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On Jul 30, 2013, at 3:36 PM, Glen Mazza <> wrote:

> Fixed the Eclipselink issue in a way that the code will still work with 
> Hibernate.  We'll keep the Hibernate for awhile to see if it has any issues.
> When we delete a media folder, Eclipselink does indeed remove it from the 
> database (the Flush Mode COMMIT/AUTO had nothing to do with the problem.)  
> The issue is that Eclipselink does not refresh the media folder's parent to 
> remove that deleted media folder from its child directories list.  So even 
> though its removed from the database the application would still show the 
> deleted folder whenever you list a parent folder's (for us, "/") children.  
> For the change, I just manually removed the deleted folder from its parent's 
> subfolder list, which Hibernate is fine with.
> I may want to create a bare-bones example of this on StackOverflow sometime 
> and ask which JPA stack has it right, the losing stack gets a JIRA issue.
> Glen
> On 07/30/2013 07:06 AM, Greg Huber wrote:
>> Glen,
>> OK, can you make the changes to the trunk so i can switch to hibernate.
>> On 30 July 2013 11:47, Glen Mazza <> wrote:
>>> Much appreciated.  I was thinking it may be good for us to run on
>>> Hibernate for a few weeks anyway, even if EclipseLink were running
>>> perfectly, just to see if there are any kinks with it where our code needs
>>> to be tightened up.  I can fix EclipseLink's problem in the interim so
>>> if/when *Hibernate* has a kink, we know we can always immediately flip back
>>> to EclipseLink while fixing the Hibernate issue.
>>> Glen
>>> On 07/30/2013 06:39 AM, Greg Huber wrote:
>>>> Glen,
>>>> I was trying to add the usecase but ran into the howto debug issue.  I
>>>> will
>>>> sort the test if I manage to get the debug working.
>>>> Cheers Greg
>>>> On 30 July 2013 11:05, Glen Mazza <> wrote:
>>>>  Let me play with it today before throwing in the towel and going with
>>>>> Hibernate. Even if we jump to Hibernate I still need to figure out the
>>>>> EclipseLink matter so our coding is not dependent on one JPA framework
>>>>> alone, we should be able to work with both or have a JIRA ticket with
>>>>> EclipseLink. I'd like to add in a JUnit test case that would have caught
>>>>> this regression.
>>>>> Glen
>>>>> On 07/30/2013 03:31 AM, Greg Huber wrote:
>>>>>  Glen,
>>>>>> Commenting out the FlushModeType.COMMIT makes no difference, (assumes it
>>>>>> switches to auto).  Would have thought that createNamedQuery or
>>>>>> createQuery
>>>>>> would behave the same way as they both follow the same logic in roller.
>>>>>> Where one works and one does not, maybe an EclipseLink issue. I am no
>>>>>> expert but with hibernate this does not happen.
>>>>>> For me, eclipse does not have a good track record wrt QA, and with orm
>>>>>> there is just no workaround.  It would simpler if we can switch to
>>>>>> something that works without all this pain.
>>>>>> Cheers Greg
>>>>>> On 29 July 2013 14:27, Glen Mazza <> wrote:
>>>>>>   This page:**
>>>>>> ****6/api/javax/persistence/**<****6/api/javax/persistence/**>
>>>>>> **<**javaee/**6/api/javax/**persistence/**<**6/api/javax/persistence/**>
>>>>>>> FlushModeType.html<http://**do****<**>
>>>>>>> javax/persistence/****FlushModeType.html<http://**
>>>>>>>>> says
>>>>>>> "If |FlushModeType.COMMIT| is set, the effect of updates made to
>>>>>>> entities in the persistence context upon queries is unspecified", which
>>>>>>> is
>>>>>>> different from the definition of COMMIT below (where it *only* occurs
>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>> a
>>>>>>> transaction commit.)  If I understand that correctly, that would mean
>>>>>>> Roller can't rely on a flush having occurred or not with COMMIT, and
>>>>>>> EclipseLink and any other JPA implementation is welcome to go either
>>>>>>> way,
>>>>>>> and can indeed behave differently between named and dynamic queries, as
>>>>>>> EclipseLink does.
>>>>>>> Might the problem be with our code?  We're relying on unspecified
>>>>>>> functionality when we set FlushModeType to COMMIT, and we've been lucky
>>>>>>> so
>>>>>>> far that OpenJPA and Hibernate just so happen to flush data (as it's
>>>>>>> allowed to do per the spec) while EclipseLink is choosing not to.  I
>>>>>>> wonder
>>>>>>> if we should have new versions of NamedQuery and DynamicQuery that
>>>>>>> *don't*
>>>>>>> set it to COMMIT (assuming the default of AUTO is being used otherwise,
>>>>>>> as
>>>>>>> specified here:****
>>>>>>> eclipselink/documentation/2.5/******<****
>>>>>>> eclipselink/documentation/2.5/****<**eclipselink/documentation/2.5/**>
>>>>>>> jpa/extensions/p_persistence_******context_flushmode.htm)--*****
>>>>>>> *something<
>>>>>>> http://www.eclipse.**org/**eclipselink/documentation/**
>>>>>>> 2.5/jpa/extensions/p_****persistence_context_flushmode.**
>>>>>>> **htm)--something<http://www.****
>>>>>>> documentation/2.5/jpa/**extensions/p_persistence_**
>>>>>>> context_flushmode.htm)--**something<>
>>>>>>>>> that
>>>>>>> the Media File stuff could apparently use here.
>>>>>>> Glen
>>>>>>> On 07/29/2013 08:32 AM, Greg Huber wrote:
>>>>>>>   Glen,
>>>>>>>> I think its only on the named queries as if I delete a weblog entry it
>>>>>>>> updates correctly, and uses a dynamic query.
