IMHO it is possible to have both.

The prerequisite is to encode a snapshot of module wiring in the
serialization stream.

The service provider has to explicitly mark certain dependencies as "API
dependencies" which are going to be resolved from modules (bundles)
installed in the client environment.
Dependencies not marked as "API" would be resolved using strict module

Once resolved in the client the dependency is "locked" i.e. no longer
marked as "API" when serialising (as long as they are not dependencies of a
client's API)

The only problem then are dependencies that are both consumed and exposed
by a service proxy which might cause class cast exceptions.


On Sun, 29 Jan 2017 at 01:18, Peter <> wrote:

> The best way to handle that situation would be to throw a
> ClassCastException, but also gather as much information as possible re
> Bundles and Bundle versions to assist the developer to debug and
> unentangle their design.
> In this case BImpl was resolved first which has caused Child2Api version
> 1.0.0 to be installed.
> If the package that Child2Api resides is in the version range 1.0.0 <= X
> < 2.0.0, then the only reason that a higher bundle version may have been
> chosen is that bundle 1.0.1 etc was already installed at the client,
> prior to 1.0.0 being installed and C2 has selected it during resolution.
> This is also a good demonstration of why version ranges should be
> chosen, why would any sensible developer avoid an internal bug fix, or
> even a backward compatible api change in an api bundle, unless the
> bundle is broken?
> If we try to ensure replication of wiring from one JVM in another, then
> if we don't have full control over both JVM's then we may introduce
> incompatibility at the root object, thus causing a ClassCastException
> when the caller in the deserializing jvm tries to assign it to Root.
> We can't design a system for all scenarios, all systems have limitations
> and must make compromises.
> Cheers,
> Peter.
> On 28/01/2017 10:46 PM, "Michał Kłeczek (XPro Sp. z o. o.)" wrote:
> > Sorry - you haven't shown how to avoid situation when a single
> > instance of BImpl is assignable to Child1.myImpl but NOT assignable to
> > Child2.myImpl.
> >
> > This is simply NOT possible without having information about exact
> > bundle wiring on the other end.
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Michal
> >
> > Peter wrote:
> >> Hmm, bundle wiring, not sure, will think about it.
> >>
> >> Yep, guilty of lazyness.
> >>
> >> So continuing on, with the deserialization process...
> >> The stream reads in the stream class information, now Root's
> >> ClassLoader is on the stack,
> >> Child2 is loaded using Root's Bundle.
> >> Next, Child2's bundle C2's ClassLoader is pushed onto the stack.
> >> Child2's fields are now read from the stream, in this case a
> >> reference number is read in from the stream,
> >> this reference number is looked up from the stream reference table,
> >> and the same instance of BImpl contained
> >> in Class1's field is returned.
> >> Serialization doesn't send an object twice, unless it's written
> >> unshared.
> >> Now Class2's instance is created, it's ClassLoader popped off the
> >> stack, root's second field is written, it's ClassLoader popped off
> >> the stack and its instance returned.
> >>
> >> If Class2's field was another instance of BImpl, the class is stored
> >> in the ObjectStreamClass's cache and has been verified and loaded, so
> >> we don't need to resolve it again.  If BImpl was actually a different
> >> version and was loaded by Bundle BImpl2.0.0, then the annotation
> >> won't imply BImpl1.0.0,
> >> so it will load a new bundle.
> >>
> >> The Bundle wiring will depend on a combination of the local Bundle's
> >> or downloaded Bundle's manifest package import declarations.
> >>
> >> The wiring may be slightly different at each end.  A PackageAdmin
> >> service may decide to change the loaded bundles, we need to ensure
> >> that we allow them to communicate accross compatible versions.
> >>
> >> Hope this helps clarify it a little better.
> >>
> >> Cheers & thanks,
> >>
> >> Peter.
> >>
> >> On 28/01/2017 10:11 PM, "Michał Kłeczek (XPro Sp. z o. o.)" wrote:
> >>> Ahh... You've missed the important part :) - child2.
> >>> You cannot assume BImpl class loaded in context of C1 is assignable
> >>> to child2 - it depends on what other unrelated bundles have been
> >>> loaded earlier and how the container chooses to resolve them.
