Hi everyone!
I am excited to join as a committer to the River project as I have been a
fan of Jini/River for a long time now. I am looking forward to helping out
where I can.

Congratulations to Dennis Reedy for joining the PMC and the others who have
been granted commit access.

Thank you to Roy Fielding for stepping in as chair while we go through this

In regards to Roy's list:
> 1) Migrate "https://river.apache.org/"; to a different site generator
>     (it is currently using the old ASF CMS, which is ending service soon)
>      and update the associated content.
I know Andrew Wetmore, and Zsolt Kúti had been looking into this. I am not
sure of the status.

>  2) Move version control to git
Does Apache have a best practices guide for how to do this? I know we have
had some movement forward on this but I think we got stalled out somewhere.

>  3) Make a release
I think item #2 might take care of this. If not is there a low level
bug/quick feature that we could quickly put up to get a version going?

One of the things I have struggled with is what Apache River can be used
for. I remember my father setting up Jini demos back when it was first
being promoted by Sun. They all seemed cool but in an abstract way. I don't
know what or why I would use it for today. I know it has a purpose and it
could be very helpful but I am not sure how or what to do with it.

Would anyone be interested in working on a doc about what we think Apache
River can be used for? This doc can help us decide a couple of things. The
first being what direction we should be taking and second how to "market"
this to the greater computing community.


On Thu, May 20, 2021 at 5:15 PM Roy T. Fielding <field...@gbiv.com> wrote:

> Hello everyone,
> The River PMC was rebooted to include
>  - Roy T. Fielding   (temporary chair)
>  - Dan Rollo
>  - Patricia Shanahan
>  - Bryan Thompson
> and our first decision was an invitation to the PMC for
>  - Dennis Reedy    (added to the PMC on 2021-04-30)
> followed by a second decision to grant commit access to four
> new contributors:
>  - Jeremy R. Easton-Marks
>  - Norman Kabir
>  - Phillip Rhodes
>  - Michael Sobolewski
> Congratulations to Dennis and all of our new contributors!
> They should all have accounts now and privileges to commit.
> (If not, let me know of any access issues -- I may have missed
> a spot, like in jira, where I haven't checked).
> So, now comes the hard part. We have to do something to get River
> over a hill and running again. There are three immediate needs that
> I know about:
>   1) Migrate "https://river.apache.org/"; to a different site generator
>       (it is currently using the old ASF CMS, which is ending service soon)
>       and update the associated content.
>   2) Move version control to git
>   3) Make a release
> You probably know of more. Don't be shy, just add to the list or send a
> link if it is already in the JIRA issues.
> Please, don't wait for someone else to lead an effort. This is your
> project.
> Let's work together as much as possible, but don't be afraid to start
> moving! Just let us all know (here) when you decide to take on a big
> task and assume everyone agrees unless they tell you otherwise.
> Feel free to do the work even if someone disagrees, assuming it can
> be done on a branch without impacting others.
> Like all Apache projects, we will depend upon open and honest opinions
> for making decisions. In the rare cases when people actually disagree,
> we will try to work out our differences or vote upon a direction.
> We are all volunteers, so work on what you want to work on, help
> each other whenever possible, and return the favor when you can.
> My job, as chair, is to facilitate the making of decisions and removal of
> external obstacles to a release (i.e., communicating with the board,
> pressing buttons on infrastructure, etc.). I am not here to lead the group,
> nor to make technical decisions for the products!  Eventually,
> I will ask one of you to take over the role of chair, once the group
> is making decisions on its own.
> Cheers,
> ....Roy

Jeremy R. Easton-Marks

"être fort pour être utile"

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