GitHub user SpringDay6 edited a discussion: autoCreateTopicEnable=true is not 

**rocketMq version**:  rocketmq-all-5.1.3-bin-release
**client version** : rocketmq-client-java 5.0.5
### producer code :
    public static void main(String[] args) throws ClientException {
        // 接入点地址,需要设置成Proxy的地址和端口列表,一般是xxx:8081;xxx:8081。
        String endpoint = "localhost:8081";
        // 消息发送的目标Topic名称,需要提前创建。
        String topic = "orderTopic4";
        ClientServiceProvider provider = ClientServiceProvider.loadService();
        ClientConfigurationBuilder builder = 
        ClientConfiguration configuration =;
        // 初始化Producer时需要设置通信配置以及预绑定的Topic。
        Producer producer = provider.newProducerBuilder()

        // Define your message body.
        byte[] body = "This is a FIFO message for Apache 
        String tag = "yourMessageTagA";
        final Message message = provider.newMessageBuilder()
                // Set topic for the current message.
                // Message secondary classifier of message besides topic.
                // Key(s) of the message, another way to mark message besides 
message id.
                // Message group decides the message delivery order.
        try {
            final SendReceipt sendReceipt = producer.send(message);
  "Send message successfully, messageId={}", 
        } catch (Throwable t) {
            log.error("Failed to send message", t);
        // Close the producer when you don't need it anymore.
        // You could close it manually or add this into the JVM shutdown hook.
        // producer.shutdown();

**question:**   the topic "orderTopic4" not exist,it report a bug with  `DESC: 
No topic route info in name server for the topic: orderTopic4`
I think i open `the autoCreateTopicEnable=true` but it create the topic ,it 
doesn't work

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