GitHub user socutes edited a discussion: proxy module monitoring indicators are 

Current proxy module monitoring indicators are not perfect, need to improve the 
monitoring indicators for connection, time, thread several dimensions.add 
metrics for both the node and Topic dimensions

It is recommended to add the following indicators:
1. 【Node/Topic】Number of messages produced/consumed
2.  【Node/Topic】Production/consumption message size /
3.  【Node/Topic】Time spent on each interface request
4.  【Node/Topic】Statistics on error codes of each interface
5.  【Node】The number of calls to each interface
6. 【Node】TCP(GRPC/Remoting) connection count statistics
7. 【Node】Thread pool monitoring (total capacity, used capacity, free capacity 
of each thread pool) monitoring
8. 【Node】Process status: indicates that the current process is started or 

The following table describes the labels of the metrics that are related to the 
Message Queue for Apache RocketMQ Proxy.
cluster: RocketMQ cluster name.
node_type: the type of service node, whitch includes the 
node_id:the ID of the service node.
topic: the topic of RocketMQ.
thread_type: The use of thread pools. eg: sendMessage、pullMessage
protocol_type: Type of protocol. eg: grpc, remoting
proxy_mode: cluster mode. eg: local, cluster

Indicators of node dimension:
Type | Name | Unit | Description | Label
-- | -- | -- | -- | --
counter | rocketmq_messages_in_total | count | The number of messages that are 
produced. | cluster,node_type,node_id,topic, protocol_type,proxy_mode
counter | rocketmq_messages_out_total | count | The number of messages that are 
consumed. | cluster,node_type,node_id,topic, protocol_type,proxy_mode
counter | rocketmq_throughput_in_total | byte | The write throughput that are 
produced. | cluster,node_type,node_id,topic, protocol_type,proxy_mode
counter | rocketmq_throughput_out_total | byte | The read throughput that are 
produced. | cluster,node_type,node_id,topic, protocol_type,proxy_mode
histogram | rocketmq_message_size | byte | The distribution of message sizes. 
This metric is counted only when messages are sent. The following shows the 
distribution ranges:le_1_kb: ≤ 1 KBle_4_kb: ≤ 4 KBle_512_kb: ≤ 512 KBle_1_mb: ≤ 
1 MBle_2_mb: ≤ 2 MBle_4_mb: ≤ 4 MBle_overflow: > 4 MB | 
cluster,node_type,node_id,topic, protocol_type,proxy_mode
histogram | rocketmq_rpc_latency | millisecond | The rpc call 
| cluster,node_typ,node_id, request_code, response_code,proxy_mode
counter | rocketmq_producer_connections | count | Number of connections for the 
producer | cluster,node_typ,node_id,proxy_mode
counter | rocketmq_consumer_connections | count | The number of consumer 
connections | cluster,node_typ,node_id,proxy_mode
guage | rocketmq_processor_watermark | count | High watermark information for 
the thread| cluster,node_typ,node_id,thread_type,proxy_mode
gauge | rocketmq_proxy_up | value | Process running status | 

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