> >>>
> >>> Imagine:
> >>>
> >>> BImpl has:
> >>> Require-Bundle bundle.with.exact.child2Api.version 1.0.0
> >>>
> >>> Child2 has:
> >>> Import-Package packageOf.child2Api range [1.0.0, 2.0.0)
> >>>
> >>> It might be perfectly fine in one container where only
> >>> bundle.with.exact.child2Api.version 1.0.0 was installed. But might
> >>> be wrong in another where there are two "packageOf.child2Api"
> >>> exporting bundles installed.
> >>>
> >>> So:
> >>> 1. The information about BImpl is no longer on the stack and not
> >>> available when loading Child2
> >>> 2. Even if it was available (because for example you modify your
> >>> algorithm so that you remember all previously loaded bundles) - it
> >>> means that when loading Child2 you no longer can depend on the
> >>> container bundle resolution.
> >>>
> >>> And 2) is the point I am trying to make from the beginning: when
> >>> transferring object graphs you MUST serialize the BundleWiring
> >>> information and recreate it when deserializing. You need the
> >>> snapshot of runtime state - declarative dependency information is
> >>> not enough.
> >>>
> >>> Thanks,
> >>> Michal
> >>>
> >>> Peter wrote:
> >>>> Ah yes, that's easy, assuming all classes are Serializable :)
> >>>>
> >>>> Firstly we register a BundleListener with our OSGi framework and
> >>>> keep track of installed Bundles.
> >>>>
> >>>> So Root, is the object graph root, Classes Child1 and Child2 are
> >>>> visible to Root.
> >>>> The first thing we do is push the ClassLoader of Root onto our stack.
> >>>> When the stream reads in the fields of Root, the first field
> >>>> child1, it will read the stream class information, the class Child1
> >>>> will resolve from Bundle BR, since it is visible from there.
> >>>> Now we obtain Child1's ClassLoader (which provides a
> >>>> BundleReference to Bundle C1) and push it onto our stack.
> >>>> The stream reads in the fields of Child1, the first field
> >>>> Child1Api, is an instance of BImpl, it first attempts to use Bundle
> >>>> C1, however assuming that BImpl isn't visible from Bundle C1, we
> >>>> use the codebase annotation we read in from the stream (read in for
> >>>> each class), to find any installed bundles implied by the
> >>>> annotation's URI.
> >>>> Upon finding BImpl's bundle from the BundleContext, we first ask
> >>>> the bundle to load the class, then we check that the class is
> >>>> assignable to field myImpl in Child1, before Child1 is
> >>>> instantiated, using class.isAssignableFrom.
> >>>> If this fails and there are other versions of BImpl installed we
> >>>> might iterate through them until we have a match.
> >>>> If there are no BImpl bundles installed, then we use the annotation
> >>>> to load a new Bundle.
> >>>> At this time BImpl's ClassLoader is pushed onto the stack.
> >>>> However BImpl has no fields to deserialize, so a new instance of
> >>>> BImpl is created and before it is used to set the field myImpl in
> >>>> Child1, BImpl's ClassLoader is popped off the stack.
> >>>> Now that all fields of Child1 have been created, Child1 can be
> >>>> created, and bundle C1's ClassLoader is popped off the stack.
> >>>> The same process is repeated for Child2.
> >>>>
> >>>> Cheers,
> >>>>
> >>>> Peter.
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>> On 28/01/2017 7:41 PM, "Michał Kłeczek (XPro Sp. z o. o.)" wrote:
> >>>>> I fail to see how it could possibly work. Could you walk
> >>>>> step-by-step serialize/deserialize with the following object graph:
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Bundle API:
> >>>>> interface Api {}
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Bundle BR:
> >>>>> class Root {
> >>>>>   Child1 child1;
> >>>>>   Child2 child2;
> >>>>>
> >>>>>   Api getApi() {
> >>>>>     return isEven(getRandom()) ? child1.impl : child2.impl;
> >>>>>   }
> >>>>>
> >>>>> }
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Bundle C1
> >>>>> class Child1 {
> >>>>>   Child1Api myImpl;
> >>>>> }
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Bundle C2
> >>>>> class Child2 {
> >>>>>   Child2Api myImpl;
> >>>>> }
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Bundle Api1:
> >>>>> interface Child1Api extends Api {}
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Bundle Api2:
> >>>>> interface Child2Api extends Api {}
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Bundle BImpl:
> >>>>> class Impl implements Child1Api, Child2Api {}
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Object graph:
> >>>>> impl = new BImpl()
> >>>>> root = new Root(new Child1(impl), new Child2(impl));
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Serialize and deserialize root.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Thanks,
> >>>>> Michal
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Peter wrote:
> >>>>>> So here's how we can put it together:
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> Our OIS contains a stack we can use to track ClassLoader's at
> >>>>>> each branch in our serialized object graph.
