I'm so sorry to hear Patricia lost her battle with cancer, she had a stabilizing influence on all of us, especially when there was strong disagreement among developers, she would find a way to rationalize the discussion.  She would thoroughly investigate and document problems with the code, like TaskManager, she was an enabling influence, who will no doubt be sorely missed by all who knew her, we were very lucky to have such a kind, considerate and knowledgeable developer on the team.


On 20/07/2021 2:56 am, Roy T. Fielding wrote:
We received the sad news last week that our friend and PMC member,
Patricia Shanahan, has passed away peacefully after a long battle
with cancer. I have put together a memorial page for her at


and will eventually update the River site as well. Please let me know
if you would like to add anything to that page.


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