I think you have misunderstood my question.
I want my implementation of RemoteEventListener to be a smart proxy.
How do u support that?

On Tue, 7 Feb 2017 at 20:26, Peter <j...@zeus.net.au> wrote:

> No, it's just an example, no such restriction.  But it is restricted to
> RemoteEvents have been extended also in JGDMS to use MarshalledInstance
> and JErI instead of MarshalledObjects and JRMP.  All methods that rely on
> MarshalledObject have been deprecated and replacements provided with the
> exception of Activation constructors.
> MarshalledInstance has also been made extensible to allow other
> serialization formats to be supported by the api.
> But we're diverging...
> Cheers,
> Peter.
> Sent from my Samsung device.
>   Include original message
> ---- Original message ----
> From: Michał Kłeczek <mic...@kleczek.org>
> Sent: 08/02/2017 06:07:19 am
> To: dev@river.apache.org
> Subject: Re: OSGi - deserialization remote invocation strategy
> Hmm.. I see.
> So your solution explicitly only handles cases of looking up a service
> in the ServiceRegistrar.
> How about smart RemoteEventListeners? They are not published in any
> lookup service.
> Thanks,
> Michal
> Peter wrote:
> > In the JGDMS fork of River, in addition to Reggie's proxy returing 
> > unmarshalled service proxy's from the ServiceRegistrar lookup method, 
> > SafeServiceRegistrar provides a lookup method that returns instances of 
> > java.lang.reflect.Proxy that implement interfaces to retrieve the service, 
> > it's attributes and it's codebase uri and signer certs.
> >
> > The client can authenticate, filter and grant permissions (for 
> > deserialization and codebase download) before retrieving the service proxy 
> > using a method call.
> >
> > In this case the service proxy is obtained by from the reflection proxy 
> > instead of MarshalledIstance.
> >
> > Cheers,
> >
> > Peter.
> >
> > Sent from my Samsung device.
> >
> >    Include original message
> > ---- Original message ----
> > From: "Michał Kłeczek (XPro Sp z o. o.)"<michal.klec...@xpro.biz>
> > Sent: 08/02/2017 05:51:07 am
> > To: dev@river.apache.org
> > Subject: Re: OSGi - deserialization remote invocation strategy
> >
> > So I must have misunderstood the part about smart proxies being obtained 
> > via "reflection proxies" or MarshalledInstances.
> >
> > What are these "reflection proxies"?
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Michal
> >
> > Peter wrote:
> > No, no bootstrap objects.
> >
> > Cheers,
> >
> > Peter.
> >
> >
> >
> > Sent from my Samsung device.
> >
> >    Include original message
> > ---- Original message ----
> > From: "Michał Kłeczek (XPro Sp. z o. o.)"<michal.klec...@xpro.biz>
> > Sent: 08/02/2017 12:28:50 am
> > To: dev@river.apache.org
> > Subject: Re: OSGi - deserialization remote invocation strategy
> >
> > Are you proposing to provide a bootstrap object that will download some
> > meta information prior to class resolution?
> >
> > How does it differ from simply changing annotations to be those
> > "bootstrap objects" instead of Strings?
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Michal
> >
> > Peter wrote:
> >   Proposed JERI OSGi class loading strategy during deserialization.
> >
> >   Record caller context - this is the default bundle at the beginning of
> >   the stack.  It is obtained by the InvocationHandler on the
> >   client side.  The InvocationDispatcher on the server side has the
> >   calling context of the Remote
> >   implementation.  The reflection dynamic proxy must be installed in the
> >   client's class loader, so the
> >   InvocationHandler knows exactly what it is, it will be passed to the
> >   MarshalInputStream.  Any
> >   interfaces not found in the client's bundle can be safely shed.  For a
> >   smart proxy the reflection proxy will
> >   be installed in the smart proxy loader.  The smart proxy is obtained
> >   either via a reflection proxy or a MarshalledInstance.