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>   1. First object being read in by the OIS, check the cache see
> >>>>>> if the
> >>>>>>      URI annotation is implied.
> >>>>>>   2. If yes, use this Bundle to deserialize, place this Bundle's
> >>>>>>      BundleReference [ClassLoader] on the top of the stack.
> >>>>>>   3. If no, walk the stack, find the first BundleReference,
> >>>>>> dereference
> >>>>>>      it's Bundle, obtain the BundleContext and request a new Bundle
> >>>>>>      with the new URL.
> >>>>>>   4. For each field in the current object:
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>        * Try to load it's class from the current Bundle .
> >>>>>>        * If successful push Bundle's ClassLoader onto stack and
> >>>>>> return
> >>>>>>          class.
> >>>>>>        * Catch ClassNotFoundException, it's likely this is a
> >>>>>> dependency
> >>>>>>          injected class the parent object's ClassLoader or Bundle
> >>>>>>          doesn't have type visibility for.
> >>>>>>        * Check the Bundle cache to see if the URI annotation is
> >>>>>> implied.
> >>>>>>        * If yes, then iterate through each, load a class from this
> >>>>>>          bundle, check that the returned class can be assigned to
> >>>>>> the
> >>>>>>          current field's type.  If not, discard and continue until a
> >>>>>>          class is found that can be assigned to the current field.
> >>>>>>        * If not, load the new bundle.
> >>>>>>        * Push the current Bundle's ClassLoader on the top of the
> >>>>>> stack.
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>   5. Pop the last (Object in the graph) field's ClassLoader off
> >>>>>> the stack.
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> When the process completes we have a resolved object graph with
> >>>>>> correct class visiblity.
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> Regards,
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> Peter.
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> On 28/01/2017 1:49 PM, Peter wrote:
> >>>>>>> Having implemented an ObjectInputStream (OIS), I can share the
> >>>>>>> following insights:
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>    * The object at the head of the graph is externally visible and
> >>>>>>>      encapsulates all other objects and primitives.
> >>>>>>>    * The objects and primitives at the tails of the graph are
> >>>>>>> fields.
> >>>>>>>    * Circular references in object graphs are unsafe with untrusted
> >>>>>>>      input...
> >>>>>>>    * A serialized object graph without circular references is a
> >>>>>>> tree.
> >>>>>>>    * Fields may have been dependency injected.
> >>>>>>>    * Each branch in the tree has an object at the head of the
> >>>>>>> branch.
> >>>>>>>    * The OIS knows the types of fields in the local class as
> >>>>>>> well as
> >>>>>>>      the types of fields in the deserialized class before it has
> >>>>>>> been
> >>>>>>>      resolved.
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>> The information required to deserialized an OSGi graph is in the
> >>>>>>> OIS implementation.  The OIS implementation is not visible to
> >>>>>>> the extending MarshalInputStream implementation.
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>> MarshalInputStream contains a ClassLoader field, defaultLoader.
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>> So the codebase annotation is critical for the identity of the
> >>>>>>> first object,
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>> Regards,
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>> Peter.
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>> On 28/01/2017 3:39 AM, Bharath Kumar wrote:
> >>>>>>>> Yes Peter. Usage of thread context class loader is discouraged
> >>>>>>>> in OSGi
> >>>>>>>> environment.
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>> Some of the problems are hard to solve in OSGi environment. For
> >>>>>>>> example,
> >>>>>>>> creating dynamic java proxy from 2 or more interfaces that are
> >>>>>>>> located in
> >>>>>>>> different bundles.
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>> This problem can be solved using composite class loader. But it is
> >>>>>>>> difficult to write it correctly. Because OSGi environment is
> >>>>>>>> dynamic.
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>> I believe that it is possible to provide enough abstraction in
> >>>>>>>> river code,
> >>>>>>>> so that service developers don't even require to use context
> >>>>>>>> class loader
> >>>>>>>> in their services.
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>> Thanks&  Regards,
> >>>>>>>> Bharath
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>> On 27-Jan-2017 6:25 PM, "Peter"<>  wrote:
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>> Thanks Gregg,
> >>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>> Thoughts inline below.
