LookupLocator's identity contract:

     * Two locators are equal if they have the same <code>host</code> and
* <code>port</code> fields. The case of the <code>host</code> is ignored. * Alternative forms of the same IPv6 addresses for the <code>host</code>
     * value are treated as being unequal.

At some point in history, here, http://svn.apache.org/viewvc/river/jtsk/trunk/src/net/jini/discovery/ConstrainableLookupLocator.java?r1=1034266&r2=1034267&;

FindBug's identified the ConstrainableLookupLocator didn't override equals, so I implemented it, however while it seemed to make sense at the time to include constraints, I'm finding that it's causing problems for discovery magement and now I'm thinking that the constraints, probably shouldn't be part of constraints.

What are your thoughts?



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