> >   MarshalledInstance also passes in the callers loader to the
> >   MarshalInputStream.
> >
> >   The smart proxy classloader is not a child loader of the clients
> >   loader, instead it's a bundle that imports
> >   service api packages, with a version range that overlaps those already
> >   imported by the client.
> >
> >   Both Invocationhandler and InvocationDispatcher utilise
> >   MarshalInputStream and MarshalOutputStream, for marshalling parameters
> >   and return values.
> >
> >   The codebase annotation bundle's manifest contains a list of package
> >   imports.
> >
> >   Do we need to make a list of package imports for every new bundle that
> >   we load?
> >   Do we need to record the wiring and packages and their imports from
> >   the remote end?
> >
> >   I don't think so, the bundles themselves contain this information, I
> >   think we just need to keep the view of available classes relevant to
> >   the current object being deserialized.
> >
> >   Codebase Annotations are exact versions!  They need to be to allow the
> >   service to ensure the correct proxy codebase is used.  Other proxy
> >   codebases will be installed in the client, possibly different
> >   versions, but these won't be visible through the resolved
> >   dependencies, because the proxy codebases only import packages at the
> >   client and OSGi restricts visibility to the current bundle's own
> >   classes and any imported packages.
> >   Instead of appending dependencies to the codebase annotation they'll
> >   need be defined in the proxy's bundle manifest.  Of course if an
> >   identical version of a proxy codebase bundle is already installed at
> >   the client, this will be used again.
> >
> >   Because a bundle generally imports packages (importing entire bundles
> >   is discouraged in OSGi), there may be classes
> >   that aren't visible from those bundles, such as transient imports, but
> >   also including private packages that aren't exported, private
> >   implementations need to be deserialized, but is it possible to do so
> >   safely, without causing package
> >   conflicts?   Private implementation classes can be used as fields
> >   within an exported public object, but cannot and should not
> >   escape their private scope, doing so risks them being resolved to a
> >   bundle with the version of the remote end, instead of the locally
> >   resolved / wired package, causing ClassClassExceptions.
> >
> >   Initial (naive) first pass strategy of class resolution (for each
> >   branch in the serialized object graph)?:
> >   1.    Try current bundle on the stack (which will be the callers
> >   bundle if we haven't loaded any new bundles yet).
> >   2.    Then use the package name of a class to determine if the package
> >   is loaded by any of the bundles
> >   referenced by the callers bundle imports (to handle any private
> >   implementation packages
> >   that aren't in the current imports).  Is this a good idea? Or should
> >   we go straight to step 3
> >   and let the framework resolve common classes, what if we use a
> >   different version to the
> >   client's imported bundle?  Should we first compare our bundle
> >   annotation to the currently
> >   imported bundles and select one of those if it's a compatible
> >   version?  Yes, this could be an
> >   application bundle, otherwise goto 3.
> >   3.    Load bundle from annotation (if already loaded, it will be an
> >   exact version match).  Place the
> >   new bundle on top of the bundle stack, remove this bundle from the
> >   stack once all fields of
> >   this object have been deserialized, returning to the previous bundle
> >   context.  We are relying
> >   on the current bundle to wire itself up to the same package versions
> >   of the clients bundle
> >   imports, for shared classes.  Classes that use different bundles will
> >   not be visible to the client,
> >   but will need to be visible to the current object's bundle.
> >   4.    Place a bundle reference on the stack when a new object is
> >   deserialized from the stream and
> >   remove it once all fields have been deserialized. (we might need to
> >   remember stack depth)
> >   5.    Don't place non bundle references on the stack.  For example
> >   system class loader or any
> >   other class loader, we want resolution to occur via the OSGi
> >   resolution process.
> >
> >   What about a simpler strategy (again naive), where we don't attempt to
> >   resolve private implementation classes?
> >   1.    The calling class' bundle, is given priority.
> >   2.    Load bundle from annotation (exact version), when not found in
> >   calling class.