> >>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>> Cheers,
> >>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>> Peter.
> >>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>> On 27/01/2017 12:35 AM, Gregg Wonderly wrote:
> >>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>> Is there any thought here about how a single client might use
> >>>>>>>>>> both an
> >>>>>>>>>> OSGi deployed service and a conventionally deployed service?
> >>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>> Not yet, I'm currently considering how to support OSGi by
> >>>>>>>>> implementing an
> >>>>>>>>> RMIClassLoaderSPI, similar to how Dennis has for Maven in Rio.
> >>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>> I think once a good understanding of OSGi has developed, we
> >>>>>>>>> can consider
> >>>>>>>>> how an implementation could support that, possibly by
> >>>>>>>>> exploiting something
> >>>>>>>>> like Pax URL built into PreferredClassProvider.
> >>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>    The ContextClassLoader is a good abstraction mechanism for
> >>>>>>>>> finding “the”
> >>>>>>>>>> approriate class loader.  It allows applications to deploy a
> >>>>>>>>>> composite
> >>>>>>>>>> class loader in some form that would be able to resolve
> >>>>>>>>>> classes from many
> >>>>>>>>>> sources and even provide things like preferred classes.
> >>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>> Yes, it works well for conventional frameworks and is utilised by
> >>>>>>>>> PreferredClassProvider, but it's use in OSGi is discouraged,
> >>>>>>>>> I'd like to
> >>>>>>>>> consider how it's use can be avoided in an OSGi env.
> >>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>> In a Java desktop application, would a transition from a
> >>>>>>>>>> background
> >>>>>>>>>> thread, interacting with a service to get an object from a
> >>>>>>>>>> service which is
> >>>>>>>>>> not completely resolved to applicable loaders still resolve
> >>>>>>>>>> correctly in an
> >>>>>>>>>> EventDispatch Thread?  That event dispatch thread can have
> >>>>>>>>>> the context
> >>>>>>>>>> class loader set on it by the thread which got the object, to
> >>>>>>>>>> be the class
> >>>>>>>>>> loader of the service object, to make sure that the
> >>>>>>>>>> resolution of classes
> >>>>>>>>>> happens with the correct class loader such that there will
> >>>>>>>>>> not be a problem
> >>>>>>>>>> with the service object having one set of definitions and
> >>>>>>>>>> another service
> >>>>>>>>>> or the application classpath having a conflicting class
> >>>>>>>>>> definition by the
> >>>>>>>>>> same name.
> >>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>> I’ve had to spend quite a bit of time to make sure that these
> >>>>>>>>>> scenarios
> >>>>>>>>>> work correctly in my Swing applications.
> >>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>> Have you got more information?  I'm guessing this relates to
> >>>>>>>>> delayed
> >>>>>>>>> unmarshalling into the EventDispatch thread.
> >>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>> It's early days yet, I'm still working it out what information
> >>>>>>>>> is required
> >>>>>>>>> to resolve the correct ClassLoaders&  bundles, but this is an
> >>>>>>>>> important
> >>>>>>>>> question, Bharath mentioned Entry's can be utilised for
> >>>>>>>>> versioning and this
> >>>>>>>>> seems like a good idea.
> >>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>> What follows are thoughts and observations.
> >>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>> A bundle can be created from a URL, provided the codebase the
> >>>>>>>>> URL refers
> >>>>>>>>> to has an OSGi bundle manifest, so this could allow any of the
> >>>>>>>>> existing URL
> >>>>>>>>> formats to deliver a proxy codebase for an OSGi framework.
> >>>>>>>>> When OSGi loads
> >>>>>>>>> the bundle, the package dependencies will be wired up by the
> >>>>>>>>> local env.  If
> >>>>>>>>> the URL doesn't reference a bundle, then we could use
> >>>>>>>>> Bharath's approach
> >>>>>>>>> and subclass the client's ClassLoader, this does make all the
> >>>>>>>>> clients
> >>>>>>>>> classes visible to the proxy however, but that would happen
> >>>>>>>>> anyway in a
> >>>>>>>>> standard Jini / River environment.
> >>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>> OSGi gives preference to already loaded bundles when resolving
> >>>>>>>>> package
> >>>>>>>>> dependencies, so the client should be careful not to
> >>>>>>>>> unmarshall any proxy's
> >>>>>>>>> that might require a higher version than the bundle already
> >>>>>>>>> installed when
> >>>>>>>>> the client bundle resolved its dependencies.
