider any proposal that addresses  the issues.

ProxyPreparer in its current form is broken.  

Proxy preparation assumed that both the java sandbox and serialization are 
secure, code is downloaded, static class initialisers and readObject methods 
are executed on untrusted foreign code, you're POWNED by the attacker, only 
then are invocation constraints applied, then the proxy provides the bootstrap 
proxy, the service is authenticated, the bootstrap proxy provides the 
TrustVerifier via a remote call and the TrustVerifier checks if the proxy can 
be trusted, and finally method constraints are applied, oops, how can that 
possibly work?!

Jini security is overly complex and broken, it may have been ok in 2004, when 
isolates were planned...

The bit about trusting local code (the boostrap proxy, credit Sun, not me) is 
only correct if combined with input validation and constraints are a good idea, 
so how I propose to fix security:

Make RequireDlPermProvider default to ensure DownloadPermission is enforced.

Introduce a new invocation constraint to enforce Serialization input validation.

Introduce a new ServiceRegistrar default method that returns only bootstrap 
proxy's, consider them a token that can be used by a clients ProxyPreparer 
(Configuration concern) to:

* authenticate the service.
* obtain Entries from, if required for local filtering or ServiceUI.
* obtain the service proxy.

The sequence looks like this:

1. Deserialize the bootstrap proxy, with input validation for serialization 
(already implemented) to prevent DOS or becoming POWNED 
2. check invocation constraints and authenticate the service.
3. dynamically grant DownloadPermission.
4. Ask the bootstrap proxy for the service proxy using ServiceProxyAccessor.  
Ask for Entry's using a new interface called ServiceEntryAccessor, to perform 
local filtering prior to retrieving the proxy if required. This also enables 
delayed unmarshalling.
5. Apply method constraints..
6. Dynamically grant any remaining permissions required (I already have an 
implementation of jar META-INF/permissions.perm as per OSGi syntax to allow 
services to declare required permissions).

The broken concept of TrustVerifier is no longer required, the process is 
simplified and much more secure.  

All of the above becomes a ProxyVerifier and configuration concern; client code 
doesn't need to be involved.

This will require some backward compatible revisions to the lookup service, 
that we'll need to discuss before implementing.

All this should be up for constructive discussion, when the time comes, lets 
discuss each argument concisely, park some for later discussion, so we can 
resolve any differences we have and make progress.

We also need to address httpmd insecurity, discuss whether to upgrade it, or 
deprecate and replace with signed jar codebases.

The network is changing, we can't cling to ipv4 and NAT firewalls to provide 

Activation removal has been voted on for 2.2, not 3.0, this is an 
understandable decision from a maintence reduction persspective, considering 
that 2.2 is an LTS and completely separate branch, that duplicates work.

It makes much less sense in 3.0, I've already performed the maintenance 
required on Phoenix, I'm reluctant to throw that away just yet, perhaps it 
still makes sense to remove support for jrmp activation, which will simplify 
phoenix and make it portable to other jvm's, but why not retain jeri 
activation, it's portable?  Sun jrmp activation was intended as a compatible 
uprade away from rmid.

Users may not have noticed the recent vote to remove activation from 2.2, some 
felt quite strongly about this in the past:

Why not investigate how to evolve phoenix into a service watchdog as suggested? 
 It could run remotely, with assistance from a remote executor service, that 
allows service hosting.  That way, one service dies, another node takes over 
and resumes the service.

In any case bringing up removal of jrmp and activation is only a distraction.  
While MarshalledObject is being used, so is JRMP.  We must change our api to 
remove it completely.  Interface default methods can be part of a migration and 
deprecation strategy.

Security today is even more relevant than it was in 2004, not less.



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  Include original message
---- Original message ----
From: Greg Trasuk <>
Sent: 06/01/2016 02:02:50 am
Subject: Re: Release 3.0, package rename and ServiceProxyAccessor


A few reasons; 

- ProxyAccessor exists primarily to go along with the activation system, which 
is slated to be removed.   
- ServiceProxyAccessor goes with the ‘start’ package, that is an implementation 
detail that not all containers use 
- Whether a service is implemented by a reflective proxy or a smart proxy is 
none of the client’s business, and the client code shouldn’t be coupled to the 
implementation of the service. 
- Ideas that go “in a future version of River” ought to be fully fleshed out 
and discussed before we start implementing them.  In particular, this 
“bootstrap proxy” idea - I don’t intend to delve into it now, but I can’t help 
but wonder whether it’s better implemented using the existing ProxyPreparer 
mechanism, or some decoupling between the service item and its claimed 
interfaces.  Not to mention, the need for it hasn’t been established.  In any 
case, we shouldn’t implement things until we’ve talked about them.  We’ve 
agreed to be cautious about changing the public API. 


Greg Trasuk 

> On Jan 5, 2016, at 1:41 AM, Peter Firmstone <> 
> ServiceProxyAccesor is an interface in the start package, a similar interface 
>called ProxyAccessor exists in the net.jini.export package. 
> The difference between these two interfaces is the former returns a smart 
>proxy, which may not be a Remote object, while the latter returns the Remote 
>proxy which is a reflective proxy or remote proxy stub. 
> Often, the former contains the latter, where the former implements service 
>api, while the latter is used for remote communication with the service's 
> In a future version of River,  ServiceProxyAccessor could be used by clients 
>to obtain the service proxy, from a bootstrap proxy, allowing authentication 
>to occur prior to codebase download and unmarshalling.  Think security and 
>delayed unmarshalling. 
> If this was to occur, we'd need to change the package for the 
>ServiceProxyAccessor interface, to net.jini.export.  
> Seeing as we're about to change the package of ServiceProxyAccessor in the 
>3.0 release, it would have less impact on downstream code if this change was 
>only made once. 
> If the security and performance improvements were not accepted, (I'm quite 
>confident that we will agree on a solution once the benefits can be 
>demonstrated) it still makes sense to move ServiceProxyAccessor to 
>net.jini.exporter due to their related use and functionality. 
> Should I proceed with a vote to move ServiceProxyAccessor to net.jiniexporter 
>now, prior to release, or should I leave it until River 31? 
> This wont cause a delay in the release process, but I'm happy to leave it if 
>anyone is concerned it will. 
> Regards, 
> Peter. 
> Sent from my Samsung device. 

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