> >   3.    No stack, what if an application bundle from server is loaded
> >   that conflicts with an existing
> >   bundle resolved by the client?
> >   4.    What about walking back through the stack?  Probably
> >   unnecessary, as the containing object
> >   will reference the class by a common interface, the outer object may
> >   not need to reference
> >   it at all.  But what if the outer object passed it in during
> >   construction?
> >
> >   Revised strategy:
> >   1.    Attempt to load from current bundle on stack (the stack begins
> >   with the client's Bundle, each
> >   node in the graph has its bundle added to the stack and is also
> >   removed after that node is completely deserialized.
> >   2.    If unsuccessful, walk back through deserialized bundle reference
> >   stack and attempt to load class.
> >   Why not start at the beginning of the stack?  We are expecting bundles
> >   to wire up to
> >   currently loaded versions, but bundles can import different package
> >   versions for
> >   implementation, safest to start with current bundle and consult parent
> >   if not found in the current bundle
> >   dependency graph, ie possibly passed in during object construction or
> >   an handback
> >   implemented in the client, from an earlier invocation or dependency
> >   injected.
> >   3.    The client is responsible for determining compatibility with the
> >   service api it's interested in
> >   from the Import Package Entry's, prior to unmarshalling a service proxy.
> >   4.    If a bundle previously on the stack resolves a class, then this
> >   object's bundle reference is placed
> >   on the top of the stack, it is removed once the current object and all
> >   it's fields have been completely deserialized.
> >   5.    Load bundle from annotation (exact version).
> >   6.    No attempt will be made to directly load from wired bundles,
> >   always rely on wires,
> >   otherwise we may utilise an incompatible package / bundle.
> >
> >   Do we need a graph of the wiring from the remote end?
> >   During serialization (from the remote end) do we need to determine if
> >   a bundle has dependants and send some sort of version range information?
> >   When a class descriptor is read in from a stream, the class descriptor
> >   contains information
> >   about fields and it's serializable supertype class (if it exists)
> >   are also read in from the stream, before any field objects are read
> >   in, the declared field types
> >   are visible from the bundle of the current object being deserialized.
> >   The objects that will be
> >   assigned to those field types must also resolve to those types.  Hence
> >   bundles being resolved as part
> >   of deserialization must favour already resolved packages for imports.
> >   What if a bundle requires a specific package version?  This is why the
> >   bundle must be given first
> >   attempt to resolve an objects class and rely on the bundle dependency
> >   resolution process.
> >   OSGi must be allowed to wire up dependencies, we must avoid attempting
> >   to make decisions about
> >   compatibility and use the current bundle wires instead (our stack).
> >
> >   The BundleReference stack is designed to follow the wires (dependency
> >   links between bundles),
> >   to allow private classes to be resolved, as they're not visible from
> >   other bundles.
> >
> >   We can't rely on annotations to resolve private classes, because we
> >   can't predict the way bundle
> >   dependency's are resolved in remote JVM's.
> >
> >   General recommendations for OSGi:
> >   *    The service should use as wide a version range as possible for
> >   service api.
> >   *    It is better to create new service api in a new bundle than to
> >   evolve in a backward compatible manner, as
> >   an incremental change may not be compatible if additional classes and
> >   methods are missing
> >   from the client, that the service proxy depends on.
> >   *    Don't split packages.
> >   *    Private implementation classes are ok, provided they remain
> >   within public exported classes and don't escape, otherwise
> >   they may not link up properly upon deserialization.
> >   *    The proxy should minimise the package imports it uses.
> >   *    There must be only one compatible service api version installed
> >   already in the client.
> >   *    Duplicates of incompatible versions of service api are ok.
> >
> >   The catch is, it may not be possible to build the bundle stack without
> >   some programming hooks in ObjectInputStream.
> >
> >   Unfortunately we don't have any control over OIS, the necessary hooks
> >   could however be added to AtomicMarshalInputStream.
> >
> >   Cheers,
> >
> >   Peter.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >

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