> >>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>> One of the proxy bundle dependencies will be the service api
> >>>>>>>>> bundle.  The
> >>>>>>>>> proxy bundle can limit the service api package / packages to a
> >>>>>>>>> specific
> >>>>>>>>> version or version range, which it could advertise in an
> >>>>>>>>> Entry.  Boolean
> >>>>>>>>> logic comparison of Entry's would have to be performed
> >>>>>>>>> locally, after
> >>>>>>>>> matching on the service type (this requires delayed
> >>>>>>>>> unmarshalling to
> >>>>>>>>> prevent the resolution of unwanted versions).
> >>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>> So, the OSGi bundles installed in remote JVM's communicating
> >>>>>>>>> with each
> >>>>>>>>> other, may not be exactly the same version, but should be
> >>>>>>>>> compatible.
> >>>>>>>>> Multiple versions of a package or bundle may be available in a
> >>>>>>>>> JVM, so we
> >>>>>>>>> need to ensure we've selected one imported by the proxy.
> >>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>> We could define a simple rule, that the first URL in an
> >>>>>>>>> annotation, must
> >>>>>>>>> be the proxy bundle, with all dependencies to be provisioned
> >>>>>>>>> by the OSGi
> >>>>>>>>> Framework, which would allow the same codebase annotation to
> >>>>>>>>> be utilised in
> >>>>>>>>> a non OSGi environment, but this will probably mean the loss
> >>>>>>>>> of any
> >>>>>>>>> trailing URL annotations if the proxy's remarshalled.
> >>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>> Once the proxy bundle has been loaded, its ClassLoader needs
> >>>>>>>>> to be the
> >>>>>>>>> default for the remaining stream classes (smart proxy fields),
> >>>>>>>>> since it
> >>>>>>>>> knows the most about what dependencies are required, these
> >>>>>>>>> will be visible
> >>>>>>>>> to the proxy's ClassLoader.
> >>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>> If a class doesn't have an existing ClassLoader referenced by
> >>>>>>>>> annotatation
> >>>>>>>>> and cannot be resolved from the proxy's Bundle, it probably
> >>>>>>>>> requres a new
> >>>>>>>>> bundle to be resolved.
> >>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>> What's next?  Determine what annotations to retrieve from OSGi
> >>>>>>>>> Bundles.
> >>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>> How PreferredClassProvider currently obtains codebase
> >>>>>>>>> annotations (Trivia:
> >>>>>>>>> the application/system ClassLoader is a URLClassLoader up to
> >>>>>>>>> Java 8, but is
> >>>>>>>>> no longer an instance of URLClassLoader in Java 9):
> >>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>> Summary, If ClassLoader:
> >>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>    1. Is local loader? return java.rmi.server.codebase
> >>>>>>>>> property or null
> >>>>>>>>>       if not defined.
> >>>>>>>>>    2. Is instance of ClassAnnoation, get annotation and return.
> >>>>>>>>>    3. Is instance of URLClassLoader, get URL's as string and
> >>>>>>>>> return.
> >>>>>>>>>    4. else return java.rmi.server.codebase property or null if
> >>>>>>>>> not defined.
> >>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>> /**
> >>>>>>>>>       * Returns the annotation string for the specified class
> >>>>>>>>> loader
> >>>>>>>>>       * (possibly null).  If check is true and the annotation
> >>>>>>>>> would be
> >>>>>>>>>       * determined from an invocation of
> >>>>>>>>> URLClassLoader.getURLs() on
> >>>>>>>>>       * the loader, only return the true annotation if the
> >>>>>>>>> current
> >>>>>>>>>       * security context has permission to connect to all of
> >>>>>>>>> the URLs.
> >>>>>>>>>       **/
> >>>>>>>>>      private String getLoaderAnnotation(ClassLoader loader,
> >>>>>>>>> boolean check)
> >>>>>>>>> {
> >>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>      if (isLocalLoader(loader)) {
> >>>>>>>>>          return getClassAnnotation(loader);
> >>>>>>>>>      }
> >>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>          /*
> >>>>>>>>>       * Get the codebase URL path for the class loader, if it
> >>>>>>>>> supports
> >>>>>>>>>       * such a notion (i.e., if it is a URLClassLoader or
> >>>>>>>>> subclass).
