I still feel that RMIClassLoaderSPI can provide this mechanism.  There is an 
execution context required, but predominately, the URL string can still reflect 
the source of the code you want to use.


> On Feb 5, 2017, at 11:34 PM, Michał Kłeczek (XPro Sp. z o. o.) 
> <michal.klec...@xpro.biz> wrote:
> Once you realize you need some codebase metadata different than mere list of 
> URLs
> the next conclusion is that annotations should be something different than... 
> a String :)
> The next thing to ask is: "what about mixed OSGI and non-OSGI environments"
> Then you start to realize you need to abstract over the class loading 
> environment itself.
> Then you start to realize that to support all the scenarios you need to 
> provide a class loading environment that is "pluggable"
> - ie allows using it with other class loading environments and allow the user 
> to decide which classes should be loaded
> by which environment.
> This is what I am working on right now :)
> Thanks,
> Michal
> Peter wrote:
>> My phone sent the previous email before I completed editing.
>> ...If api classes are already loaded locally by client code, then a smart 
>> proxy codebase bundle will resolve imports to those packages (if they're 
>> within the imported version range), when the proxy bundle is downloaded, 
>> resolved and loaded.
>> The strategy should be, deserialize using the callers context until a class 
>> is not found, then switch to the object containing the current field being 
>> deserialized (which may be a package private implementation class in the 
>> service api bundle) and if that fails use the codebase annotation (the smart 
>> proxy).  This is similar in some ways to never preferred, where locally 
>> visible classes will be selected first.
>> The strategy is to let OSGi do all the dependency wiring from bundle 
>> manifests.  Classes not visible will be visible from a common package import 
>> class, except for poorly designed services, which is outside of scope.
>> Only match api version compatible services.
>> No allowances made for split packages or other complexities.
>> If deserialization doesn't succeed, look up another service.
>> Cheers,
>> Peter.
>> Sent from my Samsung device.
>>     Include original message
>> ---- Original message ----
>> From: Peter<j...@zeus.net.au>
>> Sent: 06/02/2017 02:59:09 pm
>> To: dev@river.apache.org<dev@river.apache.org>
>> Subject: Re: OSGi
>>  Thanks Nic,
>> If annot
>> You've identified the reason we need an OSGi specific RMIClassLoaderSpi 
>> implementation; so we can capture and provide Bundle specific annotation 
>> information.
>> Rmiclassloaderspi's loadClass method expects a ClassLoader to be passed in, 
>> the context ClassLoader is used by PreferredClassProvider when the 
>> ClassLoader argument is null.
>> Standard Java serialization's OIS walks the call stack and selects the first 
>> non system classloader (it's looking for the application class loader), it 
>> deserializes into the application ClassLoader's context.  This doesn't  work 
>> in OSGi because the application classes are loaded by a multitude of 
>> ClassLoaders.
>> It also looks like we'll need an OSGi specific InvocationLayerFactory to 
>> capture ClassLoader information to pass to our MarshalInputStream then to 
>> our RMIClassLoaderSpi during deserialization at both endpoints.
>> We also need to know the bundle (ClassLoader) of the class that calls a 
>> java.lang.reflect.Proxy on the client side, this is actually quite easy to 
>> find, walk the stack, find the Proxy class and obtain the BundleReference / 
>> ClassLoader of the caller.
>> Currently the java.lang.reflectProxy dynamically generated subclass instance 
>> proxy's ClassLoader is used, this is acceptable when the proxy bytecode is 
>> loaded by the the Client's ClassLoader or smart proxy ClassLoader in the 
>> case where a smart proxy is utilised
>> If the caller changes, so does the calling context.
>> Each bundle provides access to all classes within that bundle, including any 
>> public classes from imported packages.
>> Sent from my Samsung device.
>>     Include original message
>> ---- Original message ----
>> From: Niclas Hedhman<nic...@hedhman.org>
>> Sent: 04/02/2017 12:43:28 pm
>> To: dev@river.apache.org
>> Subject: Re: OSGi
>> <snip>
>> Further, I think the only "sane" approach in a OSGi environment is to create 
>> a new bundle for the Remote environment, all codebases not part of the API 
>> goes into that bundle and that the API is required to be present in the OSGi 
>> environment a priori. I.e. treat the Remote objects in OSGi as it is treated 
>> in plain Java; one classloader, one chunk, sort out its own serialization 
>> woes. Likewise for the server; treat it as ordinary RMI, without any 
>> mumbo-jambo OSGi stuff to be figured out at a non-OSGi-running JVM. An 
>> important difference is that in OSGi, the BundleClassLoader is not (required 
>> to be) a URLClassLoader, so the Java serialization's auto annotation of 
>> globally reachable URLs won't work, and one need to rely on 
>> java.rmi.server.codebase property, but a bundle could watch for loaded 
>> bundles and build that up for URLs that can be resolved globally. 
>> Cheers --  Niclas Hedhman, Software Developer 
>> http://polygeneapache.org<http://zest.apache.org>  - New Energy for Java

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