Hello RocketMQ Community,

This is the vote for  0.1.0  of Apache RocketMQ Schema Registry.

RocketMQ Schema Registry is a Topic Schema's management center. It provides
a RESTful interface for register, delete, update, get and reference schema
to subject(RocketMQ Topic). By associating Schema with subject, the New
RocketMQ client can send structured data directly. User no longer need to
care about the details of serialization and deserialization.

The artifacts:

The staging repo:

Git tag for the release:

Hash for the release tag:

Relate Notes:

The artifacts have been signed with Key :

C15E0A9888919CC8A2F7EBB0268C587BB6345D14,which can be found in the keys

file: https://dist.apache.org/repos/dist/dev/rocketmq/KEYS

Fill in the following:

[ ]  check LICENSE, should be Apache V2

[ ]  check NOTICE, should have a notice for third-party dependency if

[ ]  extract the zip and check if the source version is correct

[ ]  verify the asc(PGP sign),SHA512

[ ] build the source, start rocketmq schema registry server according to
the quick-start

The vote will be open for at least 72 hours or until the necessary number
of votes are reached.

Please vote accordingly:

[ ] +1 approve

[ ] +0 no opinion

[ ] -1 disapprove with the reason


The Apache RocketMQ Team

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