Hi wangqiwei,

Thanks for your contribution. Looking forward to your on-going maintenance of 
cpp client. I am willing to help you if you have any question :-) 

Best Regards,
Von Gosling

> 在 2017年9月4日,15:22,王启伟 <wangqiwe...@126.com> 写道:
> Hi users,
> RocketMQ cpp client entered into Apache RocketMQ community: 
> https://github.com/apache/incubator-rocketmq-externals/tree/master/rocketmq-cpp
> <https://github.com/apache/incubator-rocketmq-externals/tree/master/rocketmq-cpp>
> RocketMQ client for cpp had gone through 3 years time-tested in Alibaba 
> Group,and had been used widly by many services, such as IM service, 
> Navigation, advertisement tool, on-line shopping service and so on;
> It is stable with following characteristics:
>       1>. disaster recovery ability
>               Based on nameServer snapshot and network disaster recovery 
> strategy, no real-time impact on publish/subscribe when anyone of broker or 
> nameSrv was broken
>       2>. low latency
>               publish latency < 2ms, subscribe latency < 10ms
>       3>. High publish/subsricbe TPS
>               For 16 message queues, publish TPS > 3W, subsricbe TPS > 15W
>       4>. support all rocketmq features
>               Such as broadcast/cluster model, orderly publish/subscribe, 
> timed msg, consumer status query and so on. 
> After starting to contribute this cpp client to incubator-rocketmq-externals, 
> we complete Usability work, such as reduce dependencies to 
> boost/libevent/jsoncpp, support auto build and find dependencies by cmake and 
> so on;
> In the near future, we will contribute windows cpp and donet client to 
> incubator-rocketmq-externals, Thanks!
> Most importantly, we are looking forward to new volunteers, let's build a 
> more perfect CPP/.NET client for RocketMQ!
> Thanks!
> At 2017-09-04 15:20:10, "王启伟" <wangqiwe...@126.com> wrote:
> Hi users,
> RocketMQ client for cpp had gone through 3 years time-tested in Alibaba 
> Group,and had been used widly by many services, such as IM service, 
> Navigation, advertisement tool, on-line shopping service and so on;
> It is stable with following characteristics:
>       1>. disaster recovery ability
>               Based on nameServer snapshot and network disaster recovery 
> strategy, no real-time impact on publish/subscribe when anyone of broker or 
> nameSrv was broken
>       2>. low latency
>               publish latency < 2ms, subscribe latency < 10ms
>       3>. High publish/subsricbe TPS
>               For 16 message queues, publish TPS > 3W, subsricbe TPS > 15W
>       4>. support all rocketmq features
>               Such as broadcast/cluster model, orderly publish/subscribe, 
> timed msg, consumer status query and so on. 
> After starting to contribute this cpp client to incubator-rocketmq-externals, 
> we complete Usability work, such as reduce dependencies to 
> boost/libevent/jsoncpp, support auto build and find dependencies by cmake and 
> so on;
> In the near future, we will contribute windows cpp and donet client to 
> incubator-rocketmq-externals, Thanks!
> Most importantly, we are looking forward to new volunteers, let's build a 
> more perfect CPP/.NET client for RocketMQ!
> Thanks!
> At 2017-08-07 18:06:36, "王启伟" <wangqiwe...@126.com 
> <mailto:wangqiwe...@126.com>> wrote:
> Hi users:
>       I take charge of rocketmq multiple language client development more 
> than 3 years at my company's middleware department; There are lots of 
> multiple language clients for rocketmq, such as C++, .NET, Python, PHP, Go 
> and so on, all these clients are popular in our company;
>       Rocketmq client for cpp had gone through 3 years time-tested,and had 
> been used widly by many services, such as IM service, Navigation, 
> advertisement tool, on-line shopping service and so on; it is stable with 
> perfect disaster recovery ability, low latency,and high send/subscribe QPS;
>       I noticed there are lots of clients in incubator-rocketmq-externals, 
> but CPP and DoNET client is not complete, So I hope to contribute this linux 
> cpp client to incubator-rocketmq-externals, windows CPP and DoNET will be 
> contributed later, thanks! Also, welcome any volunteers to join us!
> 【网易自营】好吃到爆!鲜香弹滑加热即食,经典13香/麻辣小龙虾仅75元3斤>> 
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