Appended below is the reactor build order for JGDMS, although a fork of River, dependencies are determined by imports in code, so River's modules are likely to be very similar (names may differ).

The plan is to first modularise River, then the code from JGDMS will be donated, one module at a time. When code from JGDMS has been reviewed and included in a River module, that module will be removed from JGDMS and dependant modules will be dependant on River. This process will be repeated until there a no modules remaining in JGDMS, at which time that projects front page will be changed to encourage users to migrate to River.

The order that the code will be donated, reviewed and integrated will be in the Reactor Build Order. This makes it much easier to review changes. It also means that breaking changes (if any) will be detected as modules further down on the reactor build order list will only contain River code.

Tests will be added to the test suite when each relevant module is complete.

Note that unlike River's source only ant build, the modular build will produce compiled jar files as well.

[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Reactor Build Order:
[INFO] JGDMS Project
[INFO] Module :: JGDMS Collection
[INFO] Module :: JGDMS Jini Platform
[INFO] Module :: JGDMS Loader
[INFO] Module :: JGDMS Jini Extensible Remote Invocation
[INFO] Module :: JGDMS Resources
[INFO] Module :: JGDMS URL providers and Integrity
[INFO] Module :: JGDMS Activation Platform
[INFO] Module :: JGDMS Service DL Library
[INFO] Module :: JGDMS Lookup Discovery Providers
[INFO] Module :: JGDMS Service Library
[INFO] Module :: JGDMS Service Starter
[INFO] Module :: JGDMS SharedGroup Destroy
[INFO] Module :: JGDMS Service DL Library UI Factory
[INFO] Module :: Jini 2.1 compatibility
[INFO] Module :: JSK Platform
[INFO] Module :: JSK Library
[INFO] Module :: Outrigger
[INFO] Module :: Outrigger Service Download classes
[INFO] Module :: Outrigger Service Implementation
[INFO] Module :: Outrigger Snaplogstore
[INFO] Module :: Lookup Service
[INFO] Module :: Reggie Service Download classes
[INFO] Module :: Reggie Service Implementation
[INFO] Module :: Mahalo
[INFO] Module :: Mahalo Service Download classes
[INFO] Module :: Mahalo Service Implementation
[INFO] Module :: Mercury the Event Mailbox
[INFO] Module :: Mercury Service Download classes
[INFO] Module :: Mercury Service Implementation
[INFO] Module :: Norm
[INFO] Module :: Norm Service Download classes
[INFO] Module :: Norm Service Implementation
[INFO] Module :: Group
[INFO] Module :: Group Service Download classes
[INFO] Module :: Group Service Implementation
[INFO] Module :: Fiddler the LookupDiscoveryService
[INFO] Module :: Fiddler LookupDiscoveryService Download classes
[INFO] Module :: Fiddler LookupDiscoveryService Implementation
[INFO] Module :: Tools
[INFO] Tool :: Check ConfigurationFile
[INFO] Tool :: Check serialversionUid
[INFO] Tool :: ClassDep
[INFO] Tool :: Class Server
[INFO] Tool :: Compute message digest
[INFO] Tool :: Compute httpmd codebase
[INFO] Tool :: Environment Check
[INFO] Tool :: Jar wrapper
[INFO] Tool :: Preferred classes list generator
[INFO] Module :: DebugDyanamicPolicyProvider and SecurityPolicyWriter
[INFO] Module :: Phoenix Activation
[INFO] Module :: Phoenix Download
[INFO] Module :: Phoenix Common
[INFO] Module :: Phoenix
[INFO] Module :: Phoenix Group
[INFO] Module :: Phoenix Init
[INFO] Module :: Groovy Configuration
[INFO] JGDMS Distribution
[INFO] Module :: JGDMS Service Browser
[INFO] Module :: JGDMS Extra service utilities
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------

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