> >>>>>>>>>       */
> >>>>>>>>>      String annotation = null;
> >>>>>>>>>      if (loader instanceof ClassAnnotation) {
> >>>>>>>>>          /*
> >>>>>>>>>           * If the class loader is one of our RMI class
> >>>>>>>>> loaders, we have
> >>>>>>>>>           * already computed the class annotation string, and no
> >>>>>>>>>           * permissions are required to know the URLs.
> >>>>>>>>>           */
> >>>>>>>>>          annotation = ((ClassAnnotation)
> >>>>>>>>> loader).getClassAnnotation();
> >>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>      } else if (loader instanceof {
> >>>>>>>>>          try {
> >>>>>>>>>          URL[] urls = ((
> >>>>>>>>> loader).getURLs();
> >>>>>>>>>          if (urls != null) {
> >>>>>>>>>              if (check) {
> >>>>>>>>>              SecurityManager sm = System.getSecurityManager();
> >>>>>>>>>              if (sm != null) {
> >>>>>>>>>                  Permissions perms = new Permissions();
> >>>>>>>>>                  for (int i = 0; i<  urls.length; i++) {
> >>>>>>>>>                  Permission p =
> >>>>>>>>>                      urls[i].openConnection().getPermission();
> >>>>>>>>>                  if (p != null) {
> >>>>>>>>>                      if (!perms.implies(p)) {
> >>>>>>>>>                      sm.checkPermission(p);
> >>>>>>>>>                      perms.add(p);
> >>>>>>>>>                      }
> >>>>>>>>>                  }
> >>>>>>>>>                  }
> >>>>>>>>>              }
> >>>>>>>>>              }
> >>>>>>>>>              annotation = PreferredClassLoader.urlsToPath(urls);
> >>>>>>>>>          }
> >>>>>>>>>          } catch (SecurityException e) {
> >>>>>>>>>          /*
> >>>>>>>>>           * If access was denied to the knowledge of the class
> >>>>>>>>>           * loader's URLs, fall back to the default behavior.
> >>>>>>>>>           */
> >>>>>>>>>          } catch (IOException e) {
> >>>>>>>>>          /*
> >>>>>>>>>           * This shouldn't happen, although it is declared to be
> >>>>>>>>>           * thrown by openConnection() and getPermission().
> >>>>>>>>> If it
> >>>>>>>>>           * does happen, forget about this class loader's URLs
> >>>>>>>>> and
> >>>>>>>>>           * fall back to the default behavior.
> >>>>>>>>>           */
> >>>>>>>>>          }
> >>>>>>>>>      }
> >>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>      if (annotation != null) {
> >>>>>>>>>          return annotation;
> >>>>>>>>>      } else {
> >>>>>>>>>          return getClassAnnotation(loader);
> >>>>>>>>>      }
> >>>>>>>>>      }
> >>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>> /**
> >>>>>>>>>       * Returns the annotation string for the specified class
> >>>>>>>>> loader.
> >>>>>>>>>       *
> >>>>>>>>>       *<p>This method is invoked in order to determine the
> >>>>>>>>> annotation
> >>>>>>>>>       * string for the system class loader, an ancestor of the
> >>>>>>>>> system
> >>>>>>>>>       * class loader, any class loader that is not an instance of
> >>>>>>>>>       * {@link ClassAnnotation} or {@link URLClassLoader}, or
> >>>>>>>>> (for an
> >>>>>>>>>       * invocation of {@link #getClassAnnotation(Class)
> >>>>>>>>>       * getClassAnnotation(Class)})
> >>>>>>>>> a<code>URLClassLoader</code>  for
> >>>>>>>>>       * which the current security context does not have the
> >>>>>>>>>       * permissions necessary to connect to all of its URLs.
> >>>>>>>>>       *
> >>>>>>>>>       *<p><code>PreferredClassProvider</code>  implements this
> >>>>>>>>> method
> >>>>>>>>>       * as follows:
> >>>>>>>>>       *
> >>>>>>>>>       *<p>This method returns the value of the system property
> >>>>>>>>>       *<code>"java.rmi.server.codebase"</code>  (or possibly
> >>>>>>>>> an earlier
> >>>>>>>>>       * cached value).