>>>>>>>> EntityManager em = getEntityManager(false);
>>>>>>>> Query q = em.createNamedQuery(queryName)******;
>>>>>>>> // Never flush for queries. Roller code assumes this behavior
>>>>>>>> q.setFlushMode(FlushModeType.******COMMIT);
>>>>>>>> return q;
>>>>>>>>     EntityManager em = getEntityManager(false);
>>>>>>>>     Query q = em.createQuery(queryString);
>>>>>>>>     // Never flush for queries. Roller code assumes this behavior
>>>>>>>>     q.setFlushMode(FlushModeType.******COMMIT);
>>>>>>>> Cheers Greg
>>>>>>>> On 29 July 2013 13:14, Glen Mazza <> wrote:
>>>>>>>>    OK, we can switch to Hibernate for the time being, and it works
>>>>>>>> fine
>>>>>>>>  there, it's as simple a matter as commenting-out the EclipseLink
>>>>>>>>> dependency
>>>>>>>>> and uncommenting the Hibernate one in the app/pom.xml and doing an
>>>>>>>>> mvn
>>>>>>>>> clean install to get a new WAR.  Still, I'd like to fix this
>>>>>>>>> EclipseLink
>>>>>>>>> issue, maybe there's some simple setting causing it not to work.
>>>>>>>>>  Note
>>>>>>>>> our
>>>>>>>>> EclipseLink is JPA 2.1 vs. Hibernate's (and the OpenJPA's) 2.0, that
>>>>>>>>> might
>>>>>>>>> be part of the story.
>>>>>>>>> Glen
>>>>>>>>> On 07/29/2013 07:34 AM, Greg Huber wrote:
>>>>>>>>>      From google:
>>>>>>>>>  "By default, the database flush mode is set to AUTO. This means that
>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>> Entity-Manager performs a flush operation automatically as needed.
>>>>>>>>>>  In
>>>>>>>>>> general, this occurs at the end of a transaction for
>>>>>>>>>> transaction-scoped
>>>>>>>>>> EntityManagers and when the persistence context is closed for
>>>>>>>>>> application-managed or extendedscope EntityManagers. In addition, if
>>>>>>>>>> entities with pending changes are used in a query, the persistence
>>>>>>>>>> provider
>>>>>>>>>> will flush changes to the database before executing the query.If the
>>>>>>>>>> flush
>>>>>>>>>> mode is set to COMMIT, the persistence provider will only
>>>>>>>>>> synchronize
>>>>>>>>>> with
>>>>>>>>>> the database when the transaction commits.However, you should be
>>>>>>>>>> careful
>>>>>>>>>> with this, as it will be your responsibility to synchronize entity
>>>>>>>>>> state
>>>>>>>>>> with the database before executing a query. If you don’t do this and
>>>>>>>>>> an
>>>>>>>>>> EntityManager<http://docs.******or******
>>>>>>>>>> javax/** <**javax/**><
>>>>>>>>>> **javaee/6/api/javax/** <**>>
>>>>>>>>>> <**javaee/6/**api/javax/**<**javaee/6/api/javax/**>
>>>>>>>>>> <http://oracle.**com/javaee/6/api/javax/**<**>
>>>>>>>>>> persistence/EntityManager.******html<**
>>>>>>>>>> javaee/6/api/javax/******persistence/EntityManager.****html<
>>>>>>>>>> persistence/EntityManager.**html<**
>>>>>>>>>> javaee/6/api/javax/**persistence/EntityManager.html<>
>>>>>>>>>> **>
>>>>>>>>>> **>
>>>>>>>>>> **>
>>>>>>>>>> **>query
>>>>>>>>>> returns stale entities from the database, the application can wind
>>>>>>>>>> up
>>>>>>>>>> in an inconsistent state."
>>>>>>>>>> Did try to change it to auto but made no difference.
>>>>>>>>>> On 29 July 2013 12:25, Glen Mazza <> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>     OK, I'll check, but what happens if you go to the Roller
>>>>>>>>>> maintenance
>>>>>>>>>> tab
>>>>>>>>>>   and click on "Flush blog" (that will normally empty out the
>>>>>>>>>> cache) --
>>>>>>>>>>> problem solved then?
>>>>>>>>>>> Note I had to bring back your changes after the move to fewer
>>>>>>>>>>> modules,
>>>>>>>>>>> I
>>>>>>>>>>> might have missed something.
>>>>>>>>>>> Glen
>>>>>>>>>>> On 07/29/2013 07:20 AM, Greg Huber wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>     Glen,
>>>>>>>>>>>   Can you test whether you can delete a media file folder?  ie add
>>>>>>>>>>> a
>>>>>>>>>>>> folder
>>>>>>>>>>>> and then try and delete it.  For me it seems to delete it OK but
>>>>>>>>>>>> when
>>>>>>>>>>>> you
>>>>>>>>>>>> refresh the media file folder view it is still there.  If I then
>>>>>>>>>>>> shut
>>>>>>>>>>>> down
>>>>>>>>>>>> tomcat and restart it is gone.  It seems something to do with its
>>>>>>>>>>>> cache?
>>>>>>>>>>>> checking:
>>>>>>>>>>>> public Query getNamedQuery(String queryName)
>>>>>>>>>>>> ....
>>>>>>>>>>>>       q.setFlushMode(FlushModeType.**********COMMIT);
>>>>>>>>>>>> it sets the query to flush on commit, which should in theory flush
>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>> query cache when the transaction is committed.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Is there some callback method we need to call to get it to flush?
>>>>>>>>>>>> Cheers Greg

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