Hello Yukon --thanks for your note.
Yes, of course, we encourage all projects to create their own "Powered By 
Apache" logos using our template. So that's wonderful!
I'll need to know the context for your use of the ASF logo, as that has a few 
more restrictions for its use as opposed to Apache project logos. If you can 
please let me know your intentions here, I'd greatly appreciate it.
Many kind regards,Sally = = = = =  vox +1 617 921 8656gvox +1 646 598 4616skype 

      From: yukon <yu...@apache.org>
 To: ASF Marketing & Publicity <pr...@apache.org> 
Cc: dev@rocketmq.apache.org
 Sent: Wednesday, November 29, 2017 2:13 AM
 Subject: Request the Permission of ASF logos in Apache RocketMQ Meetup
Hi ASF Marketing & Publicity,
We will hold a meetup in Shenzhen, China at Dec. 16 pm., 2018, and want to use 
some ASF logos in this activity:
1. https://www.apache.org/foundation/press/kit/asf_logo.emf2. A POWERED BY 
logo, see the attachment.
These logos will be used on a poster, T-shirts, etc.
Requests the permission of these two logos.


Attachment: Apache_PoweredBy.ai
Description: application/illustrator

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