> >>>>>>>>>       *
> >>>>>>>>>       * @param loader the class loader to obtain the
> >>>>>>>>> annotation string
> >>>>>>>>>       * for
> >>>>>>>>>       *
> >>>>>>>>>       * @return the annotation string for the class loader, or
> >>>>>>>>>       *<code>null</code>
> >>>>>>>>>       **/
> >>>>>>>>>      protected String getClassAnnotation(ClassLoader loader) {
> >>>>>>>>>      checkInitialized();
> >>>>>>>>>      return codebaseProperty;
> >>>>>>>>>      }
> >>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>> Gregg
> >>>>>>>>>> On Jan 20, 2017, at 6:08 PM, Peter<>   wrote:
> >>>>>>>>>>> Looking at your modifications to ServiceDiscoveryManager, I
> >>>>>>>>>>> noticed
> >>>>>>>>>>> you've made changes to set the context ClassLoader prior to
> >>>>>>>>>>> calling the
> >>>>>>>>>>> lookup service.
> >>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>> This is eventually utilised by PreferredClassProvider to
> >>>>>>>>>>> lookup the
> >>>>>>>>>>> necessary loader to utilise for deserialization of the
> >>>>>>>>>>> lookup results.
> >>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>> I think if we develop a RMIClassLoader provider for OSGi, we
> >>>>>>>>>>> can avoid
> >>>>>>>>>>> utilising the context ClassLoader.
> >>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>> Since all OSGi ClassLoader's are instances of
> >>>>>>>>>>> BundleReference, it's easy
> >>>>>>>>>>> to utilise OSGi bundle url anotations (I think this needs to
> >>>>>>>>>>> incorporate
> >>>>>>>>>>> bundle versions).  I'd also like to utilise Java 9 jrt style
> >>>>>>>>>>> URL's.
> >>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>> Cheers,
> >>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>> Peter.
> >>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>> On 20/01/2017 11:09 PM, Bharath Kumar wrote:
> >>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks Peter for the review.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>> While creating this POC, I tried to make RIO framework as
> >>>>>>>>>>>> set of OSGI.
> >>>>>>>>>>>> bundles. Rio project extends LookupDiscoveryManager class
> >>>>>>>>>>>> in one of the
> >>>>>>>>>>>> class
> >>>>>>>>>>>> .org.rioproject.impl.client.DiscoveryManagementPool.SharedDi
> >>>>>>>>>>>> scoveryManager.
> >>>>>>>>>>>> That's why I removed the final modifier.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>> Regarding groovy files,
> >>>>>>>>>>>> I have made the org.apache.river as system fragment bundle.
> >>>>>>>>>>>> So we can't
> >>>>>>>>>>>> import any packages from other bundles. But we can use
> >>>>>>>>>>>> system bundle's
> >>>>>>>>>>>> packages,. That's why i removed groovy files. If we use
> >>>>>>>>>>>> these groovy
> >>>>>>>>>>>> files,
> >>>>>>>>>>>> we need to import packages from groovy bundle which is not
> >>>>>>>>>>>> possible
> >>>>>>>>>>>> here. I
> >>>>>>>>>>>> will check JGDMS to see how it is used.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks&    Regards,
> >>>>>>>>>>>> Bharath
> >>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>> On Fri, Jan 20, 2017 at 6:09 PM, Peter<>
> >>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
> >>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Bharath,
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Re your changes (I've found so far):
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> LookupDiscoveryManager is non final, I'm interested why?
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> BasicInvocationDispatcher, you've set the context class
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> loader around a
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> block of code, to use the ClassLoader passed in during
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> construction.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> I'm
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> currently investigating addong methods where ClassLoader
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> can be passed
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> in
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> for OSGi.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Regarding bundle structure, I've restructured the layout
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> here (so you
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> don't need to delete Groovy config):
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> The full commit history has been retained, so u can see
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> all changes.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Cheers,
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Peter.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Sent from my Samsung device.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>    Include original message
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> ---- Original message ----
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> From: Bharath Kumar<>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Sent: 20/01/2017 09:42:38 pm
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> To:
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Subject: Re: OSGi
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Hello all,
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> I have also added a package in org.apache.river bundle to
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> create the
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> river
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> service in osgi environment ( Here RIver
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> uses NonActivatableServiceDescriptor).
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> package name is  org.apache.river.start.ext
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> As river bundle is system fragment, i have to remove
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> the groovy dependency.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> So i removed groovy files.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> net.jini.config.Component.groovy
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> net.jini.config.GroovyConfig.groovy
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks&    Regards,
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Bharath
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>
> >>>
> >>
> >

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